Sleeping with the Enemy

Lady Nefertiti

Chapter 23: Drama anyone? Part 2

Sesshomaru ran a hand through his pristine silver hair and could've sighed out loud had he been anyone else. He would've just left Inuyasha in a ditch, the way he was now but it wasn't his mate's wish to just abandon his friend lying there. His servant, the demoness Yumi seemed to have harbored feelings for Inuyasha, the jealousy in her eyes when Inuyasha looked at Kagome was evidence enough that Yumi thought that Inuyasha still loved Kagome. He growled at that thought. Kagome was his and his alone. Her mark was proof enough and any demon half or full should be able to see that! Had Inuyasha not been of his family he would've killed him for such insolence.

First having feelings for a Miko (Kikyo) in the first place, a human, then getting sealed to a tree for years by the same Miko! Then going after her while she was dead and possibly on the enemy's side when he had Kagome by his side, then not being able to decide which Miko he liked better, thinking that he might be able to have both, getting a subjugation necklace placed on him by the other Miko (Kagome), a human and just by the word 'Sit' things weren't looking up for him.

Sesshomaru wondered whether he was even the least bit related to Inuyasha, and since he was…unfortunately, he regretted it every second of the day. The only thing he didn't regret was mating Kagome however, and a smirk appeared on his face. Ah life was good to him.

"Very well then. Yumi you will stay with my little brother until he's out of his crater and the rest of us will go on ahead. I trust you, Yumi know how to find it." Sesshomaru said, saying his brother's name with disgust. Yumi merely nodded her head and watched Inuyasha sadly, he did not deserve such treatment. The rest of them followed Sesshomaru with a very baffled messenger of Sesshomaru's castle at the end of the group wondering what just happened.

-Yumi and Inuyasha- (alone finally!)

She sat by him waiting for him to 'revive' or whatever that Kagome, Wench of the western lands had done to her Inuyasha. She hoped it wasn't anything too severe or lasted on her Inuyasha. Grateful she was to Lord Sesshomaru who took her in when he could've turned her away and left alone in the forests to be killed or worse. And then when she met Inuyasha for the first time….it was like she was in love but at such a young age. She knew that he wouldn't see anything in her. A prince of the Western lord? What would he see in a mere servant girl? Granted she tried to gain his attentions but all he seemed to be interested in was sparring with his older brother, Sesshomaru, heir to the western throne. After all, Sesshomaru was Inuyasha's role model and he wanted to be like him in every way. But that was then….


Inuyasha was walking through the gardens in a not so happy mood. His brother had brushed him off again at a chance of training. Sesshomaru only wanted to train with father or alone. Mostly alone. He didn't seem to like father much anymore or just avoided him whenever he could. He always gave Izayoi a cold look when he saw her, which was rare. It was like he didn't like Inuyasha at all. They were brother's…

Inuyasha was suddenly startled out of his thoughts and looked up and saw someone running through the gardens, she was in a hurry. She was wearing a deep green kimono with bamboo designs on it and a pink obi with sad green eyes.

'Oh if I'm late the Lady will have my head!' he heard her say to herself. She was very pretty. He wondered whether he should stop her and ask her who she was. But no one wanted to talk to a hanyou or so everyone in the western court said.

'Lady?' Inuyasha thought. Was she speaking about his mother? He was about to open his mouth and stop her but maybe that wasn't a great idea. She'd be in trouble if she was late wouldn't she? She wasn't of royal blood. She stopped suddenly since she saw a flash of red come towards her. The both looked at each other.

She just bowed and said, 'Hello Inuyasha-sama.' And then was off to do whatever errand she had to. All the while her cheeks burning with embarrassment. Why did she have to be servant? She wanted to mate with Inuyasha! But if she voiced those thoughts aloud she'd surely be whipped for good! sent to the dungeons for life or even killed.

She always tried to catch him alone, she didn't want to be seen with him even though no one cared for a hanyou in the palace. But when she got enough courage to talk to him, Inuyasha had already left the palace on his brother's orders…

-End Flashback-

This was reality...she was living in a dream and she knew it. She pulled her knees to her chin as a trickle of tears fell down her cheeks. She didn't know why she kept thinking that Inuyasha wanted Kagome. She knew that he was never going to get her. She was mated to Sesshomaru and he'd kill Inuyasha within a second had he touched Kagome or challenged him for the right to mate. Maybe she was jealous that Kagome got a Taisho brother and Yumi couldn't have Inuyasha. Maybe she could be brave enough to tell him how she felt. Did he even remember the both of them talking and looking at one another in the past? If Sesshomaru-sama mated a human then maybe her and Inuyasha had a chance together. Suddenly she felt a lot better and looked at the now stirring Inuyasha.

'Good Yumi. Time to suck it all up and tell him how you feel.' She said to herself.





