Title: Illusions
Author: desbutterfly
Pairing: SasuSaku, some NaruSasuSaku
Summary: 'It was when Sakura screamed that she hated
him that Sasuke finally realized he was trapped in a genjutsu.
It was when Sakura screamed that she hated him that Sasuke finally realized he was trapped in a genjutsu.
He quickly tried a dispelling technique, and when that didn't work, he flipped a kunai in his hands and made a quick shallow slice across the top of his thigh, the pain and disruption of chakra snapping him back to reality immediately.
The sounds of Naruto hitting things and Sakura's shouting echoed around him. Sasuke dispatched a bunshin and turned to find Kakashi beside him.
"Alright there, Sasuke?" Kakashi shot him a sidelong glance, which Sasuke dismissed with a scowl.
"I'm fine, go help Sakura."
And he was; fine, that is. Really, he was annoyed at having been fooled by such a weak genjutsu. He'd have to work on being able to activate his Sharingan at will; then he wouldn't get caught in such stupid tricks and traps.
Of all the things to make a genjutsu of…as if he really cared what his silly little team mate thought of him! How stupid.
"Sasuke-kun, watch out!"
He swore and flung himself to the side, a barrage of shuriken striking into the space he had left just barely missing his skin. Obviously now was not the time to be figuring anything out except how to get rid of this enemy. Before he embarrassed himself even further, Sasuke pulled a length of wire out of his pack and started the hand formations for a fire-style jutsu.
It felt good to have a burning in his lungs that he could explain away.
After the fight was over, Sasuke wiped his bloody hands on the grass and stuck them in his pockets. He scowled faintly at where Naruto was dancing around the prone form of their target, bragging happily about how he'd got in the last shot and how awesome a ninja he was.
"Good job everyone," Kakashi said, wiping some dirt off a corner of his vest. "I'll take over from here and bring this guy back to the jail."
"It's time for ramen," Naruto sang, throwing his hands up into the air before turning to Sakura. "Hey, hey Sakura-chan, do you want to come too?"
Sasuke watched her flat refusal and Naruto's dismayed theatrics with a frown. He didn't care, really. Being a part of Team Seven was only a matter of convenience…a place to sharpen his skills until he was strong enough to kill Itachi. He wasn't here to get attached. It would be better, actually, if they all hated him. Perhaps that genjutsu was designed to distract him by showing his desires, not his fears.
"I'm going home," he announced, turning away.
He got a total of three steps before she caught up with him, her arm hooking insistently around his elbow.
"Sasuke-kun," she said, blushing faintly, "do you mind if I walk you home?"
He paused and waited five seconds before carefully removing her fingers from his sleeve.
"Do what you want," he said, then continued walking.
When her footsteps kept pace beside him, Sasuke ignored her gentle smile and tried really hard not to feel relieved.