Chapter Two- Jealousy Days

Draco Malfoy was sulking. Anyone could tell. First years, fourth years, people who didn't know him- not that anyone didn't know who he was. His perfect cheekbones were drawn higher on his angular face when his mouth pouted, that was the only way you could tell. And boy could everyone tell. A pouting Malfoy was a very sexy Malfoy.

Pansy smirked as the blond very cutely stuck out his bottom lip and leant against his palm, with one elbow on the table. "What is it Draco dear?" she asked.

Draco huffed.

"Tell meee…" she wheedled, knowing very well that the boy would give into her whinging.

He sighed dramatically, "Oh… alright then…"

Pansy leant forwards waiting for the story to come out.

"Well…" he started, "You heard about what happened last night, right?"

Pansy grinned. Who hadn't? The whole entire school was still buzzing from the news. Harry Potter and Draco Malfoy, found with Potters legs wrapped around Draco's waist, lips attached, moans and gasps echoing through the corridors, not forgetting… the grinding which had many of the viewers blushing.

"Of course Draco! Everyone knows!" she blurted out rolling her light green eyes heavenwards. "Well…?"

"Well… I snogged Potter."

Pansy sighed, "No way… Who would have thought…" she muttered sarcastically.

Draco stared at her pointedly,

"Sorry… sorry…" she said indicating that he should continue with a flick of her hand.

"Anyway. After the most amazing kiss I have ever received in my entire seventeen years… and after we got caught in the hallway full of students and Uncle Sev's body… he ran. He ran away from me! After making me jealous! Me… Draco Malfoy… JEALOUS!"

The entire hall went silent at that precise moment, and every single person, including the teachers turned to look at the furious Malfoy.

Pansy coughed timidly, "Uh… Draco… honey. Maybe you should -ahem- calm down…"

Draco growled at her, "He left me standing there. In the middle of the fucking corridor filled with lots of students!!"

Pansy snickered and looked around to see that most of the students who had caught the two boys at it where still gaping at Draco with a mixture of shock and arousal.

Draco pouted again. "I… He… It was just… yum." he said dreamily spooning a bite of his lucky charms cereal into his mouth. His chewing mouth turned into a fierce scowl once again when their other best friend, Blaise Zabini walked into the room and sat in the seat directly opposite the pair. Pansy sighed, 'not again…'

"What?" The blacked haired Slytherin boy asked.

Draco scowled even more intensely causing Blaise to squirm in his seat.

"Paaansyyy…" he whinged and stage whispered, "Why is Drakey looking at me like that"

Both the boy's could see Pansy's mouth twitch, Blaise winced and Draco edged slightly away from the girl.

"Stop pouting, NOW Draco. It's pissing me off." she growled and stared the cowering blond down.

If anyone could scare Draco Malfoy, it would be Pansy. Her green eyes blazed and narrowed sharply causing both boy's to gulp nervously.

"Er… Sorry?"

Pansy shrugged.

"I'll give you chocolate…"

She carried on buttering her toast in silence, the other two boy's looked at each other, then finally remembering that he was supposed to be mad, Draco frowned.

"WHAT!" Blaise cried out when Draco kicked him under the table.

"YOU! Asshole!"

Blaise looked moderately alarmed at the change of expressions on his best friends face.

"Hey Blaise!" a voice called out from across the hall.

"Oh fuck…" he muttered under his breath. Pansy grinned in amusement at what was about to happen next. "Fuck… Fuckity fuckkk…"

Draco's eyes narrowed into slits.

The person storde up to the cringing boy and hugged him from behind. "Thanks sooo much… you were a right friend last night…"

Blaise's eyes widened and he shook his head fearfully. "N-noo… I-it wasn't anything like that Draco! I swear to GOD!" he promised, biting his lip anxiously.

Harry grinned and plopped himself down opposite Pansy. "Hey Parkinson,"

Pansy smiled back. "Lo Potter. What a fine mess of things you've made."

Harry nodded subtly and winked at the girl.

"What. The. FUCKING HELL is GOING ON?!" Draco roared at the trio. "Why the fuckity is MY Harry HOLDING your HAND?" he screamed at Blaise, who was shivering slightly. Blaise raised a hand to his face and wiped the bits of marshmallow which had flown out of Draco's fuming mouth.


"Malfoy… When was I yours?" Harry asked innocently.

Draco gaped at him then flew across the table, through the dishes and half eaten breakfasts to land on the smirking boy. "You fucking imbecile!" he screeched, straddling the saviour.

Harry looked up with wide green eyes. "What ever are you talking about?"

"You-you… SLEPT with my best friend after leaving me!?!"

Draco could hear Blaise's muffled choke from behind them and the gasps coming from the rest of the students and teachers.

Harry rolled his eyes. "I did not!"

"You did too… you… WHORE!" Draco hissed menacingly.

Harry raised his eyebrows but decided to play along with the delusional, and very stubborn blond Slytherin.

"Ok…okay. You're right Malfoy. I played you like a pianist plays his piano… and you fell for it… I slept with your best friends… after confessing that I didn't want to share you with anyone else and snogging you silly outside your dorms-"

"Actually- It was me kissing you, Potter." Draco butted in.

"Whatever. But it was the best kiss ever… and well… You're terribly stupid for a supposed clever boy."

Draco sat up straighter and growled. "I am not stupid you pipsqueak!"

"Are too."

Draco's jaw fell open, making Pansy snigger at how stupid he looked.


"You're what?" Harry asked very patiently, laying beneath him, "Take your time… I kind off like this position we're in." he said smirking up.

The entire school population gasped in shock into their breakfasts once again, stunned into silence.

A/N- Hey guysss!! I'm baccck! For this chapter atleast. I have my A-levels this entire month… So don't expect much

Wait until end of June!!

Whoop! – Please review! I like reading reviews! They make me happy, and nicer, and smiley and stuff. Much 3!

x Rosh x