EPILOGUE- The Aftermath

Vortaak Mothership, Somewhere in deep space

Four months later

Vorticia sat quietly on her throne. This invasion was a failure; half their fleet is in ruins, the mothership alone would take several more weeks to have full functions back, and the remaining monsters they had were uncontrollable on account of the fact that Orga created a fake mind control device while he was still in his humanoid form in the first place. She had led her people on a doomed quest for survival, and now it seemed their time was almost up. Just as she was pondering this one of her minions spoke up, a quivering tone in his voice. "My queen, Gi-Gigan and Megalon have broken out again. They are approaching the center of the city." She cursed silently and stepped off her throne. "Activate the defense grid and get all available maser tanks to the city center immediately!" I will not give up. I CANNOT give up! Not with the lives of my people at stake! "In that case, leave these monsters to me." said a voice in her head. Orga? No, that felt different from Orga, thought Vorticia. "Just watch your monitors. I'll take care of the rest." She wasn't sure she should trust this voice, but Vorticia ordered all forces to wait for further instruction and kept her eye on the monitor. Sure enough, Gigan and Megalon were roaming around the city and smashing buildings as they went. Suddenly a crystal burst forth from under Megalon's feet, causing the beetle like monster to fall backward. Gigan turned and pointed at Megalon, a laughing cackle coming from the beaked alien kaiju. Then Vorticia saw something strange happening to Gigan: he was rising off the ground, but judging by the fact that he was still laughing at Megalon he was oblivious to his little levitation stunt. Next Gigan was spinning like a top while still levitating on the ground, to which by this point Gigan's laughing cackle turned into panicking cries of fear as he realized he was no longer in control of his body. Megalon got up and started making laughing chirps as he pointed at Gigan, but this was cut short when Gigan was thrown into his insect companion. Both crashed into a skyscraper that fell on top of them, then were trapped when a multitude of crystals pinned them back-to-back so that neither could move. "What just happened?" asked one of Vorticia's soldiers. "I HAPPENED." came a booming voice inside the mind of every Vortaak in the fleet. "SHOW YOURSELF!" commanded Vorticia. "My queen! Something's made its way through the hangar and is currently moving into the city limits!" Vorticia left the safety of her fortress and marched outside. She would meet this newcomer herself and show it that she would not be intimidated by a show of force. She stopped when she saw the blue, crystal covered mass of a monster that floated before her. "Go-" "Do NOT confuse me for the creature that protects the blue and green planet as though it were his. I am more evolved than that brute." Vorticia nodded, then said, "Who are you and what interest do you have with us?" "We share a common enemy, and unlike Orga I have only one interest: REVENGE!!!" Vorticia pondered this for a moment. She had been tricked before by Orga, but she had a plan to keep this new 'ally' in check. "I'm sure we can work something out," she said coyly as she smiled. Her new ally let loose a demonic roar, a sign of their new alliance.

Dragon Lake, Monster Island

4:38 pm

Kasumi laid back on the rocks in her green two-piece bathing suit, her eyes closed as she basked in the warmth of the sun and the sound of the waterfall. Four months ago she wondered if she would ever be able to relax like this again, with all the nightmares she had before the Vortaak invasion and Godzilla's release; and while this was quite peaceful, she couldn't help but feel concern as to the fate of Daniel Sheperd. There were many within G-Force who felt that releasing Godzilla ruined years of research as well as letting loose the most destructive force on the planet. However, everyone on Monster Island spoke in Daniel's defense during his government interrogation; Joseph himself even said that if Godzilla had not been released from his containment cell, the Vortaak could very well have taken over the Earth. Right now everyone was waiting for what the higher-ups were going to do, so everyone who could tried to find something to do to relax their nerves. Ironically for Kasumi the place she felt could comfort and relax her the most was the place where she once feared the most. She sighed as she opened her eyes and looked at the sky, but before she could say anything the sound of a jeep caught her attention. She sat up as it came into the clearing, acting like she was trying to get a look at the driver even though she knew full well who it was as she smiled. Daniel stopped the jeep and said to her, "you know you shouldn't be out here with some of the monsters sighted nearby." Kasumi chuckled and replied, "the monsters won't hurt me. Besides, if any of them did try to hurt me, I have protection." She got off the rock she was laying on and walked over to him, and the two embraced each other affectionately for several minutes before breaking the embrace. "So, what's the verdict?" asked Kasumi. Daniel sighed as he held her by her hand and replied, "I'll have to resign as Head of Operations on Monster Island." Kasumi frowned at this, then Daniel continued, "however, I can still head research expeditions from here, so I still have a job here." "It's still not fair that you were singled out like that, especially since we saved the world," said Kasumi, "but…it's good to know that you'll still be here." Daniel and Kasumi were about to lean into a kiss when they were interrupted by the sound of water churning in the lake. Godzilla burst from in the lake and let loose a low rumbling growl as he woke from his slumber. Water came cascading down off of the dinosaur kaiju…and right on top of Daniel and Kasumi, drenching them both thoroughly. Daniel gave a nervous laugh as Kasumi grabbed her towel and started drying herself. "He's still adjusting to his new environment," she said, "it may be a long time before he ever calls this place home." "Then why go back to the place that once held him?" Daniel asked as Kasumi handed him her towel, "it's not like this is the only spot on the island where he can find solitude." Kasumi shook her head and replied, "it's not solitude he's looking for. What he's found here, if nothing else, is a small measure of peace." Godzilla took two steps onto dry land and let loose a mighty roar for all on Monster Island to hear. This was his home, his world. Any who would threaten it would have to answer to him and his fellow monsters.


Author's Notes: Well, it's been a heck of a trip. I feel good knowing I finished this. I had made this in honor of my friends when I was in the youth group (we'd always play either Mario Kart Double Dash or Godzilla Destroy All Monsters Melee once a month when it was game night). Kasumi was even based in appearance on my best friend's girlfriend and Peter Carson was based on one of the funniest guys I know. I love them all very much, so I dedicate this to all my friends and loved ones. Thanks for the memories (and they were really great). I hope you've enjoyed this fanfiction. Take care, and God Bless. Now I gotta clean up this mess. *picks up a broom and dust pan, then looks at the demolished cities* Hmmm...I think I'm going to need a bigger broom. Or maybe a really, really REEEAAAALLLYYYYY big shop vac and several truckloads of legos....