Chibi is What Chibi Does
A/N: Ah…after such angst in the Oneshot in chapter two of Darknight Encounters, I thought it would be appropriate to upload something cheery…and chibi instead. (hehe, and because of such kind encouragement from Aki and everyone else. Hehe…I hope you like this chapter, Aki! And I hope to continue to see such great writings from you).
Disclaimer: I do not own Mahou Sensei Negima nor the idea of the waterfall (which was inspired by over-watching the Emperor's New Groove)
Explanations for Chapter One:
ChibiSetsuna was feeling bored on the day before Valentines Day, and upset that her larger form took no notice of her. Seeing as to how Setsuna kept on secretly watching Konoka, the chibi yanked her hair- causing Konoka to notice. Despite Secchan's protest, Konoka took the chibi away.
The scene changes to where Konoka had dressed ChibiSecchan in a cupid suit, and asked her to help the little mistress in getting Setsuna to enjoy Valentines day. With the promise that ChibiKonochan would particiapte, and lots of Valentines Day candy when they succeed, ChibiSecchan agreed, sneaking back that night and stealing Setsuna's hair band.
Konoka appears the next day with Asuna and Negi, and they soon drag Setsuna off to a balloon ride. Underneath the balloon, ChibiSecchan and ChibiKonoka watch the couple above, shooting arrows at the balloon.
Setsuna is shocked to see that the card she had prepared for Konoka had been switched, and the hot air balloon suddenly lurches (due to the arrows ChibiSetsuna shot), forcing the half demon to accidentally kiss Konoka. Later, the Konoe heiress persuades Setsuna to go with her on a Valentines Day boat ride. She commands ChibiSecchan to steal the oars, and throw it away, rendering the boat uncontrollable as they drift away from the other boat-riders….
Notes: italics are thoughts. It should be evident who's thoughts they belong to depending on the scene.
Review Replies for Chapter One:
Ryûchan: Thank you for the review! Hehe, I hope the chibis will continue to bring loveyness in this chapter. Gomen for the lateness in updating.
Ryuu: hehe (is updating very very late this time, with no holiday whatsoever)…Thankies for the review!! And Furu hopes to send lotslots of smilesmiles with this fic!
-k4a0z1e-: Furu is glad that you like the chibis. Thankies for the review!
Dobbychan: Thank you for the review. Hehe…sorry for taking so long to update. Ahhh…sneaky plan continues!!!
Kazie-chan: Thankies for the review…ah…please don't be mad at me if you read this? (sneaking online to update….hehe)
Asasin8444: Ah, Furu is continuing, hehe. I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint? Thank you for the review.
Rider Souma: hehe…ehhh! Furu thinks Chibi-Kono-chan might even be more mischievous…hehe. Thankies for the review.
Jisatsu: Thankies for the review! Hehe more chibi mischief!!!
Bishimimou: Thank you for the review. maybe Furu is troubling Secchan too much with chibi madness. Ah, Furu would love to read your stories sometime!
riyoko: Thank you for the kind review. Ah…gomen for the late update.
Nana the Dwarf: ahhh! (sends chapter two!!) hehe, thank you for the review.
baka purple: Thank you for such nice words. Sorry for taking so long to update, but Furu hopes you will enjoy this chapter.
RanKuro: Thank you for the review. Hehe…Onwards with the Chibi cupid ness!!
RAGN: Thank you for the review. Ah, yupyup….Furu should really finish one story before starting another…but sometimes, inspiration comes, and I can't help but write it down while it's still there.
Akira-kun: hehe…Furu thinks…you said I should upload this fic? Hehe, I hope chapter two doesn't disappoint. Ahhh! And Furu really really loves your story!!! Thank you for writing so well.
Rain54: Ah, sorry for the late update. Furu is very glad to hear that you like the chibi-caused madness, hehe. Thank you for the review!! It made me really happy.
Chapter Two: No Library is an Island
HE was the protector of the secrets hidden deep inside the Island, the Guardian of the Gates, the King of all Mythical Creatures. His armor is the color of dried blood, his weapons-sharp long teeth and fearsome claws, and his roar- a loud boom of thunder, is enough to echo throughout the entire corner of the world in which he ruled.
