Disclaimer: I claim no ownership of characters used. All are licensed to their respective owners. I am not making any money through authorship of this fic.
Chapter Thirteen
"Wow, I can't believe Natsuki's actually married. You know… as in married. My cousin Natsuki is somebody's wife… seriously its just all so…"
"Nao," Tate interrupted. "There is no way… no way in hell that you're going to follow Shizuru and Natsuki to the honeymoon. They've only been gone one day and you wanna interrupt them already?"
"Am I that easy to read?," the redhead asked innocently.
"No, but you really are that much of an idiot," Tate said as he gave Nao his patented 'why did you even bother asking?' look, and yelled out into the next room to call for reinforcements.
"Niiina! Nao's planning weird stuff again!"
Since Shizuru and Natsuki were going to be away for three weeks, Nina had been coerced into staying in Natsuki's room for the meantime. This was of course to make sure the newlyweds wouldn't have to come home to a pile of Nao created rubble…
"I can hear the gears of stupid turning, what's going on here?," the younger girl asked as she walked into the lounge where her two older cousins were currently situated.
Tate simply pointed at the redhead, causing Nina to roll her eyes.
"Nao wants to fly off to the honeymoon huh?," she asked with a laugh. "Seriously, there is no…"
"No way in hell, yeah yeah I got it," Nao replied in an annoyed fashion. "What's with you two suddenly spouting off the same lines anyway? It's like you're both channeling Natsuki vibes… also, its very scary. Please stop."
"We're not channeling her vibes you idiot, she left notes! They're plastered on the fridge, on the doors to all of our rooms and next to all the phones in the house. And they all state very clearly, 'there is no way…'"
"Hey! I said I got the line, stop repeating it already!"
"Sorry Nao, but you heard Natsuki junior," Tate said. "The notes are up… and I have no idea what kind of glue that sister of mine used but they're not coming down in a hurry. Besides, each one comes complete with a very Natsuki-esque violent warning at the very bottom. I don't think you should risk it."
Nina nodded her agreement as Tate's sentence veered off and she opted to add her own.
"And you never know, she might actually go through with one of those piranha threats one of these days," she said. "Besides… its not like you'd fly off to their honeymoon alone, they'd roast you alive and then feed you to the pirahna's."
"Natsuki's thoughtful that way," Tate added. "And come on, what kind of complete idiots would follow you there, I mean that is just too in…"
"Helloooo Kuga's!," came the call of interruption from the front door. "Open up! It's cold out here and we're dressed for summer!"
"… sane," Tate finished unnecessarily.
The second after they heard the sound of the voice, Tate and Nina locked eyes and used their 'competent-cousin' link to communicate with each other.
"Nina quick lock the doors! If we keep them from coming in and doing odd things maybe we'll survive Natsuki's wrath!"
"Right! That's a good idea if we keep them out then they can't do anything weird and we won't get in trouble!"
Unfortunately for Tate and Nina, Nao was of course without the 'competent-cousin' link and at that very moment was busily…
"Hey Nao, thanks for opening the door!," Chie said as she stepped in. "Look, look! I've brought familiar faces!"
Nina and Tate could only gape as they watched the entire ex-wedding party fill their lounge… all suspiciously accessorized with large suitcases.
"Hey! What's going on here?," Nina asked as she felt a prickly feeling at the back of her neck that always made itself known when…
"Nina! I've missed you!"
"Holy crap you guys brought Arika? Why?!"
"Oi Kuga," Haruka said whilst trying to pry Arika off the struggling Nina. "Get off, she might die."
"Wow Haruka, blunt as usual," Tate said as he finally gave up being 'responsible' and stood to welcome his guests.
"And Haruka don't call her 'Kuga', Tate and I are the only Kuga's around here at the moment!," Nina yelled at the girl.
"You know I rather resent that," Nao said nonchalantly as she watched the bossy blonde finally succeed in her efforts to free Nina before wandering off.