And Inuyasha jumped out of his crater looking around hoping to spill some blood. It was getting dark and no one was around except for this servant girl. GAH! His hated brother had left him again! And he didn't know the way there! And Kagome! That wench just up and sat him like no tomorrow! And then left with him! And she smelled like him too! What was wrong with this picture? Could anything else go wrong?

"You're Yumi right?" Inuyasha said slowly. She looked up and nodded slowly. He remembered her?

"I suppose you're wondering how to get to the palace and retrieve your Kagome-sama right?" Yumi said a bit bitterly but Inuyasha hadn't caught it.

"Keh." He said and sat next to her staring at the now night sky. "I know she doesn't like me since I started to go and see Kikyo." Yumi blinked. Another woman? Inuyasha looked at her and then smirked probably knowing what she was thinking. "I felt bad for Kagome so I killed my ma…err…Kikyo and Kagome got her whole soul back. I guess I just feel like I'm her protector and now I can't do that anymore I feel so useless." He looked at her then and wondered why he was spilling his guts to her. She was listening to him, actually listening to his problems.

"I guess that makes me a bad guy huh Yumi? Killing my ma…err…. priestess Kikyo." he said staring at the ground. Yumi moved closer to him and said that it didn't make him a bad person because she knew that Kikyo was an undead Miko and needed to be laid to rest for real. Inuyasha was only doing what was right. He smiled at her and muttered a 'Keh,' since she was praising him and he kinda blushed. He frowned when he saw her scent suddenly turn into certain sadness, uncertainty and loss.

"I remember when you left the palace Inuyasha-sama…" Yumi started.

"Don't call me a 'sama' Yumi," Inuyasha said looking at her expression. "I'm not a lord, just a half-breed, would-be prince no one would look up to. You remember! They used to laugh at me, all of the nobles of the western court! But never at my mother or they would be killed by my father." He sighed. How he wished he had more time with his father and maybe if things…maybe if Sesshomaru didn't hate humans so much they could've had a different relationship. "By the way, I'm sorry I yelled at you, berated you and almost made you cry, I don't like a woman's tears…." And he trailed off.

-With Sesshomaru and company-

"So what type of problem is at the castle?" Sesshomaru asked his messenger, Kagome walking close by. Sango was walking alongside Kagome and Miroku was next to the messenger, eyeing Sango's bottom. Some things never change….

"Lord Hiko of the northern lands is here and demanding to see you right away. He…Milord he wants to take the western lands away from you because you didn't find a mate in time and your lands cannot prosper without an heir." The messenger trailed off knowing that Sesshomaru was going to slice his head off but it didn't come. Sesshomaru knew about this. Hiko and the other lords had warned him about this but Sesshomaru wasn't worried, he did have a mate after all.

"There is no need to be concerned. This Sesshomaru has everything under control." He said. Yeah the hell he was going to let some other know-it-all lord/bastard take over his lands just because he couldn't find a bitch to have pups with….he almost smirked. The messenger just slowly nodded and said, "Yes sire."

-Inuyasha and Yumi-

"You know Inuyasha….I wanted to.." Yumi started to be cut off by Inuyasha.

Inuyasha, looking deep into her green eyes hesitated, mustered up all the courage he had and asked. "Ever since I saw you I thought…well I saw hope since you had the courage to go on and live…and…Yumi, What I'm trying to say is that…. I know you might disagree with me since I am a worthless hanyou but will you be my mate?"


"I….YES!" Yumi screamed at him and jumped on him and both fell to the ground. Inuyasha grinned and both of them got up. "Come on let's go back to the castle and tell everyone the good news!" Yumi said happily. Truly this was a dream come true and both walked hand in hand towards the palace.

-Sesshomaru and company-

Everyone arrived at the palace and walked into the study where Lord Hiko was sitting and Sesshomaru gave him one of his famous artic glares. "Lord Hiko. I know what you are here for. This Sesshomaru has no intention of giving you his lands. You want me to present you a mate? Well here she is. Meet Kagome-sama, Lady of the western lands. Now get out of my lands before I have you escorted out." Hiko laughed at him and everyone started. No one laughed at Sesshomaru! He was so dead!

"You always did have an interesting sense of humor Sesshomaru. Congrats on your mate." He smirked and was about to walk out when Inuyasha and Yumi walked in. Yumi ran to Kagome and Sango and laughed aloud, shocking them both. Just a while ago she was miserable! And they knew it was Inuyasha heart-ache.

"Inuyasha asked me to be his mate!" she said and smiled. Both girls were shocked at stared at Inuyasha and the offered their congrats to Yumi and Sesshomaru raised an eyebrow at Inuyasha who just shrugged at him. Miroku raised and eyebrow, dying to ask if they'd 'done it' yet...yes somethings never changed.

Sesshomaru wrapped an arm around Kagome and Inuyasha just stared at the pair, Kagome just gave him a blank look and showed him her mark.

"KAGOME! YOU'VE SLEPT WITH THE ENEMY?" Inuyasha roared at her pointing rudely.


Lady Nefertiti: The end! Please read and review! Thanks!