Well, I wrote this a while ago and I never posted it but I wanted to know what you guys think of it. It's one-sided SasuHina and NejiHina. Please enjoy!! It's very very short though... ;

These characters are not mine sadly. All standard disclaimers apply.

"Look at me," was the silent plea. He was almost desperate, just a glance right at him would make him satisfied. It was ironic; the Uchiha was pining for a girl. This was different though, she wasn't a rabid fangirl but she was beautiful, strong, quiet, polite, smart, and in his eyes, perfect. Sasuke knew that the opinion was shared among many others however. The thought made him angry as he surveyed the male population of Konoha suspiciously. But, the object of his desire never looked at him, she looked through him with those calm lavender eyes. Those eyes, always searching for someone else, never for him. In the past it had been the blond dobe but as time passed, Sasuke noticed her searches began to focus more and more on her handsome cousin.

She and Neji had grown close as the years went on the Uchiha observed. The Hyuugas didn't notice when he watched them. He saw them walking close, seeing Hinata's small smile and he saw the way Neji stood by her as if shielding her from all the bad in the world. He saw how her cheeks flushed oh so prettily when Neji granted her a smile, a rarity growing more common as they became closer.

News of their engagement didn't surprise him but it still hurt. As he watched the pair walk happily about the village, treading by the busy streets, Sasuke wondered why fate had to be so cruel as to make him fall in love with the one he could never have.

Now, as he lies beside his pink haired wife in bed, Sasuke prays for sleep to come swiftly; to take him away. Sleep was an escape where he could forget a loveless marriage, broken dreams, and unfulfilled goals. Sleep was where he could get away and dream of what could have been, what should have been, and the only place the lavender eyes looked only at him.

Comments and criticism are welcome.