"Nina, Nina, Nina," Haruka started. "I might as well just start calling her a Kuga now, don't you know that those of the Fujino line always get what they want? And besides Natsuki and Shizuru are married now so I've gotta find some other wedding to plan…"
"Don't say my name over and over! Just once is enough… just keep her over there would you? And wedding? What wedding? What in the hell is that supposed to mean?!"
Tate and Reito, a little worried that flying bits of furniture would be the cause of their demise should Haruka and Nina come to blows, stood a little way apart from the girls.
"They seem like they really missed each other," Tate mused.
Reito nodded.
"I completely agree."
"Shall I make tea?," Yukino asked as she joined them… being one of only two sane females in the room she felt she at least needed to make an effort to act like one.
"Thanks for the offer Yukino but… I don't want to risk placing any cups in front of those people for a while…"
The young woman nodded as she looked upon Nina, Haruka and Arika.
"They sure channel some excellent energy don't they?," she mused aloud.
"In the scariest way possible," said the second sane female in the room as she walked over. "I really hope I don't have to room with Arika and Nina, no matter where we're going… in fact I think I'd be ok with sleeping outside."
"Don't worry Mikoto, if worse comes to worst, you can room with me and Haruka."
Yukino said the last line in such a sincere manner, the younger girl didn't have the heart to tell her that on her list of scary, Haruka's name was written just under Arika's and a little higher than Nina's.
The girl instead contented herself with a well deserved sigh.
In the battle zone…
Chie, Aoi, and Mai were apparently without the preservation skills of the previous four mentioned and at that moment in time decided to idiotically wander closer to the three threatening to cave in the roof with all their yelling.
And the more recent pointing and jumping up and down.
Normally Nao would have been a part of their forces, armed with video camera and all but she seemed to have disappeared off somewhere, along with a certain green haired girl.
"Umm, Haruka sweetheart?," Yukino called to the blonde when she found a rare pause in the yelling. "Didn't we come here for a rather specific reason?"
"Ah yes!," Haruka replied, her face brightening quite considerably. "Kugas, its time to pack!"
Tate and Nina locked eyes and seemingly molding their voices into one person, both yelled out…
"Pack?! Get the hell out of our house!!"
"That's the spirit you two!," Nao said as she and Tomoe threw packed suitcases at Nina and Tate. "We should all just hurry up and get out of the house!"
"Yaay! Holiday trip with Nina!," Arika said whilst bouncing unnecessarily.
"How could this happen to me?," Nina asked no one in particular.
"It's your own damn fault kiddo," Nao said as she wrapped an arm around the girl's shoulders. "You're the one that kissed her at the wedding reception."
From the corner of her eye Nina could see Chie and Aoi nodding.
"Yep, you sure did Nina, we have it on video tape," Chie said.
"And I have the clip as my computer screensaver!," Arika added.
At that statement silence filled the room as everyone in it was filled with the warm feeling of nostalgia. Nina, mouth agape was doing her best tomato impression… and looked exactly like Natsuki.
Of course a second after that the room was filled with booming laughter at the girl's expense…
"Geez! Alright, alright!," Nina proclaimed, throwing caution (and sanity) to the winds. "Let's go. Let's all go get ourselves shot at by Natsuki on the grounds that we're gonna invade their honeymoon! Just don't let me be the one that has to face off with Shizuru alright? I heard that idiot Takeda is still in hospital."
Nao cocked her head at Nina and pulled her best 'confused' expression.
"The honeymoon? Nina what on Earth are you talking about? Tomoe told me we're heading off to Haruka's private island. She invited us all there even before the wedding. Sheesh, who'd wanna risk the wrath of Natsuki?"
About half an hour later…
When all the suitcases and soon-to-be airline passengers were safely seated in Haruka organized vehicles, Nina and Nao of course being separated due to homicide threat issues, the group headed off to the nearest airport.
When they arrived, they found the area even more packed than usual…
"What's the deal, cancelled flights?," Tate guessed.
"Probably," Haruka replied. "This is what you people get by flying commercial," she added as the group rode the private bus to their Lear jet.
Nao snorted at the comment.
"Right, and I'm sure that wasn't supposed to come out all high and mighty."
