A/N : YES! I'm back. Finally! I've started to write. & write & write. with the help of leandra (silverdreamsongoldenwings) whopeedoo! so lets start.

Title : Dance Like You've Never Danced Before

Sypnosis : Hermione's mother thought she needed some time to take things off her mind during the summer. Dance lessons. She thought was the best. But what happens when she ends up as a dance partner for a certain Slytherin?



'Hermione Granger!' Mrs. Granger screamed at the top of her lungs.

'I'm coming, Mother! I just have to put on some clothes! Where are we going again?' Hermione screamed back.

'We're signing you in for dance classes. You've been to pre-occupied with the Hogwarts and all sorts of nonsense they make you do with that silly wand of yours'

'Dance classes, Mother? I can't dance for nuts! And Hogwarts don't teach us or make us do nonsensical things! We learn Witchcraft and Wizardry like how you learn to get your Dental Degree. And the wand ain't silly! I can zap you once, and you won't be able to move until I say so' Hermione said, fixing the ends of her long pants while hobbling down the stairs.
'Stop blabbering, Hermione. Off we go now!' Mrs. Granger said, cheerily and took the car keys.

Inside the Car
'Hermione! I wish you'd just stop reading and take a rest!' Mrs. Granger screeched, grabbing the book out of Hermione's hand.

'Mother! Reading is for knowledge! Dancing is for someone who has time!'

'And time is all we have, Hermione'

Hermione sighed, giving up. If dance lessons is what she needs to do to keep her Mother happy, she'd do it. She gazed outside and her mother's car came to an abrupt stop not long after.

The huge dance studio had the words 'Curmington Dance Studio' emblazed in front of it. Hermione gave a small smile and thought 'This could be fun'.

'Hello, and Welcome to the Dance Studio!' a bright cheeked woman greeted Hermione and Mrs. Granger. She didn't look like she could dance. Most probably just a receptionist.

'I am, Kareen. The secretary of Andrew Curmington, head instuctor and the owner of this place'

'This is my daughter, Hermione. And I'm Mrs. Granger'

'Oh, and who's attending the dance classes?'

'I am' Hermione spoke, silently.

'Alright then, I presume your mother has already been here. So shall I just sign you up?'

'Yeah.. sure..' Hermione said.

'Fill up the form please'

Name : Hermione Jane Granger
School : Home-schooled
Sex : Female
Age : 16
Course : Beginner / Intermediate / Advanced / Diploma

'Alright. Intermediate classes are for kids ranging from age 10 - 14.'

'Erm. Advanced then..'

'Advanced it is. You may start your classes immediately. Schedule is on the bulletin board. Your first class will be in Studio 7.'

'Thank you.. erm, where is Studio 7?' Hermione asked, but Kareen had turned to another customer. She decided to wait by the counter.

'Hello Mr. Malfoy! Nice to see you again!'

'Hello Kareen. Good to see you too'

'We've gotten a newest member today!'

'We have?'

'Yes. Now where is she? She couldn't have gone off to Studio 7 by herself has she?'

'I'm here, Kar-' Hermione was interrupted by Draco.



'What the hell are you doing here?'

'What the hell are YOU doing here?'

'My mother forced me to take dance lessons' they both said at once.

'I see you two know each other already, so lets begin then? Take her to Studio 7 will you Mr. Malfoy?'

'Yeah sure.' Draco grumbled.

To Hermione, Studio 7 seemed a really long way.

'Do you dance, Granger?'

'In the shower, I do. I haven't taken lessons in my life

'Lets see what I can do with you'

'Are you suppose to be my instructor?'

'No. I have to get a partner.'

'Me? NO way.'

'We've got no choice. We've been waiting for a new girl to join eversince.'

'Why are you being so nice?'

'Its out of bloody Hogwarts. Nobody knows we're being nice'

'I could get used to it'

'Blech. I couldn't'

'Whatever. Is this Studio 7?'

'Yeah it is, smarty pants. Why else does it have a huge seven out front?'

Hermione grumbled something that sounded like 'Right' to Draco. And followed her inside. This was going to be one hell of a day.