Fairytale Princesses

Sleeping Beauty

Anouncer: Welcome to Know Your Stars...Know Your Stars...Know Your Stars...(voice fades away) Our first guest is Sleeping Beauty a.k.a Princess Aurora!

Sleeping Beauty: Yes?

Anouncer: (clears throat) Sleeping Beauty, the director had to give her pills to make her sleep.

Sleeping Beauty: That's not true!

Anouncer: Of course it's not...Whatever you want to believe... Sleeping Beauty, the only way she got the part was she hypnotized the director... Freaky...

Sleeping Beauty: What?!?!

Anouncer: Sleeping Beauty, she died her to a golden blonde to get the part.

Sleeping Beauty: Excuse me? My hair is natural plus, you said I hypnotized the director!

Anouncer: So, you're admiting you did hypnotize the director?

Sleeping Beauty: No!

Anouncer: Then, you dyed your hair...Sleeping Beauty, she's just plain fake.

Sleeping Beauty: How dare you!?!? (stands up)

Anouncer: Sleeping Beauty, she has an anger problem.

Sleeping Beauty: I DO NOT!!!

Anouncer: Sleeping Beauty, she is going to kill me.

Sleeping Beauty: If you don't stop telling those lies, I will kill you!

Anouncer: See? You witnesed it ladies and gentlemen, the 'innocent' Sleeping Beauty said she's going to kill me. That's it for - oh wait, we still have a few more minutes. Now, sit down!

Sleeping Beauty: (rolls eyes)

Anouncer: Sleeping Beauty, she's a stubborn little brat.

Sleeping Beauty: (covers her ears) I'm not listening! Lalalalalala!!

Anouncer: (sighs) Sleeping Beauty, she's deaf.

Sleeping Beauty: LALALALA!!!

Anouncer: Sleeping Beauty, she is going to get thrown off the stage.

A robotic hand suddenly appears and picks Sleeping Beauty up with it's fingers. It throws her away into the dumpster.

Anouncer: Thank you for tuning in! See you later!