Summary: Alternate storyline based on another outcome that could have occurred because Mulan failed the matchmaker's test. Also sort of a crossover fic inspired by Raise the Red Lantern.

A/N: Part 1 up, focusing on pairing 1.

Disclaimer: Mulan and everything from the Disney movie belongs to Disney. Raise the Red Lantern and anything from that book belongs to the author Su Tong.

Warnings: Not explicit, but rated for more mature themes and sexual content, including implied non-con w/in arranged marriage of a minor. Dark. Unorthodox pairings within. This is written for LiveJournal's 5trueloves community, the object being to take a character and pair them up with 5 different characters from the fandom. I've interpreted the concept of love differently for each pairing, so they are not all necessarily romantic or positive interpretations.

PART 1: NEW HOME (theme #3, moving)
Chapter 1

"You're a disgrace! You may look like a bride, but you will never bring your family honor!"

The townspeople that had gathered to see the new potential brides bore witness to her shame and Mulan cringed under the weight of the memories. The matchmaker's shrill shouts rang in her ears still, the insults shrieked at her in the middle of the street, in front of every one of her neighbors. The dismayed expression on her mother's face was burned into her brain; when she saw it she had instantly realized the gravity of the outcome of her session with the matchmaker and her failure of the test. And now there would be no arranged proper marriage, no honor for her family. Instead she would be a rich man's concubine; financially cared for but shamed and disgraced, and that dishonor would leave its stain on her family as well.

With tears in her eyes she'd bid her mother and grandmother goodbye as the bridal sedan was brought to their front gate. She would never see them again. Her father came forward last, wordlessly embracing her, his face drawn and sad. He'd been ill for quite some time and under a doctor's care; but that morning he looked sicker than she'd ever seen him.

She was on her way to an estate in the country several li to the north of Chang'an, owned by the general whose mistress she was to be from now on. A fat middle-aged general, as the matchmaker had tauntingly made known to her. Mulan sighed. Even before she went in to take that test, she knew that woman hated her.

This particular general was renowned in the Middle Kingdom and a favorite of the Emperor. He was the lead military advisor to His Majesty and was more decorated than any other general that had come before.

The road they traveled on was lined with trees and flowers already in bloom now that spring was upon them. She gazed out at the slowly passing scenery and brought a hand up to her eyes, wiping the tears that blurred her vision away. It would do no good to cry or to think about what her life would become now or that she would never see her parents or her grandmother again. And weeping would no doubt irritate her new master.

"Besides," she muttered sarcastically to herself, her voice bitter. "It'll ruin my make-up."

Even though there would be no wedding, no formal ceremony, she'd still had to dress in the customary red dress and red veil, her face painted just as it had been when she went to see the matchmaker. The fat old general would want her looking just right for him.

She snorted and leaned back in her seat, crossing her arms across her chest. Well, if it was really bad, she could run away. Unlike the other girls, Mulan knew how to ride a horse; in fact she had an extensive knowledge about horses. And she knew self-defense, thanks to her father being a military general himself.

And there would be nothing to lose. She had already failed to bring her family honor; running away would merely add dishonor upon dishonor. Her status would remain the same; she was already a fallen woman.

Closing her eyes, she made a silent prayer to the ancestors to guide her through this new phase in her life.


Servants stood on either side of the step where she descended from the bridal sedan, waiting to assist her. She blinked in the glaring sun, her eyes needing to adjust to the bright light after the long stint. They were in a large, square courtyard.

"The Li family welcomes the Fifth Mistress," a servant who was waiting at the stone gate greeted her, approaching and taking her things from her. "Come in and I will settle you into your new rooms."

Mulan followed him, feeling numb as she took in the sight of the place that would now be her home. It was a sprawling, luxurious estate that surrounded the courtyard they were in on three sides, and the mansion had several wings. There were separate small houses that were adjoined to the main wing of the compound, but each had their own private entrance.

The servant led her down the length of a narrow courtyard off of the main square which one entered upon passing through the gates. They arrived at a separate small house at the end of the stone path and he opened the front door, gesturing for her to enter.

"My name is Fu-ling. I am the head servant here. But a personal maid will be assigned to you, probably some time tomorrow."

She stepped through the door and into a short hallway which led into a large drawing room that was decorated in rich reds. Fu-ling led her into the next room, the bedroom. There was a table with a mirror and a large, plush bed covered in soft, luxurious blankets of silk and velvet. This room was also decorated in red.

