
Drew stared out at the beautiful ocean view in front of him. It was so perfect, everything was so peaceful and serene. Nothing could ruin this moment, or so Drew thought.

"Oh my gosh look it's Drew!!!" "Drew look this way!!" "Drew could we get a picture with you?!?!" "Oh my gosh he's so hot!" came different high pitched voices. They all came from some girl or another who was in Drew's fan club.

Drew sighed, and just when he thought that he could get away from everyone for a while, they show up. Drew got up to leave, if there was one thing he hated, that was his fan girls cluttering around him. Sure he showed off and made it seem like he liked having them around, but in truth he couldn't stand their high pitched squeals and the fact that they made such a fuss over him.

"Drew where are you going?" one of the girls asked him. She had light blue hair and hazel eyes that looked sad. "I'm going to head home, it's getting pretty late, so I'll see all of you at school tomorrow, k?" he asked, forcing a fake smile as he turned to leave.

Drew didn't need to turn around, he could tell just by listening to them that the girl he just spoke to fainted, "Oh, my gosh, you're so lucky!" "He actually talked to you!" the girls said crowding around the blue haired girl.

Drew walked on and soon saw a black limousine pulled up in front of him. "Master Drew, your parents asked me to come find you." The driver said as he pulled down the window.

"Perfect timing." Drew said as he entered the limo. Drew was the son of Max and Sherry Styles. The Styles family owned a large chain of hotels and owned Styles Corp. a manufacturer of helpful technology. Since Drew was the only child of Mr. and Mrs. Styles, he was to inherit the family business when he came into age. Of course that would be later on since he was only fourteen and couldn't inherit the business until he was married.

The black limo pulled up to a huge mansion. A large gate stood in front of them, and was opened. The gate itself was made of gold and had the Styles family symbol in the center.

As soon as Drew entered the house he immediately went to his room. "Drew honey, don't you want supper?" his mother, Sherry asked.

"No thanks, I'm not hungry mom." Drew said smiling to her before he made his way up the stairs and to his room.

Drew was tired, he had had a long day, what with all his fan girls at school and all. His room was the only place he could get some peace and quite.


"Wow, are we gonna live here?" a brunette girl around the age of fourteen asked turning toward her mom. "Yup." He mom, Caroline said turning toward her daughter.

"Alright, I cant wait to see my new room!" her little brother Max said as he ran into the house carrying his toys. He was around twelve years old and a whole lot more mature than his older sister.

"May honey, could you carry those boxes inside please?" her father Norman asked her. "Sure thing dad!" she said happily as she brought the small boxes into the house.

"Wow, it's so pretty! And La Rousse city is so much bigger than Littleroot." May said as she looked around the house. May went up to her room to see that all her stuff were already brought there by the movers.

"Oh, honey, your school uniform is on the bed make sure that you put them away nicely." Caroline reminded her daughter.

"Ok mom!" May called from her room. May was happy to move because there were two people that lived here that she was really looking forward to seeing. They were her bestest friends in the whole wide world, Ash and Misty. They had met because of her dad's job. They were a year older than May herself, but since they first met they all had been best of friends ever since. They always get together whenever they can, Ash and Misty take the train to Littleroot to hang out with May since May wasn't allowed to take the train to La Rousse, her parents were afraid that she was going to get lost.

"I have to call Ash and Misty!" May exclaimed as she remembered her promise to call them as soon as she got to La Rousse.

"May honey, your friends are here!" Caroline called to her daughter.

"My friends..? but we just got here, I haven't made any friends yet." May said as she went down the stairs.

"Ash, Misty! I was just about to call you guys!" May said as she hugged her two best friends.

"Why don't you guys stay for supper?" Caroline asked as she came from the kitchen wearing an apron that said 'Kiss the Chef.'

"Sure, we'd love to, thanks." Misty said smiling.

"Come on up you guys." May said leading them to her room. "Wow May, you sure are a messy person since you moved here." Ash said stupidly.

"Ash!" Misty said smacking him with her toy hammer. "She didn't unpack yet!" Misty screamed at the raven haired boy. May sweatdropped as she looked on.

Ash was about 5'8 and Misty around 5'6. May was the shortest of her friends, she was only 5'3. Ash had spiky black hair and a tanned skin, with onyx eyes. He was actually pretty cute, but really dumb. Misty on the other hand had fairer skin and green eyes with red hair. Her short hair was tied in a ponytail on the side and bangs that covered her forehead.

"Come on, we'll help!" Misty said smiling at May. "You guys don't have to do that." May said protesting.

"We know, but we want to." Ash said as he and Misty started taking out the objects in the various boxes and putting them away.

May looked at her two friends, she loved them so much, they mean everything to her. She remembered that when she was younger she used to have a crush on Ash, but quickly got over it. But it was during that time that May realized that Misty had a crush on Ash. May had also realized that Ash liked Misty as well, but it didn't hurt when she realized because May only liked Ash 'cuz of his looks.

"Thanks for your help you guys." May said as they finished unpacking the last of her things.

"No problem. Oh, is this your school uniform?" Misty asked walking over to the pile of clothes on the bed.

"Yea…:" May said a bit nervous about going to school tomorrow.

"Don't worry about it, if you have any problems come to us, k?" Misty said giving her a reassuring smile.

"Thanks!" May said smiling.

"May, come down stairs for dinner!" Max said as he entered his sisters room and left in a hurry to go and eat.

"Come on you guys." May said as the three went down stairs to eat.

After dinner Misty and Ash left to go home and May went up stairs to go to sleep.

"I hope everything turns out fine tomorrow." May said as she turned off her desk lamp and drifted off to sleep.