Kyuubi stared in horror at the bloody mess that was his mate and… his kit! Where was his kit?! From then on, everything was red… Dark Naruto

Inspired by Just Let go my Kit by Moonlight black rose


Silence. A dark figure flits between the trees without a sound. It pokes its head into view, a flash of something silver on its forehead. Gone again. Several more figures look out and disappear again. More silence.

The ninja looked over at his comrades, talking to them with hand signs.

/Target confirmed. We've found the den. /

/What's our mission again/

The figure suppressed a sigh. /We received reports that the demons have stolen a human newborn. They have likely taken it to eat it. Our mission is to retrieve the infant. /

/Did the child's parents request this mission/

/No, you idiot! Were you even at the briefing? We have several reports of people seeing this demon with a human child. Everyone in position/

Everyone nodded.

/Move out. /

The figures vanished, disappearing into the night.


Nichi nuzzled her newborn kit gently, a soft smile on her fox-features as the tiny golden bundle rolled over and cooed in his sleep, minute, human-like fingers brushing against his mother's soft muzzle. He was only several hours old.

The female Taiyokai (1) was in a smaller version of her true form for the time being, about the size of a large horse. The birthing had taken a lot out of her and it was more comfortable staying in her fox form instead of her humanoid form for now.

She glanced toward the entrance of the den, curling her three, dark gold tails around her kit for warmth. She nuzzled him again and he burbled.

She wondered when her mate would return. He had gone out to hunt and wouldn't be returning for a while. For reasons she couldn't explain, Nichi was agitated. The wind was blowing away from the den, preventing any foreign smells from reaching her and she had a feeling that something bad was going to happen. She just couldn't shake the feeling off.

Kyuubi… come back soon. She thought nervously. If something bad did happen, she would be all but defenseless in her current state. It unnerved her.

Reluctantly, Nichi stood up and removed her tails from around her small, blonde kit. She smiled as the boy's face turned into an adorable frown, his nose and whisker-marked cheeks wrinkling in protest at the sudden lack of warmth.

She shook her head in amusement and strode over to the small spring at the back of the den. Dipping her head, she lapped up the water, quenching her thirst.

Life was good these days. Kyuubi had finally been appointed as the new Lord of the Demons and they would be moving into his family's old palace by the end of the month. And, of course, they had just become parents to a beautiful little boy, although they had yet to name the kit. Even with the feeling of uneasiness around her, Nichi had never been so happy. She could still remember the joy and amazement on Kyuubi's face when he found out that he was going to be a father.

Suddenly she paused, frowning. Something was wrong. She lifted her head ad sniffed the air, eyes widening. What were…?

A large number of shuriken and kunai dug into her flesh and she screamed. Blood began dripping onto her dark gold fur, staining it red. Her tails lashed out wildly, smashing into one of the many humans and sending him crashing into the wall. He fell to the ground limply.

More weapons drove into her body and a number of human jutsu's pummeled her body, burning her fur and breaking her bones. She screamed again as razor-sharp blade of wind and earth dug into her flesh.

A wail of distress reached her sensitive ears. Her silver eyes widened and she whipped her head around to see a human running off with her precious kit. The blonde boy screamed for his mother.

"My kit!" She screamed, making a frantic dash towards the retreating ninja. Suddenly, she found herself unable to move.

"Shadow Possession Jutsu; success!" Declared a ninja.

Another volley of weapons and jutsus rammed into her painfully and she released a roar of pain and anger. A large shuriken lashed through her throat, however, cutting her cry short. Bright blood splashed onto the ground. Suddenly the shadow-using ninja lost his hold on her and was quickly killed when one of her tails smashed into him. She collapsed onto the cold ground, her blood coming out on floods. More attacks pummels her and she tumbled into darkness.

My kit! My precious kit!


Kyuubi walked through the woods happily, humming a tune and two proud buck deer hanging over his shoulders. Today was surely the proudest day of his life. He was finally a father! He finally had a family with Nichi and he couldn't be happier.

A bright smile covered his tanned cheeks, wrinkling the three whisker-marks unique to the Kitsune Clan. His dark red hair was a flame in the evening darkness, his nine matching tails twitching in anticipation to get home. He picked up the pace.

When he got within a hundred yards of his den, Kyuubi could quickly tell that something was wrong. The smell of humans was all over the trees of his forest and by the looks of things, they hadn't been normal civilian humans either. Ninjas?

He frowned and lifted his nose up into the air, sniffing delicately. His frown deepened. The smell of blood was thick in the air and it was coming from the direction of…

He gasped and dropped the deer, sprinting at inhuman speeds toward his den.

Nichi! He thought frantically, dashing through the entrance. What met his eyes caused him to come to a screeching stop. Tears filled his eyes and he turned away, vomiting. When the heaves finally stopped, Kyuubi forced himself to look upon the horrible scene.

His beloved mate's broken body lay bloodily on the ground, her once golden fur forever stained dark red. The smell of human and blood was everywhere, he was nearly drowning in it. He fell to his knees, sobbing his mate! His beloved mate! She was dead! Why? Why?

"WHY?!" He bellowed, the volume of his cry frightening away any creature nearby.

Slowly, his sobs melted into growls of rage. Who could have done this? Why? What reason could humans possibly have for killing his mate and kit?

His kit!