"Don't worry about her," Reito said. "She's just jealous. Her father forbids everyone in their family to fly commercial lines for some odd reason… and for that she's always wanted to try it."
"Reito! Don't reveal stuff about me! You know everyone, when Reito was younger he was in love with our college art history professor!"
"Hey… leave Miss Sugiura out of this!"
"… Haruka always wanted to be a brunette," said a quietly amused voice. "I once found a wig magazine in our bedroom."
…When they reached the private jet, Haruka more than a little relieved. She hoped that now at least, the secret sharing would stop.
As they all boarded the plane, they were all greeted by the pilot and attendant of the plane as expected.
… and as unexpected… they were also greeted by noises one would expect from a honeymooning couple…
"Uh, R15 please," Mai called out as she kept her hands over Mikoto's eyes while the younger girl covered her ears.
Everyone waited just on the staircase to the plane giving Shizuru and Natsuki a little time to freshen up…
Well everyone except Nao, and her recently grabbed cell phone camera courtesy of Chie.
"At least they weren't completely naked," Tomoe mused aloud.
"Whatever, just as long as my plane is kept clean for the duration of the flight, they're free to do what they want."
"That's very open minded of you Haruka," Nao said. "I'm sure the randy couple over there is very appreciative. You should expect a fruits basket."
"We're right here! Stop talking about us like we're not!," Natsuki said while wearing an uncharacteristic pout.
"Our friends all took so long, Natsuki puppy got a little impatient…"
"Wow Natsuki, you initiated?," Nao asked with a wink and a nudge. "You go cousin of mine!"
"Why do we all have to listen to this?! Haruka, buy a bigger plane!," Nina said while trying to hide her blush.
"Aww look! Nina's getting all shy!"
"You're lucky they don't allow guns at airports Nao."
"This is so fantastic… the whole gang together again!," the redhead said. "I'm sure death threats towards me are going to triple during the next five hours!"
Nina looked over to Natsuki just to make sure she wasn't 'busy' with Shizuru before letting out her next statement.
"Natsuki, maybe we should just kill her now? You know, to save us the trouble of having to do it later?"
Natsuki, being presented by a request from her favourite cousin was about to nod her head in the affirmative… but found she couldn't as her lips were too busy being attached to Shizuru's.
"Uh ok then!," said Nina hurriedly as she whipped her head and eyes towards the front of the plane where the kissing was not. "I'll talk to you guys later!"
"Hey are you guys getting all this?," Mai asked as she leant over towards Chie and Aoi.
"Of course!," Chie replied. "But we're not sure whether to title the upcoming DVD release 'Kuga/Fujino honeymoon,' or 'Cousins: At war.' But the title will probably come to us later…
"Mai honey, buckle your seatbelt alright?," Tate said as he pulled his girlfriend into a sitting position. "We're flying with Nao… lets just try to be as safe as possible."
"Umm Haruka dear?," Yukino asked in a whisper. "You didn't know that their flight had been cancelled and that they decided to honeymoon on our island instead… right?"
"And, Haruka," Yukino continued. "Please don't tell me you planned a detailed itinerary for their honeymoon…"
The blonde put on her best sheepish look and settled comfortably in her seat.
"You don't ask, I don't tell."
"Psst, Nina," Arika said as she poked the girl sitting next to her. "You wanna kiss?"
"Please God, nobody wake me 'til we get there," Mikoto prayed from her spot next to the two girls.
"Ok," began Haruka, reverting back to her 'Army general' persona. "How do we want to split the rooms? There are enough in the beach house for one each but since this is someone's honeymoon I figured… hey, where's that Fujino and her Kuga? I'm organizing here dammit!"
… In a room nearby…
"Ah, peace at last," Natsuki said as she pulled Shizuru on top of her and they settled in for a long awaited honeymoon kiss.
Breaking it off after a minute or two, Shizuru managed to get a sulky complaint from Natsuki. Giving one of her charming laughs, the girl then leaned in to whisper in Natsuki's ear…
"Don't worry… I was just about to show you the new negligee I bought for the trip…"
Natsuki gulped audibly and looked to the door, half-expecting Chie, Aoi, Mai and Nao to fall into the room with a cell phone camera attached to one of their hands… that is of course until Shizuru pulled her in for another kiss.
