In case you haven't guessed, although I'm sure you hate hearing this, this is my first fanfiction. I've never tried it before, and I'm expecting it come out terribly. If you have any thoughts, criticisms, whatever...please review. (If nobody reads it, I won't bother taking up server space with it --;; Depressing thought.) Anywho, drop me a line or two, and hopefully this will be able to slightly entertain you.

Disclaimer: "Vampire Knight" is owned by Matsuri Hino and published in Lala magazine and Shojo Beat magazine. I have no extrinsic motivation for doing this, so kindly don't sue me. Domo arigatou gozaimasu.

The dark spires of the Moon Dormitory glinted in the flashes of lightening as one lone car crashed down the road. Rain lashed at the windows and the headlights seemed unable to pierce more than a few feet into the darkness, but onwards it careened through the tempestuous night. The chauffer displayed no hesitation, pressing the accelerator as if the very demons of hell were hard on his rear bumper. His young passenger sat motionless and silent in the back, giving no indication that she noticed either the storm or the driver's reckless antics.

"Almost there, Miss," he called over his shoulder to the statue posing as a human behind him. The man received no reply, and sighed heavily at the lack of sound. It allowed for too much attention to be paid to the horrendous storm outside throwing itself at his small car, threatening to blow it off the road.

At long last, the gates of Cross Academy appeared and the half of the poor driver's nerve-wracking trek was over once he slid to a stop before the cold, iron bars. The girl noiselessly exited the vehicle, removed her luggage from the rear compartment, and stood alone before the barred school grounds in the torrential downpour, as the driver turned around and happily rid himself of the bleak scenery.

There was no doorbell to ring, no button to press, and the slippery metal bars did not look as though they would yield willingly to a simple push. The girl continued standing there, her shoulder-length silver strands plastered to her head. Never mind that the wind still howled as ferociously as before, she stood there, unwavering.

"KYAAAA!!!" A loud scream ripped through the stormy dusk. Without a doubt, a sound this loud, coming from a large multitude of girls at Cross Academy, could mean only one thing: the Night Class was coming out. It was the same thing every night, and the exhausting ritual never failed to frustrate the two "guardians" of the school, or disciplinary committee members, Yuki Cross and Zero Kiryu. No matter how many times the squealing, fainting, generally annoying fan girls saw the beautiful members of the Night Class walk out of their dorms, they couldn't help but disturb the peace with their ear-piercing shrieks every single time.

Of course, the school's guardians were not present every evening to protect the Night Class from little girls. They were there to protect the Night Class's secret: the Night Class was made up entirely of vampires. It was no wonder they were so beautiful to behold. They were supernatural creatures. Who wouldn't want to stare at that? Meanwhile, struggling to outdo the Day Class girls' happy cries, the wind gusted and the rain poured harder than before.

Amidst all this commotion, one lone Day Class girl with a soaked white band around her arm identifying her as a member of the disciplinary committee attempted to gain everyone's attention with a small, silver whistle and yelled out, "Due to dangerous weather conditions, all Day Class students are asked to immediately report back to their dorms! I repeat, report back to your dorms!" Yuki instantly saw dozens of angry glares being thrown her way. Flinching just a little, she reassumed her "stern" face and shouted again, "Everyone inside, NOW!"

There was some general grumbling about going in after waiting all day for this event, but everyone quickly sprinted away when the other school guardian, Kiryu, suddenly appeared behind Yuki and gave a glare of his own that far outdid any of the angry fan girls'. (The flash of lightening highlighting every scary shadow on Zero's face didn't hurt either.)

With the courtyard finally free of ignorant human witnesses, one lone vampire stepped forward from the crowd of them and commandingly pointed towards the gate. "Aido, Kain, go let our visitor in. The poor thing's been waiting in this rain for quite a while." Watching the one called Aido run off just a little too enthusiastically, he added, "Aido," glancing at his momentarily frozen form, "Behave."

Kain followed along behind his cousin at a much more leisurely pace, musing over the motives that must be prompting their leader's strange actions. Needless to say, he was trying to understand the mind of a very complex vampire, for Kaname Kuran was no ordinary creature of the night. While Akatsuki Kain and his cousin Hanabusa Aido were of vampire nobility, Kuran was one of the few and powerful purebloods. His blood was not tainted by a trace of a human's. Obviously, this made him the leader of the vampires around him, and, naturally, he was also the President of the Moon Dorm where the vampires of Cross Academy lived, peacefully.

"Why would Kaname-sama send us out to open the gates instead of Yuki or Kiryu? They're the school's guardians. They should be the ones welcoming guests…" Kain mumbled to himself. The rain was soaking his uniform and running down his shoulders and chest thanks to his constantly unbuttoned shirt and jacket. In this weather, buttoned or unbuttoned didn't really make any difference, but the extra wetness was troublesome all the same. "Hey, Aido!" Kain called. "Can you let the kid in alone? I need some dry clothes!"

Aido didn't respond. In fact, he stood before the still-closed gates as if frozen. He understood why Kaname-sama had sent his two right-hand vampires instead of the mortal committee members. Even behind the safety of the iron bars, it was all Aido could do not to tremble. The girl wasn't even looking at him yet. She was still gazing at the ground, but her aura seeped into everything and everyone around her. And it pierced his soul. He could feel the power behind it. It was being dulled, held back, controlled, but he could feel it. Then, just as suddenly as the wave had hit him, it was gone, as if it had never been there.

"Begging your pardon, sir," a soft, firm voice wafted through the rain, ringing clearly in Aido's ears, "but is this Cross Academy?" For the first time she looked up at the people before her. The one standing directly in front of her was still recovering from her momentary lapse in control. She would need to remedy that little problem very soon.

The other boy who had walked out with this first one was just becoming clear through the sheets of rain. Those purple eyes searched for the cause of his cousin's strange behavior, but she would make sure they did not find it. It would make things much more difficult for her later on.

"You! What're you doing out here?" Kain yelled as he reached the gates, all thoughts of manners gone from his mind in light of Aido's shocked stance. The girl was staring at him rather intently, and it was more than a little disconcerting. The stormy gray depths of her eyes matched the storm they were standing in, and, Kain suspected, held just as many mysteries as a dark, stormy night could conceal. Her appearance as a whole was strangely familiar. Silver hair and gray eyes, a little bit on the tall side….who did that remind him of?

Bowing slightly and allowing her dripping strands to mask her face yet again, the girl calmly replied, "My apologies. I should have introduced myself sooner. My name is Arashi Kiryu. I am a new student here in the Day Class."