He stood up and frantically looked around his kit! Where was his kit?! He searched and sniffed but there was no sign of his newborn kit anywhere in the den. He clenched his fists, his eyes glowing crimson.

Those humans! Those bastard humans! They took his kit! They took his kit! They killed his mate and stole his kit! He'd kill them! He'd kill them! HE'D KILL THEM!

From that point on, everything was red.


"Hokage-sama! Hokage-sama!" A brown haired ninja called frantically.

A tall man with bright yellow hair and blue eyes turned around to the man who had just entered his office. He had barely heard him over the screams of the infant that had just been "rescued."

The poor child was frantic, his screams loud and piercing and he simply refused to stop. The Yondaime and a number of medics had done everything they could think of in hope of calming the child down, but nothing they did worked. They finally came to the conclusion that the infant was just terrified.

"What is it, Umino-san?" The Yondaime asked.

The brown haired man clutched his bleeding arm. "Yondaime-sama! You must return to the battle quickly! We're being slaughtered! The Kyuubi will be upon the village in less than an hour if we don't stop it! I…"

The man hunched over suddenly, coughing madly, blood spraying across the richly carpeted floor.

"Umino-san!" The blonde man cried in alarm, rushing towards the other ninja, but the man collapsed to the floor just as he approached, exposing his savagely wounded back.

The Yondaime clenched his eyes shut and turned his face away painfully at the sight. No matter how many times he saw it, death never got any easier to bear.

A large hand rested on his shoulder and he turned to look into the face of his former sensei. The Sannin's face was grave as he gave the newly appointed Hokage a reassuring squeeze to the shoulder.

The retired Hokage was also in the room, standing over the still screaming infant.

"Are you sure you wish to do this, Arashi?" The Third asked.

The blonde man nodded and placed a hand to his forehead wearily. "It's the only way. I hate doing this when we just saved the boy from the demons, but he'd the only one young enough for me to perform the seal."

A vicious cry and a deep rumbling shuddered through the Hokage Tower. Biting his lip worriedly, Arashi hurried to finish the seals on the baby boy. The child screeched.

When the last mark was completed, he picked up the basket and infant and hurried out of the tower. He wished there were some other way to stop the Nine-tailed demon fox, but there was none.

Ha arrived at the scene of the battle on the head of Gamabunta, the boss toad. His appearance gave new heart to all of the ninjas present at the fight and they began again with newly restored vigor, cheering for their leader.

On top of the toad's head, however, Arashi was doing anything but cheering. He held back the tears welling in his eyes. "I'm sorry, little one." He whispered to the child in his arms.

Kyuubi turned his attention to the new threat, growling furiously. He let out a might roar and charged. Arashi began making seals.

"Keep it busy!" He shouted.

"No problem!" Gamabunta replied, dodging the attacked aimed at him by the fox. The toad narrowed his eyes. There is something strange about this. The look in Kyuubi's eyes… it is one of loss. What exactly did you do, Arashi?

Becoming frustrated, Kyuubi roared again and lashed out with his tail. The toad boss cried out as it slashed across his eye, blood spurting from the wound.

"Hurry up, Arashi! Gah!"

The hand seals flew by rapidly. "Shiki Fūjin!"

The next thing Kyuubi knew, he was being pulled into the naval of a familiar newborn child.


Then all was black.


Sarutobi sighed and gazed sadly at the small golden haired bundle in his office. The child had finally stopped crying, though no one was sure of the reason why. Tearstains still marked his whiskered cheeks.

The villagers had not taken the boy's existence very well. As soon as they wee told that the Kyuubi no Youko was sealed within him, there were instantly shouts and cries for the infant's death.

Not too long after, the Sandaime decreed a law forbidding the incident with the Kyuubi to be spoken about in public and forbidding Naruto and the younger generation from being told what really happened that night. Naruto would never have to know about his tenet.

Yes, he had named the child Naruto. It wasn't a common name, but it had been the first one to come onto his head and it seemed to suit the child.

Naruto yawned in his sleep, his tiny arms reaching out for something or someone. He grunted and whimpered when he couldn't find it. His tiny face scrunched up in distress and he opened his eyes.

Sarutobi reached for the earplugs.

End Prologue

(1) A Taiyokai is an advanced type of demon that more or less looks human. They have a human form and also what is known as their "true form" which more or less is a bigger, scarier version of whatever animal they represent. For example, in Inuyasha, Sesshomaru sometimes turns into a giant dog. Is that clear? Okay.

KYUUBI WILL BE EVIL IN THIS FIC!!! Do not get it wrong. Kyuubi will still be evil, but I based him on the idea that even though he often kills for fun, he doesn't attack large amounts of people without a reason. He's a freaking Demon Lord.

Okay guys, I have two things for you guys to vote for.

Pairing or no pairing?


Do you want Gaara to have a similar sort of thing going on? We all know he looks nothing like the rest of his family, so I might have a surprise heritage if you guys want it. Like the Kazekage not really being his dad after all. (Come on people, he has bright red hair and light green eyes. All his other family members have brown or blonde hair and dark eyes.)

Yes? No?

Also, this fic isn't going to be very AU until the Chuunin Exams roll around, which should be pretty soon. I'm also going to start off at the end of the Wave Arc, after Naruto first unleashes his power on Haku. He's going to start going through some interesting… changes.

Read and review! I love my reviewers!