Naruto: OH MY F-ING GOD I HAVE ROAST BEEF AND SHRIMP RAMEN! YOU WANT SOME?!gives him some yummy shrimp ramen
Ino: Have you ever tried being emo? If you stayed being emo, you could probably date Sasuke-teme!
Sakura: Prep.Pink-haired weirdo. Thats how some of my friends describe you.gets friendsand now we shall pelt you with rocks!HAHA GET HER!throws rocks at Sakura
Deidara: If you're here, can I have a are so cool.holds a art supply kit have it its mine old one, your so col!
Tenten: I owe you a dead monkey...just kidding. Anyways...have you ever dated neji!
Neji: Same question as I gave tenten...but I mean with tenten!
Kakashi:coough I want you to give a shoutout to my friend tahja...SHE LOVES YOU!Por favor?
Sasuke: Have you ever tried dating Sakura? If you
Temari:Have tried to hug gaara? If you succeded...I owe you ten bucks!
Gaara: Can you please pelt Sasuke with rocks? PLEASE!I give you a cookie!
Shikimaru: s? y yo no es su amor
Naruto: yeah he hasnt ever even met you, why would anyone ever love anyone who secretly loves someone else and never tells the person except in spanish
Hinata: -glances from left to right- un d? del d? lo tendr?..
Naruto: what was that Hinata?
Hinata: nothing...
Naruto: hm...I wonder...wait a second! this is all making sense now! Hinata!
Hinata: what?! -stroking Shino-
Naruto: remember in the show that one time you were stalking me?
Hinata: yeah?
Naruto: do you think the show...
Hinata: oh, so now you get it eh?
Naruto: could I have not seen it before...Kurenai totally has a thing for me
Hinata: WHA-!!
Kurenai: damn...and I thought I hid it so well...
Naruto: haha, not well enough for the world's greatest ninja!
Kurenai: take me now you stud! -jumps into naruto's arms-
Naruto: -walks into bedroom-
Orochimaru:...that was weirdest thing I have ever seen...
Chouji: you're the weirdest thing i've ever seen!
Orochimaru: harsh dude...harsh...
Chouji: yeah well it's true!
Orochimaru: it was still harsh!
Orochimaru: story?...oh right...
wewacian: oh and...naruto's question is going to have to wait...he's a bit busy...
from behind the door: oooh, i've never seen anyone do THAT before!
wewacian: -cough- yeah...
Ino: I dont really care about Sasuke...
Sasuke: -crys- no one cares about Sasuke...
Sasuke: what? you're not going to try and cheer me up?
Orochimaru: i'm obviously just using you so that my next body will be even more powerful than the last and then kill itachi with it for killing his entire clan becuase he didnt want me to get anymore uchiha but didnt kill you because you're the weakest in the entire clan and though i wouldnt want you at all. obviously.
Sasuke:...-crys in the corner-
Sakura: ahh! rocks! my only weakness! -hiss-
Deidara: oh art kit...-opens it- WOAH! IT'S FILLED WITH DYNAMITE AND ACTIVE GRENADES! -hands it to sasori and hugs lissa-
Sasori:...wait active grena -asplodes-
Hidan: -sighs- some people get all the luck...
Deidara: MY ART!
Sasori: -coughs out smoke- hate...explosions...
Deidara: oh well..atleast it was kinda cool...
Sasori: -in pieces-
tenten/neji: no stop asking
Sasuke: no stop asking
Temari: i tried a few times and then he started murdering I stopped...
Gaara: wait...murder? I was just hugging them with my sand...right?
Gaara:...that would explain why they didnt move much anymore...also i dont like cookies
Sasuke: shudders I've been instructed to give you a hug from my best
so...hugs. What's your favourite pastime?
Orochimaru: Dude, I'm beginning to think I'm your only fangirl. Why is
that you never wear black? It'd look so much better than beige or
whatever the
hell it is that you wear. huggles I'll never believe you're a gay
pedophile...coz if you are you're gonna have to die.
Gaara: tugs his cheek You were so CUTE when you were little! I want
to take
you home, pet you, feed you cake and call you Squishie!!
Itachi: Man, you have crow's feet...DOWN THE SIDES OF YOUR FRICKIN
Kakashi: MY IDOL!! bows you and all your silver-haired, hot bodied
sexiness! calms down okay, i'm calm. so, why do you wear a mask
Neji: pats shoulder It's okay, you're not a ...not yet anyway. Just
till my bestie gets her claws into ya. THEN you'll be a . Hehe,
what's your
escape plan?
Cookies for all...except Kabuto. Hehe, four-eyes. pokes out tongue
I love this fic! Update! It kicks !!
Sasuke: no thanks I do-hugged-...and my we dont have past time we're quite obviously ninjas
Ino: yeah
Sasuke: except for Ino who sells flowers
Ino: yeah
Sasuke: and has crazy eyes
Ino: yeah
Sasuke:...and isnt a ninja
Ino: yeah
Sasuke: and is ugly
Ino: yeah
Sasuke: alright whatever, next question
Ino: yeah
Orochimaru: black is for weirdos
Ino: yeah
Orochimaru:...-kicks ino in the closet-
Ino: -muffled- yeah
Orochimaru: oh and im not a gay pedofile, i mean if anything sasuke is gay and a pedofile
Ino: yeah
Orochimaru: ok seriously someone shut her up
Ino: ye-put in closet in the closet-
everyone else: -waits-
InO: -cant be heard-
Itachi: ok good, now I dont have crow's feets that's just what happens when you go blind're blind?
Itachi: why else would I make you wear that sign? -gestures to 'seeing eye'-
Kisame:...oh yeah...
Itachi: -sighs- really hate you kisame
Kisame:...that's not me that's a tree
Itachi: -turns to bush- listen i dont care what or who im talking to just stop bothering me! -pokes bush-
Kisame: -sighs-
Itachi: -puts leash on bush- I have to go to the bathroom
bush: -sits there-
Itachi: come on im serious go
bush: -still just sits there-
Kisame: -grabs Itachi's arm- it thi-
Itachi: AHHH! WHO IS IT?!?!? -smacks kisame in the face with cane-
kisame: gah! -falls over on ground-
Itachi: this place isnt safe, lets get outta here -drags bush into closet-
Kisame: Itachi I-
Itachi: AHHH! EVEN OUT HERE! - kicks Kisame in the balls-
Kisame: ahhh! -falls on ground again-
Gaara: ENOUGH OF THIS! I WAS SKIPPED! -slaps Itachi repeatedly- meany-face!
Itachi: stoooooooooop you're so mean
Gaara: whatever...oh and you cant take me home only a few people get to leave like Tobi...and occasionally Kiba...
Evil Tobi:...I dont get to leave
Gaara: that's cause everyone hates you because you're old!
Evil Tobi: damn kids...
Tobi: -outside getting a tan-
Deidara: -looks out window-...he's grey why does he need a tan?
Kakashi: I wear a mask because of complicated things inolving my dad
Kakashi's dad: what?
Kakashi: because of my dad!
Kakashi's dad: WHAT?!
Kakashi: because of you
Kakashi's dad: oh alright
Kakashi's dad: what?
Kakashi: god just shut up!
Neji: I dont have an escape plan
Naruto: waiiiit!
wewacian: oh right...forgot about you...
--not end yet---
Kurenai: oh and uh...we werent doing anything dirty...or anything...
Naruto: yeah, it was uh...arobics class...
Kurenai: right, right...arobics...of course...
wewacian: there's only a bed in there
Naruto:...CHEESE IT! -runs away-