He prided himself in the strength of his almighty wings, and the scarlet fire that blew from the tip of his poisonous tongue. None dared to challenge him. For decades, he had ruled the caverns, chasing out any invaders that dare cross his path.
So when the time came that day when he heard voices echo through the chambers of his domain, he flew quickly forward, intent on annihilating this new enemy. Baring gleaming white teeth in a sinister smile, he breathed, firing a blazing inferno-
"There he is! ChibiSecchan, attack!!!"
The dragon of Library Island paused, amusedly watching the tiny form dart forward.
"Hy-ah! Hy-ah!!" ChibiSecchan flew towards the dragon, brave sword slashing rapidly upon the dragon's scale in various places. A sharp jab in the wings, a fierce cut in the abdomen, she moved almost too quick to observe.
"Hyaaaahhhh!" With one swift thrust, Setsuna's smaller form blared her pointed sword towards-
The dragon snorted, blowing the helpless chibi away.
The chibi spun in the air, hitting the wall and slid downwards, momentarily dazed. ChibiSecchan stumbled on the ground of the cave, chibi Yuunagi still in her hands.
ChibiKonoka raced towards the other chibi as the dragon laughed, wisp of smoke gusting from it's nostrils. The miniature sword's soft brushes had no effect on his tough scales. He watched the chibis with disinterested eyes, eventually turning back. The chibis were no worthy enemy.
Behind the magical monstrosity, ChibiSetsuna stood up, shaking her head to stop the dizziness.
"ChibiSecchan, are you okay?"
The mini form of Setsuna blushed and nodded, embarrassed at the easy defeat. Puffing her chest and rolling up her sleeves, she boldly fluttered towards the dragon, sword raised in valiant pose. Taking a swift glance to see if the other chibi was watching her, ChibiSetsuna charged towards the library's guardian, determined to display her true strength to impress ChibiKonoka.
She circled around the massive creature's wings, trying to find a suitable spot to attack. The dragon continued on, not caring to notice the chibi flying above his head. Round and round ChibiSecchan flew, examining the dragon closely and searching for any weak places.
With an excited cry of glee, ChibiSecchan noticed that there were fewer scales under the dragon's necks and hands. Aiming her sword towards the dragon, she rushed forward, poking the creature with her tiny sword. The dragon roared in utter anguish, rolling across the chamber in attempt to detach the sword's connection with it's skin.
Never had he felt such irritation, like a thousand bristles, brushing on bare skin…such vulnerability…such…
-it tickles!!!
Oh the agony!!!
He twitched, ferocious tail whacking on the walls as he struggled to shoot a line of fire at the attacker. ChibiSecchan flew off, poking the dragon in different places. She was too fast for him to catch, and the dragon continued to flail.
ChibiKonoka watched her partner's tickle-battle and sighed. Sweat dropping, Konoka's smaller form landed on top of the dragon's muzzle, looking at him straight into the eyes.
"Do you surrender?"
The dragon attempted a growl, only to be poked further by the sword near his tender belly. He yipped, tears coming to the poor dragon's eyes as he held in a strangled laugh. In panic he thought of how his enemies would hear of this…he was the King of all magical creatures!!- and he was also roaring in anguish of being tickled. Pride deflated, he took a glance at ChibiSetsuna, then bent his knees and bowed in surrender.
The chibis grinned to each other, then flew ahead, motioning for him to follow. The Guardian of Library Island bowed his head and trailed them silently cursing his twisted fate, to have fallen into the hands of a chibi enemy.
Setsuna edged further and further from the innocently smiling girl in front of her, towards the pointed front of the boat. She could feel the princess's eyes on her, watching her closely. Knowing that they were now alone after having been separated from the rest of the students during the last split in the river roadway, the half demon swallowed her breath.
There was a mischievous gleam in the Konoe heir's eyes as she bent forward, patting the seat beside her.
"Secchan!!! Why don't you come closer? It's not as comfortable sitting over there."
Setsuna shook her head fretfully.