"General Li will be with you soon. Tomorrow I will come back to take you around the complex and introduce you to your sisters."

Her sisters?

Before she could ask him what he meant by that, Fu-ling walked out without another word and shut the front door, leaving her alone. Heaving a sigh she wandered around the drawing room of her new house numbly, gazing at the expensive decorations and knickknacks and the finely crafted furniture. Great care had been taken to make the house look luxurious and joyful, but she just felt its oppressiveness. And there were no books anywhere in the room. She ran her hand over the smooth wood of a breakfront that stood against one wall, suppressing an urge to pick up the fragile knickknacks and dash them to the floor.

She dropped her hands to her side and stepped back away from the breakfront. Then she turned and walked into the bedroom where Fu-ling had left her suitcase, climbing onto the bed and staring at it for a few minutes. She was hesitant to open it; everything in there was from home and she feared that the waterworks would open up if she looked inside.

Fortunately she didn't have to make a choice about it yet. A knock on the door drew her attention away and she called out to whoever it was. Moments later an old woman came in with a bowl of water and a towel. Setting it down before her, she coaxed Mulan to put her feet in.

"All the mistresses have their feet washed by me before the general comes to see them," she instructed her. "It's his order."

Mulan wordlessly stuck her feet into the bowl of water, resisting the urge to roll her eyes. This general already seemed too particular and she hadn't even met him yet. But the foot-washing felt good and she closed her eyes and tried to relax.


General Li was a heavy set man with large muscular legs and thick calloused hands. Mulan judged him to be in his mid-forties based on the grey that was peppered throughout his jet black hair and the wrinkles in the corner of his eyes, the weathered skin of his dark face. And from the fact that he had a nineteen year old son, as she'd found out from him.

Staring up at the lighted lanterns around the room she cringed, feeling vulnerable and exposed in the light, though it was fairly dim.

"Would you please put out the lanterns?" she asked quietly.

"They're supposed to be lit. I want to see you," he grunted.

Wishing she could pull the blanket up to cover her body, she lay on her back, remaining silent as his rough-skinned hands caressed her body, preparing her for their wedding night. She tensed up again and gasped as the full weight of his girth pressing down on her practically cut her breath off. He shifted to one side and she relaxed a little as she was once again able to draw in air. The general spread her legs apart with a beefy hand then, moving it up to her crotch and beginning to stroke a spot just inside. It felt good despite her fear and discomfort with the situation, and she felt herself blush in embarrassed surprise as an involuntary scream passed from her lips and she felt liquid begin to drip from her own body.

Another gasp escaped her as she felt his finger inside of her and she squeezed her eyes shut, wincing at the sudden pinching sensation and pressure from his finger.

"You're nice and tight," he whispered. "But we'll loosen things up."

Her muscles tensed up and her back arched as she tried to fight against the pain; the feeling of his finger inside was becoming excruciating. He covered her legs with one of his own, pinning them, and shifted his upper torso onto her, holding her still.

"Shh. Just relax. It won't hurt if you relax."

She had to resist the urge to cry out as his finger stretched her inside. Was that his nail that she was feeling? Her arm flew out to the side and she grasped the edge of the bed, bracing herself as she felt more pressure and the burning feeling inside of her spread throughout her pelvis. He'd put a second finger inside.

The pain began to subside as her muscles became used to the stretch, but when he finally removed his fingers she still released an inaudible sigh. He moved to straddle her and lowered himself down onto her. She gasped as he eased himself inside of her, feeling as if she were being split open. His hand moved down and he began to massage her thigh. Tears began to burn her eyes as she felt him move inside of her and she threw her arms around him in the hope of maybe controlling his movements so the pain would cease. It didn't and she dug her nails into his back.

His hand was underneath her, pressing against the small of her back; and as he guided her wordlessly she suddenly understood. She shifted her hips and raised her legs, wrapping them around him, then began to move with him. The pain eased up somewhat as she concentrated on moving her hips in rhythm with his movements. She felt him stiffen. Warm liquid oozed inside of her and he collapsed on top of her, breathing heavily.

After a few minutes he raised his head and reached up, wiping her tears away with a thumb.

"They all cry the first time. But you'll grow to like it, Mulan."


Mulan sat before the mirror brushing her long hair and staring at her reflection, tears flowing from her eyes without her even realizing it. General Li had left her house already and she breathed easier, if only just slightly.

