When Red Clouds Come By

I do not own Naruto just the story (because if I did Ino would grow two heads and be a walrus)

" Umm.." Sakura mumbled. "Yes Kunotchi" Itachi said as his eyes turned to the pink headed girl.

Sakura cringed, "u-um.. A-ano… where are we". DON'T LET HIM CALL YOU THAT.

Inner screamed w'il she started punching an Itachi doll.

Where did you GET that …Oh I found it on the floor. Inner grinned cheekily.Umm

On the floor of… my brain .YEP.

"Kunotchi.. It's not good when you ignore me ." Itachi commented looking straight at the path. Sakura Woke up from her fight with inner "oh gomen-nasi Itachi-San"

Sakura said looking down.

"Sakura" as Sakura looked up at her name was called, she saw Itachi was no where to be seen.

"Sakura, call me Itachi-sama not Itachi –san" Sakura flipped around toward where the sound came, and the

Most powerful Akatsuki member had his face inches from the kunotchi. "Awe Sakura blushing" taunted

Itachi. "Well, well what should we do with that" smirked Itachi. "um .. Sakura stuttered trying to say

Something, ANYHING."SAKURA -CHAN, YEAH." Came a voice. Making Sakura pull her head up as a

Reflexes and, her lips touched something soft. Sakura released what it was and yanked her head away and

Fell on her back "Ow" mumbled Sakura rubbing her bottom. "heh didn't know you liked older men

Kunotchi" smirked Itachi as he wiped his mouth. "Umm all be going now," Sakura said

Blushing as she ran toward Deidara.

"You want to train with me, yeah " asked Deidara giving an all knowing look.

"…Y-eah" Sakura said still blushing. Itachi smirked. Well who knew Haruno could kiss.

Orochimaru's hide out

"ssssaaaasssuuukkkeee-kunn, wwwwhaaattt makes yyou thinkkk yyou ccann beattt Itttachi ?" orochimaru hissed.

"because you cant beat him, and I can" sasuke said calmly ; sharingan eyes activated .

Saaasssuke youuu aree sttilll weeeaak , you neeeed morree power, wiiittch iii can givvvve youu" Orochimaru commented trying to lore his student in his stiky web.

"Yes I need more power" Sasuke agreed ,turning to the snake man glaring an icy glare. "witch you cant give me anymore, your yousless to me now."

"Orochimaru-sama, Kimimaru wanted me t-o…" Kabuto silent himself at the sight of his leader and his student (Orochimaru's if that didn't come out)

Standing; one glaring the other with a look of shock.

"Oh look who joined us" Sasuke said with no emotion. Well now we have an audience, well the show can now start" as that was said Sasuke disappeared and reappeared behind Orochimaru and in one strike killed the snake lord through the chest. "Heh get ready Itachi im coming" Sasuke whispered waking away from Kabuto and his teachers lifeless body.

Well how was that I got a lot of Itachi like Sakura reviews so that's what you got, F.Y.I Sakura blushed because she was shocked and suprised I mean if you kissed the awesome killer wouldn't you