"I-I'm fine over here, Ojou-sama. Besides, I have to see how we can control this thing. With the oars gone-"
Konoka tilted her head innocently. "Ne, Secchan. Why don't you use Yuunagi? I bet it's long enough to use as an oar."
The half demon's face paled, and she clutched the sword tighter in her hands.
"Bu-but Yuunagi. Ojou-sama, a sword must be respected by it's user. I-"
The healer giggled, scooting closer to tap Setsuna in the nose.
"Silly Secchan!" Setsuna blushed as the little mistress continued speaking, leaning increasingly closer to her all the while.
"If you want to get out of here, you could always fly us away."
Setsuna's turned towards the other girl. "Ojou-sama! Flying is for emergencies. You know that I'm not allowed to-"
Konoka pouted. "But I like seeing your wings."
For a moment, the little mistress placed a finger on her chin, looking thoughtfully at her protector, then at the boat. Suddenly, her face broke into a smile, and she grabbed the warrior's arms.
Setsuna blinked.
"Ne, Secchan? Would falling off of a large and seemingly dangerous waterfall count as an emergency?"
Setsuna stiffened. "wh-WHA?"
Konoka beamed, and indicated to where they were headed. True to her words, the boat began to move faster, and a sizeable waterfall appeared before them. As the boat began to tilt, Setsuna grabbed the girl beside her, spread her wings, and jumped.
Together they glided across the waterfall, Konoka snuggled safely in her guardian's arms. She giggled to herself, then bore her face on the demon's shoulders, suddenly glad that Setsuna did not recall that she was a member of the Library Exploration Team.
"Let's be lost in here together, Secchan."
"-but ChibiKonochan!!"
ChibiKonoka shook her head.
"Knowing Setsuna, she will never agree to go butterfly hunting with Konoka. We have to come up with a plan to persuade her. "
The chibi form of Konoka waved to the dragon behind them. The dragon shivered and covered his eyes, watching the mischievous chibis through his quivering claws.
"Mister Library guardian here can help us play the part of the evil butterfly eating dragon! His job is to stop anyone from crossing the forbidden parts of Library Island, ne? But instead of fighting…they play a game instead."
"No buts, ChibiSecchan! We're supposed to help bring Setsuna and Konoka together, right? What better way than having fun flying together?"
ChibiSecchan's eyes were round and teary as she tugged on the other chibi's shirt.
"But ChibiKonochan!!! Setsuna says, that every time a chibi lies, their teeth fall off! I don't wanna be a bad chibi…" words having said, the chibi pouted, crossing her arms together.
ChibiKonoka sighed.
"No they don't. Besides, eating candy is bad for the teeth too, and you do it all the time."
ChibiSetsuna whimpered, tiny drops of tears threatening to fall from her large round eyes. ChibiKonoka rushed forward and gave her a small hug.
"Your teeth will be fine. I promise."
ChibiSecchan blushed as she returned the hug with a glomp. "Reallyreally?"
"Really, really."
Behind them the once all-powerful dragon groaned silently, slamming his head on a nearby rock.
Since when had he agreed to the plan of pretending to be a butterfly-catching villain in his own home?
Beneath the waterfall, they landed on a beautiful meadow, painted with the red and gold of blooming flowers. Much to the young princess's disappointment, Setsuna paid the scene no heed, rushing off to find an exit from the underground paradise.
"Secchan! Why don't we stop and relax for a while?"
"Ojou-sama. We're lost. We have no time to-"
As if on cue, a dozen butterflies flew by, and one landed on top of the half demon's sword. Konoka grinned.
"We can't, Ojou-sama."
Setsuna shook her head. Hidden in a tall bush behind her, the chibis began to enact their plan.
"Go, Mister Dragon!"
The dragon soared across the meadow, sending a blast of fire ahead of him, and snatching Konoka by the shoulders using his claws. The chibis followed behind, flying to the startled half demon, who had already drawn her sword in alarm.
"A dragon? Ojou-sama!!" She hurried forward, about to chase after the dragon when the chibis stopped her.