It was almost unreal. She seemed to be experiencing an odd separation of her mind from her body as she looked in the mirror, as if she were outside of herself watching these things happen to her. Numbness permeated her and though she knew how desperately she missed her family already, she couldn't feel the sadness. Just a nameless weighty, heaviness inside of her that clouded around her like a dark miasma.

A knock on the door pulled her from her sad reverie and she stood up and grabbed a robe, pulling it on. She called out and Fu-ling entered with a basin of water and some cloths and towels.

"Fifth Mistress. It is time for you to meet the family. I will wait for you to dress and then take you around. You will have breakfast afterward."

He left the room and she removed her robe and began to wash herself with the cloth. The water in the basin had a pleasant scent; they had put some sort of oil in it that had a floral smell and she felt a little better as the perfumed liquid touched her skin. She dried off and dressed quickly, then stepped out of the house, joining Fu-ling.

"First we'll meet everyone and then I'll show you around the grounds."

She nodded but said nothing. It had become apparent immediately that the servants didn't expect her to answer, nor would General Li tolerate her being outspoken; so, against her own nature, she kept quiet.

"Here is where the First Mistress Li Song lives," he told her as he led her to a large wing in the main compound.

A maid opened the door and allowed them entrance and Fu-ling announced her presence to General Li's first and official wife. Mulan found herself looking at a dour-looking, middle-aged woman with a grim face, seated at a table with a pot of tea in front of her. She bowed respectfully.

"Elder Sister," she greeted her.

"Come and let me look at you," the first wife ordered.

She raised her head and moved toward the woman, who looked her up and down with a scrutinizing eye.

"You are quite young, my dear. How old are you?"

"I'm sixteen," Mulan answered shyly.

"I understand that you've been educated."

"Yes, First Sister. At home."

She nodded. "Very well. You must meet the rest of the family. I will see you later at dinner."

"Yes, First Sister."

She turned and followed Fu-ling out. He led her to one of the separate houses that was across the courtyard from her own. It was identical in style and design. They were admitted by a servant once again and Fu-ling introduced her to the second mistress, a woman who was about ten years younger than Li Song. She had a kinder face.

"Second Sister," Mulan greeted her, bowing.

"You can call me Yun. Come and sit with me for a few minutes," she coaxed warmly, gesturing to the chair at the table across from her. "We'll talk a little."

Mulan took the seat across from Yun.

"I will need to take Fifth Mistress around to show her the grounds," Fu-ling explained.

"Of course. We will not be long."

Fu-ling bowed and left the room to wait and she turned back to Mulan with a kind smile.

"You are very young," Yun remarked, peering at her closely.

"I'm sixteen."

"And very pretty."

She averted her eyes, at a loss as to what to say. Pretty was never a word anyone had used to describe her. Clumsy, disgraceful, wayward, but never pretty.

"I'm sure the master will spend a lot of nights with you. You're very lucky."

Surprised by the remark Mulan raised her eyes to gaze at the woman. "Lucky?"

"Oh, yes. You see, if he stops spending time with you it means he's lost interest."

"I wouldn't care about that," Mulan muttered.

"But you have to. Everyone in the house will treat you differently if he loses interest in you; even the servants."

Yun must have noted the dismayed expression on her face.

"Don't worry," she added, her voice filled with compassion and kindness, "it's always difficult at first. It was for all of us. But you'll get used to it. Where are you from?"

"Wan County."

"Oh, my, you've traveled a long distance away from your family."

Mulan nodded, afraid to speak due to the lump that began to form in her throat. But she felt somewhat comforted that she had met Yun. This was someone who was kind and almost motherly; maybe she could call her a friend as well as Second Sister.

She bid Yun goodbye a few minutes later and the servant showed her out, where Fu-ling was waiting for her.

He gave her a formal tour of the grounds next. The complex was huge, with a vast garden, a pond and a large stable in the back. He offered to see her back to her home, but Mulan told him that she wanted to continue to walk around and get some air.

"Very good, then. I will come to you later when dinner is ready, unless the master has a message for you before then."

He bowed and set off, and Mulan continued her walk, relieved to be outside and left alone. She'd always hated being cooped up, preferring to be active and outside. Horseback riding was her favorite pasttime. She wasn't allowed to, but she always snuck out and escaped the limits of her home, each time riding her steed further and further out until one day she finally rode beyond the boundaries of her village.

The fresh air and brisk stroll took her mind off of her troubles, if only temporarily, as did her curiosity. She couldn't help wondering at the fact that she was the Fifth Mistress but had only met a First and Second Mistress. Where were the Third and Fourth Mistresses?

