Trust Issues

Donna stepped into the sitting room of the Residence reluctantly. Although she was asked to come she felt she was intruding because she had a personal 'agenda'. She was almost out of the White House when the First Lady phoned her to get her back to the Residence and Donna thought she should seize the opportunity. She sighed as she stepped inside; Helen was talking on the phone and signaled Donna to take a seat. She wished to talk about Josh's problem to Helen but she also wanted to get home as soon as possible; Josh said he would be at home early.

She couldn't remember when it was last they left the building together although she had to admit that both she and Josh tried very hard to leave the office on the same day they arrived. Donna was usually on time but not since she found sponsors for Helen's first bill. She worked very hard and although the West Wing helped her in every way they could, Donna wanted to prove that she can handle the Representatives on her own. Helen was pleased with the progress they made, although Donna had her reservations about some of the things Josh's staff allowed to be attached to the bill. She knew that she had to be ready for compromises (and grateful for the help) but she couldn't quite fathom how visitation rights fit into a bill on Children with Disabilities.

"They are in the Situation Room," Helen Santos said when she caught Donna sneaking a peek at her watch. She placed the receiver into its cradle and flashed a smile at Donna.

"Oh," was all Donna was able to say.

"Yeah, it is going to be a long night. That's why I thought this would be a good time as any for us to have a little chat. Would you like something to drink?" Helen asked her when the steward entered the sitting room.

"A green tea, please," Donna turned to the steward who left the room after taking Helen's order too. "Ma'am, before we proceed, I'd like to talk to you about something."

"Okay, what is it?" Helen asked.

"Well, on the day the President took the oath of office I promised something too. I swore that that I'd never exploit our relationship," Donna started and gestured between herself and the First Lady, "to help Josh to handle the President or something like that."

"That's very… laudable, I guess," Helen said.

"Well, I have to break my word now," Donna said with a self-deprecating smile.

"He is losing sleep too?" Helen asked compassionately.

"Yes, ma'am," Donna said.

"Okay, Donna, this is one of those situations when we are two ordinary women discussing what stupid things our men had done," Helen said with a grin. "You sure could call me Helen on these occasions?"

"Yes, ma'am. I mean Helen. The President is losing sleep?"

"Please, he was always a crappy sleeper when he was stressed about something," Helen said with a dismissive wave.

"Then he probably didn't get enough sleep since Inauguration," Donna quipped. "And especially not since three days?" she asked as an afterthought, referring to the fact that Josh had problems with sleep in the last three nights.

"Yeah, that about right. Although on ordinary days it's better than I imagined," Helen said. "Josh helped when he pointed out to him that there is a Matt Santos who lives in the Residence with his beautiful children and wife, and there is a President Santos who shows up in the Oval Office every morning."

"Yeah," Donna agreed.

"I tried guessing, asking, cajoling, shouting, and I admit even having sex to get him to talk about it, but to no avail," Helen admitted.

"Yeah, same result here. Although I started with the sex part," Donna confessed with a conspiratorial smile.

"Yeah, they are usually that predictable. Not this time though," Helen stated and leaned back, looking a bit tired. Donna made a mental note to make sure that she wasn't overtired. Not that it was her job but she liked Helen and knew that not only the job needed her but also her husband and her kids.

"Yes. I think they probably hadn't even realized yet why they are so stressed. They think it's about some business they have to attend to. But I think they have trust issues and a severe misunderstanding," Donna surmised.

"Those trust issues are… between Matt and Josh," Helen stated rather than asked.

"Yes, I think so," Donna said with a nod.

"Okay, and what's the misunderstanding about?" Helen asked. "I think that's easier to solve than the trust issues."

"Maybe. I think Josh feels that the President is micromanaging, and I can only guess but the President thinks that he is trying to monitor him and control him when Josh is not letting some of the stuff landing on the President's desk."

"That sounds pretty serious to me," Helen said.

"Yeah, but that's just a misunderstanding. The President likes to know about the light stuff too, and Josh should brief him on it every morning without actually bothering the President with it," Donna said.

"Yeah, Matt is too curious for his own sake," Helen said dryly.

"I think they could get around that if they would be able to talk honestly with each other."

"That probably won't happen," Helen said. "We are talking about the two most stubborn members of the Democratic Party."

"Yeah," Donna said with a sigh. "I think we need help, Helen."

"Who could help us?"

"Sam. Sam Seaborn," Donna said. "I bet he knows what's their problem is."

"Okay. Do you think he is still in the building?"

"Guess so. Deputy Chiefs of Staff have insane hours," Donna said with a reminiscent tone.

"I see," Helen said and picked up the phone. "Yes, Helen Santos here. Could you please locate Sam Seaborn for me? Thank you."


So tell me what you think so far!