Hi guys its me. I know I'm a horrible fan fic writer. I should have my stories taken away from me for negligence. Its just that I've been super busy with school and barely had enough time to breathe let alone write. Good news is I'm on summer vacation so I have some free time on my hands.

I'm going with this story how I think season 3 should have turned out regardless of how it did. Just my spin on it.

I'm posting a small bit just to see if theres still interest in this story before I devote myself to it. So pleasseee pleasseee leave some feedback.

And thanks for all the previous ones Enjoy

Back in Canada, Kwest walked into the lobby with his phone to his ear. He listened to Jude's message and tried to call her back. It went straight to voicemail, prompting him to leave a message of his own. "Hey Jude, everything's fine here. Don't worry about a thing. Call me when you get to New York City." He left his message brief like hers as he hung up the phone.

"You talked to Jude?" Tommy appeared looking at Kwest's back.

He turned around to face him. "Yeah, no. I mean she left me a message." He explained as he eyed his best friend.

"Oh." Tommy stuck his hands in his pockets, wanting to ask him if she was okay, if she made it to New York okay.

"She's fine Tommy." Kwest said, reading his best friends thoughts. He saw the relief flood Tommy's face mindlessly wondering why it was there. "Her flight was cut short so she's in some town upstate for now."

"Okay. I ah, I better get back to the studio." He said as he jerked a thumb towards the hallway. Kwest nodded as he watched him walk away. He felt like there was something more going on with Tommy than the apparent, but he couldn't figure it out. He shrugged his shoulders as he made his way back to the studio and braced himself for another session with Karma.

New York

Jude walked across the pier, begrudgingly lost. She must have something in LuLu's directions because she had been walking around aimlessly for a half hour. She found a nearby bench and gave up. She plopped down unceremoniously, as she wrapped her arms around herself and looked out at the water. It was dark, still, and ominous. She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. She took a deep breath and enjoyed the sounds and smell of the pier. There was something peaceful about this dock, about this town that drew Jude in. She vaguely heard the patter of footsteps, but couldn't bring herself to open her eyes. She just felt so at ease that she didn't feel compelled to open them until she heard the splashes of water and a cry. She sprung up from the bench and rushed over to the pier. She looked down at the water and saw that the once tranquil water was replaced by frantic waves and she saw a small hand shoot up along with a mess of hair. Realizing it was a little boy, on instinct she dove into the murky water without a second thought. The freezing temperature immediately hit her body as she swam towards him. She grabbed hold of the little body and held onto him tightly. She heard the gasps for air as she reached the wooden dock and pushed him up onto the ledge. He clung onto the edge and with one final push from Jude he was on the dry pier. Her wet fingers attempted to curl around ledge, but slid off sending her under the water. Seconds later she propelled her body up, choking. She slipped back under again, and resurfaced a minute later Before she had a chance to sink again, she felt a pair of strong hands wrap under her shoulders pulling her out of the water and laying her gently on the wooden planks. She laid face up on the docks cold and disoriented. She slowly opened her eyes and found herself looking into a pair of steel blue ones. "Tommy." She softly whispered before the blue eyes disappeared and everything faded to black.