"Setsuna, the butterfly-eating dragon has challenged you to a race! He won't let us pass unless we defeat him by catching twelve butterflies before he does!"
The chibi handed Setsuna a net, while the half demon looked on with confused eyes.
"Butterfly-eating dragon?"
The chibis giggled.
Setsuna leapt forward to catch up with the dragon; net held limply in her left hand. Deftly she dove, snatching Konoka from the dragon's grasp. The dragon remained circling above them with a net tied to his tail, blocking all escape routes. He waved the net along with his tail in and out of the flowers, catching a few butterflies as he flew.
The half demon hovered in the air with the princess in her arms, open-mouthed in shock. Her mind raced at the ridiculousness of it all.
Wha?…Who's ever heard of a dragon catching butterflies?…This is one…odd library.
The girl in her arms chuckled as the chibis cheered from below.
"Quick, Secchan!! He's already ahead of us!!"
Sighing, Setsuna held the healer tighter in her arms, extending the net downwards as she flew across the meadow. They dove in and out, chasing after the butterflies with the dragon flying alongside. Setsuna soared in circles upon the air, with the princess smiling radiantly in her arms.
"Faster, Secchan! That one!"
The half demon sweat-dropped.
The shinmei warrior blushed in spite of herself, as she watched the princess skip a few steps ahead of her.
"Kono-chan. That butterfly game- it was yours and the chibis' idea, wasn't it?"
She turned her head behind, watching as the dragon roared and flew away.
Konoka spun the flower in her hands, then walked towards her protector and placed the flower in Setsuna's hair. She grinned, childishly.
"But you liked it, ne? It's been a very long time since we've spent time having fun together. You need to relax more, Secchan."
Setsuna paused, pulling the flower from her hair and examined it in her hands. Konoka reached over and tapped her on the shoulder, and she nodded- both continuing to walk once more.
They approached a huge bridge made of books hanging above a cliff. Setsuna raised one hand to stop Konoka and the chibis, then took one careful step ahead to test for any signs of danger. Almost immediately the books crumbled, and the warrior drifted in the air, startled. Beating her feathered wings, Setsuna attempted to fly across. Yet the books seemed to gather up, then shot at her, preventing the half demon to cross.
Spinning in a loop, the shinmei student retreated. Konoka and the chibis gathered around her, watching the bridge reform. A few words appeared upon the book covers.
The Konoka pointed to it, reading out loud.
"Must dance while crossing."
The chibis looked at each other, then nodded simultaneously.
"Ehhh! That means that you have to dance with Kono-san! This is the part of the library that teaches dancing lessons!" ChibiSecchan chirped, rocking back and forth.
Setsuna jumped backwards.
"Huh? But I-"
Konoka smiled, clapping her hands together. "Lets dance, Secchan!"
"I d-don't know how to-"
The chibis grasped each other's hands, mock-dancing in the air before the half demon.
"We can teachteach you!!!"
The Konoe heir embraced her protector, clutching tightly to her arms in the process.
"We won't be able to leave here without crossing this bridge, Secchan."
Setsuna slumped onto the ground, face aghast, with the princess still clinging to her arms. Konoka whispered a few words into the two chibis' ears, and ChibiSetsuna giggled, pulling out her arrows. (A/N: for more information about the arrows, see chapter one)
"As encouragement for you to dance well, every time you take a wrong step while dancing, ChibiSecchan will shoot a kisskiss arrow at you as punishment."
A/N: Again, sorry for the delay in updating. My next update will be for Half of a Soul, Chapter Twelve. Chapter already fully written, but I don't know when I'll be able to go online to update. Also, if you have time (and if this fic doesn't disappoint too much), please review. Furu has been feeling depressed and is having a bad case of self-doubt lately…reading a few words from everyone would help a lot. Thank you.
Last Chapter of the Threeshot: Time-traveling Chibis
Chibis teaching dance lessons…dancing while dodging potion-dipped arrows that would make her kiss Konoka…how will Setsuna escape Library Island? And will the young warrior ever get the courage to tell Konoka how she feels? More Chibi-mayhem!! What happened to Asuna and Negi?