Chapter 1.

Even after death

The 10th division Captain walked towards his office. Although it was already evening, he had a hunch that the paperwork still wasn't finished. That lazy Matsumoto was probably sleeping or drinking sake and there was a high possibility the work that he had ordered her to do, still wasn't done.

He was not able to do it himself today. Hinamori had fallen ill and Hitsugaya had to watch over her. He just had to. So he ordered Matsumoto to do the remaining work when he heared about the news that afternoon.

When he entered his office his vice-captain was sleeping, of course. But the white haired shinigami couldn't believe his eyes and even when he searched the whole office it was hard to believe. When he saw the desk was empty he thought Matsumoto might have hidden her paperwork, but she didn't. She had actually finished all the paperwork.

Hitsugaya wanted to wake Matsumoto up and then he would yell at her because she was sleeping in the office, but he was too tired. The instant the captain reached his bed he fell asleep.

The next morning Matsumoto woke up. She yawned.

'Oi, Matsumoto…' Hitsugaya was leaning against the wall. 'Are you comfortable?'

Matsumoto looked around sleepy. 'Ohayo taichou.' She said and yawned again.

'How about you stop sleeping at your desk and get some breakfast?'

'Hai, taichou!' The vice-captain stood up.

'Oh, and Matsumoto, I expect you do today's paperwork on your own again.' Matsumoto looked for an evil smile on her captain's face, but she couldn't find any.

'Hai taichou!' She said. 'He's probably going to visit Hinamori again.' And Matsumoto left the room.

Half an hour later, Hitsugaya sat down on a chair next to the bed where Hinamori was sleeping peacefully. She didn't look ill, he thought. But when his hand touched her forehead, he could feel it was warm.

Yesterday, Hinamori Momo had fainted during the vice-captains meeting. Hitsugaya went to the 4th division immediatly when he heared the news.

Unohana entered the room.

'Unohana-san, has she already woken up?' the 10th division captain asked. The woman shook her head and Hitsugaya continued looking at his childhood friend.

'We think it's because of Aizen.' The medical expert said calmly.

'Him again?' Hitsugaya thought. 'We killed him a month ago and still he can do this to Hinamori?' He clenched his fists.

'He was her captain, after all.' Unohana must have felt his anger, for she spoke with caution. 'It must have been hard, taking the life of a man you had admired since you entered the academy.'

Yes, Hinamori had been the one who killed that man. She had put the existance of Aizen to an end. The moment Tobiume was pinned through his heart was his last. And finally, everyone could sleep without any worries about him once again. Or so it seemed.

'Hinamori…' That was all Hitsugaya could say and tears were burning in his eyes. Unohana laid her hand on his shoulder in order to comfort him.

Ater ten minutes, the 4th division captain left and Hitsugaya was alone with Hinamori again. And it would stay that way.

Suddenly, there was a change in Hinamori's condition.

Well, what do you think? It's my first fanfic!!! Yay!!! Please review! If you do, you can tell me what pairing you would like! HitsugayaXHinamori, or maybe HitsugayaXOC... What do you like? I'm sorry it's so short, I wanted it to be longer. Next time it will be longer, I promise. Bye bye!!!