Crossing back to the stable she ventured inside and grinned at the sight of two beautiful white stallions, the trademark of the officers of the Imperial army. She approached one of them slowly but determinedly, speaking softly and soothingly. The stallion made no sound as she drew near and she grinned, patting his sleek white coat affectionately.

"Good horse. Next time I'll see if maybe I can sneak a carrot out to you. And you too," she added, turning to the other stallion.

She left the stable and walked back toward the complex. Stone steps led up to the top of the building and she saw that she could walk along the roof and gaze out at her surroundings. With renewed vigor she bounded up the steps two at a time with ease, having inherited her father's natural athleticism and light-footedness.

After walking the perimeter of the roof of the main complex she walked down some stairs that led to a closed bridge that adjoined one building of the complex to another, curiosity getting the better of her. It was in her nature to be adventurous and curious; to see where paths led to, where steps went to. She stopped as she came to the archway leading to the corridor, seeing that she wasn't alone.

A young man was practicing his martial arts in the corridor, dancing through sword forms, and she concluded that he was no doubt General Li's nineteen-year-old son that she'd heard about. Mulan stood in the archway, transfixed by his graceful, perfect movements. A feeling of melancholy settled like a weight in her chest as she watched him, reminded of her father.

She had always loved to watch Fa Zhou practice. He moved so gracefully, with stealth and agility, like a cat. His feet wouldn't even make a sound on the floorboards as he danced through his forms. She had learned some moves from him, but she didn't come close to being able to move like that.

When he was wounded in his last battle his leg was nearly destroyed. Fortunately he didn't lose it completely and it had even healed enough that he was able to put some weight on it. Though he walked with the aid of a cane now, they were all grateful that he was able to get around at all. They didn't think he'd be able to stand up again. But it broke her heart when she would see him take out his sword at times, attempting to go through the same moves. His form was still beautiful; but those sessions would be cut short by the pain.

Did General Li ever practice in this way? He was a renowned officer of the Imperial Army, though she wondered about his age and abundant girth. Chances were he couldn't move the way his son could anymore. Or the way she remembered her father.

The young man ceased his movements suddenly, the sword remaining poised in mid-exercise. He whirled around and faced her, his forehead furrowing in annoyance.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to startle you. You don't have to stop," she began.

She took an involuntary step back and stared at him for a moment, stunned by the look of sheer anger on his face as he glared at her. He was quite handsome; but his eyes were so cold, like stone, and his disgust toward her was evident in his face. She felt as if she'd been physically slapped. Was she so revolting that he could dislike her so already? What could she have possibly done to offend him in the moment that they set eyes on one another?

"I'm sorry," she repeated sheepishly. "I didn't mean to disturb you."

She turned on her heel and darted away from him, back up to the roof.


"I only conceived once, a little girl."

Mulan was surprised to discover that Yun had a child. After living in the Li household for a month and visiting often with Second Sister, she imagined she would have seen a child in her house at some point if one existed.

"Oh…I've never seen her."

"She died. Illness," Yun answered rather quickly, making Mulan wonder if the little girl was actually killed for being born a girl. She knew that sort of thing happened, though not among the rich. It was more prevalent among poor people who didn't want the added burden of supporting a useless girl rather than a son who would grow up and care for them in their old age.

It is more profitable to raise geese than daughters.

She'd overheard that expression coming from the mouths of men in her village as well as other equally revolting phrases about girls. She hated it and had many times thanked her ancestors that her father was a man who thought differently. Though despite that fact, she had still proved to be a disappointment, a pariah; a useless daughter that had done nothing to raise the honor or standing of her family. And now she had the low position of Fifth Mistress.

"I'm sorry," she muttered.

"Don't be. It's not your fault. Perhaps one day I will be able to bear General Li a son, too."

"He doesn't spend very much time with First Sister," Mulan commented.

"She's too old for his liking now. Besides, she already raised a son for him, one that has followed in his footsteps and that he can be proud of. Her position is secure and she doesn't really have to care anymore. And she's his first wife, through proper arrangement and ceremony."

Unspeakable sadness settled in Mulan's chest like a great weight at those words and she turned her head so Yun wouldn't see that she was blinking back tears.

"Well, next it will be your turn, Mulan. You are the newest and the youngest, and so you are in his favor right now. If you bear the general a son you will be in very good standing."

Bearing a son was not the first thing on her to-do list but Mulan kept the sentiment to herself.