"Uh, uh, uh… you're mine tonight," she whispered.
… Back in the beach house front room…
"Haruka! This is insane!," Nao complained. "Where did you get that police tape? And why have you tapered off the only route to the room their in?"
"Simple. You're a moron and I don't want anyone to be murdered in my beach house tonight. Just leave them alone and go frolick with your girlfriend. Sheesh."
"And what do you call these?," Nina asked her redheaded cousin.
"Polaroid cameras," Arika answered innocently.
A minute earlier Nao had called the three youngest girls over for a 'secret' meeting and had suspiciously presented them each with a camera.
"Yes, but why are we holding them?"
"Because we're gonna play a little game girls!," Nao proclaimed. "Here are the rules… try to get as many pictures of our couples kissing as you can. One hundred points for a 'Yukino, Haruka' one hundred points for a 'Chie, Aoi' and two hundred points for a 'Shizuru, Natsuki' … obviously because there's more risk of death with that couple than the other two.
'This has ridiculous written allover it,' Mikoto thought to herself as soon as she was handed hers.
"Fine, fine, fine," Nina replied exasperatedly. "We'll play your game purely for the reason that you won't leave us alone if we don't."
"You have twenty four hours. Winner gets to choose whatever prize I can provide!," the red head said smugly as she walked off.
"So the prize is a promise of never ending stupidity?," Nina asked Nao's retreating form.
DAY TWO- part B
It was the end of the day and all the couples were returning to the beach house they were all staying in. Tomoe entered first and let out an uncharacteristic yelp as she saw the walls of the main room.
"What in the hell?!"
… Plastered all over the walls were pictures of Tomoe and Nao in compromising positions… rated R15 though, after all Mikoto helped take some photos too.
The girl in question handed Nao a piece of paper with Nina's writing on it.
Hey Nao,
Like my handiwork?
Chie, Aoi – 100 points.
Haruka, Yukino - 100 points.
Shizuru, Natsuki – 200 points.
Nao getting no love from her sweet green haired girlfriend tonight? – PRICELESS.
'Hmm, this is odd,' Mikoto thought to herself as she wandered the beach. 'Where is everyone? (!) … oh geez I hope nobody murdered anybody else… this does not need to turn into a scary horror.'
As she walked along, the younger girl thanked her lucky stars that she didn't have to be attached to Nina and Arika this time around. Being alone sometimes was much better than being constantly disturbed.
Deciding to do some exploring, as one would naturally do when bored on someone else's private island, Mikoto first decided to go visit the waterfall Nao told her about.
… Of course she should have known better…
As soon as she got there she was bombarded with too many sights of things she didn't want to see. Ever.
Shizuru and Natsuki were lazing around in the warm waters and were far too busy being busy with each other so Mikoto decided to make a quiet escape.
Unfortunately for her there were too many loud sounds coming out of her mouth.
"Aargh! Skin!! … Much too much skin!! And what in the heck were they doing anyway?!"
The poor girl ran as fast as she could back to her room… and unfortunately still, on the way she inadvertently ran past Yukino and Haruka on the beach, who were busy, Chie and Aoi a little further down the way who were busier and Tomoe and Nao who were… just plain nosebleed material.
As she ran into the main room of the beach house, she was met by the calm faces of Tate and Reito who were relaxing with drinks and Mai who was reading a book.
"Mikoto! Are you alright? What happened?," Mai asked as soon as she saw her little sister's expression.
"Mai! You have to get me off this island! … if you don't I may just turn into a lesbian!!"
Earlier on that morning, Nina had somehow been persuaded by Tomoe's somewhat 'ant-like' little sister to go on a fishing trip.
The reasons for her agreement were hazy at best but some theories were based around the fact that Arika had a copy of their wedding-reception kiss and thanks to a suggestion from Nao, was now completely capable of broadcasting it in front of both their High Schools.
… Nao was useful like that…
"Hey Nina! Let's pretend we're lost on an island!"
