Sorry for the loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong delay! Really, really sorry!...REALLY!

Princess & The Pea

Anouncer: (sighs) Welcome to Know Your St- You already know what the show is anyways! I'm tired of that fading thing! I'm loosing my voice! Anyways, we have a guest. Princess and the Pea. Well, since I don't know your name can I call you Hannah?

Princess: But-

Anouncer: Okay then! Let's get started! Hannah, you cheated.

'Hannah': Cheated what?

Anouncer: Don't act like you don't know...

'Hannah': I seriously don't know.

Anouncer: Okay. Kid, I'm fresh out of ideas. Could you help me a bit?

'Hannah': Uh...Sure...Let's knew the queen's plan and I cheated. Just like you said.

Announcer: (smirks) Big mistake...

'Hannah': Oh crap! What did I just do?!?!

Anouncer: (clears throat) Gimme more ideas...

'Hannah': Um...I'm on drugs?

Anouncer: This is gold! Hang on...jusy let me get a pen and pad. Continue...

'Hannah': Oh no! I can't tell you! Those aren't true!

Anouncer: Puh-lease.

'Hannah': mom killed herself because she hated me?

Anouncer: Are you trying to ruin your reputation or something?

'Hannah': No! I just can't help but to obey!

Anouncer: Look, kid, you gotta stop telling me stuff like this. Now continue.

'Hannah': My dad is a drunk?

Anouncer: STOP TELLING ME! (writes more on pad)

'Hannah': I can't! It's hard!

Anouncer: (sighs) Okay, tell me to do something.

'Hannah': Erase all the things that I said.

Anouncer: Nope. Can't do that.

'Hannah': What? Why?!?!?

Anouncer: Because I'm trying to teach you how to say 'no'.

'Hannah': Fair enough.

Camera man: (comes up stage and whispers something to the darkness)

Anouncer: Oh really? Really? Wow, times does fly. Well, thanks for telling me, Rob.

Camera man: My name is Tim!

Anouncer: Whatever. Now get off the stage.

Camera man: Fine! But you're gonna find something interesting in your coffee tomorrow!

Anouncer: Ooooh...I'm so scared of you!

Camera man: (rolls eyes and gets off stage)

Anouncer: Sorry Stacey but the time is over.

'Hannah/Stacey': What are you calling me? Hannah or Stacey? CHOOSE FOR GOD'S SAKE!!

Anouncer: Sorry Jane. Time is over and the set is closing. Bye..

'Hannah/Stacey/Jane': (sighs and leaves)

Was that good enough?