"We don't have to pretend Arika you idiot! We're actually screwed!"
"… aren't we a little young for that?"
"Arika, run. Run away or I swear… I will kill you!"
"You can't do that Nina! On this island we can pretend to be married just like Shizuru and Natsuki!
… Unfortunately, whilst on this fishing trip, the two girls managed to both fall asleep and found that when they awoke, their small boat had landed on what seemed to be a remote part of the island…
Ahead of her, Nina could only see a tall cliff with a dense forrest at the very top.
"Yeah, we're definitely screwed. Arika listen up, we have to gather firewood ok? And later on we really have to go fishing for some food. As soon as everyone notices that we're missing Haruka'll send out a rescue party to find us so we're best off staying here. Don't worry, I'll protect you for whatever's ahead. I promise…Hey, Arika? Are you even listening to me?"
"Well yeah… but I don't really understand what you're talking about… you kind off fell asleep earlier so I rowed us back to the beach we launched off earlier. See? Nao's just over there…"
… Nina then turned her head a little to the right…
"Hey! Nina!," Nao called as she waved the younger girls over. "What the heck are you doing staring up at that cliff for? Looking for a place to be alone with Arika? We have rooms you know! Man, what an amateur."
Nina shot the girl next to her an evil look. Arika just smiled.
"Oh Nina, you're so cute. You said you'd protect me and everything! Hehe."
On the last day at the island, the group decided to have the obligatory bonfire on the beach…
"Ah," Nao said as she plopped herself down between Tomoe and the canoodling newlyweds. "This was one of the most relaxing weeks of my life."
Mikoto looked over and found herself taken over by bouts of jealousy.
'I think this was the most stressful week of mine,' she thought.
"We should all do this again sometime!," Reito said with a genuinely happy smile.
Mikoto nodded.
'I definitely agree,' she thought. 'I'll see you all off at the airport.'
"Hey hey!," Arika said in her usual 'weird outburst' fashion. "Maybe Haruka will let us have the island all to ourselves next time Nina. Then we can really pretend to be newlyweds like Shizuru and Natsuki!"
At that the three older Kuga cousins raised their eyebrows.
"Pretend?," Tate asked.
"... to be?," Natsuki added.
"Newlyweds?!," Nao finished. "Ahahahahahahahahaahah!"
Haruka looked on at the scene genuinely confused.
"Why do you have to pretend? I already said that I'd plan your wedding for you. Listen to what people are saying!"
Mikoto sighed, but as she looked on at the group around her, letting her gaze settle on Arika and Nina, she couldn't help but smile.
'Honestly,' she thought. 'We're definitely the next generation of weird, but with these guys guiding us through… I'm sure we'll be just fine.'
DAY SIX- Return to civilization.
When Haruka's Lear jet had landed at the airport with everyone parting ways after all saying the usual holiday line of 'I need a holiday to recover from my holiday,' Mai took Natsuki aside for a moment…
"I've been meaning to talk to you all week," she said with a wink. "But you've been a little busy, anyway Natsuki, I have a little favour to ask you and Shizuru…"
"No," Natsuki easily replied.
"I promise this has nothing to do with Nao…"
"Alright then, maybe."
"You see my cousin's having this big reunion thing and I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to introduce Tate to the family. But I already promised to look after…"
Natsuki rolled her eyes.
"Geez Mai, alright alright, say no more. As your best friend its not like I can say no anyway."
"Really?! Wow Natsuki that's great. You're sure you're sure right?"
"Of course!"
The two parted ways pleased that the other was pleased…
'Come on Mai, of course I wouldn't mind looking after your pet dog. I love dogs!'
'I really can't believe Natsuki agreed to baby-sit… I didn't think she was any good with kids…'
TBC?? – Yes! This will be continued in the sequel! Go read it if you feel the urge to see Shiznat's skills with little ones!
AN: Thanks to all who asked and waited for this honeymoon chapter!! Calls for a sequel will be answered as well, in fact I will absolutely try my hardest to try and get the first chapter out by tonight! Thanks again for your time! – Phantom.