You didn't think it was over, did you? Wait, I told you there were four chapters, didn't I? Well, anyways, what is a wedding without the reception to go with it?

And this is where the fun REALLY starts.


"Well, I guess for the most part this wedding turned out to be…entertaining…" Mandy said to Billy as the chef brought in the giant cake.

Billy wasn't paying attention to what Mandy was saying. He was too busy eyeing the cake. "Ooh! So much frosting! I wonder what kind it is! I hope it's chocolate! But white cake's okay, too. And marble. And lemon. And cheese. But NOT coconut! I don't like that kind."

"Whoa! Easy, Seabiscuit," Mandy said. "It's just as much my cake as it is yours."

As she said that, Grim bolted into the room. "RUN FOR YER PITIFUL LIVES!!!!"

"What's wrong?" Billy asked.

Grim hid behind Mandy. "I dropped da keys dat go wit' Mindy's and Irwin's confinements, and Harold found dem! Now dey loose! And dey ticked off at you two, and I want no part of it."

"Nice going, bonehead," Mandy said as the freed annoyances appeared in the doorway.

"YOU JERK!" both Mindy and Irwin yelled simultaneously as they ran toward the newlyweds.

When the two were close enough, Mandy pulled Billy and Grim out of the way, thus causing the two to run face-first into the cake.

Cake splattered all over the place, including Billy's mouth. "EWW! Coconut cake!"

"How thick is that cake?" Mandy asked the chef.

"Very thick," the chef replied. "They ain't gettin' out of that thing for a while."

"Then we can continue. Billy?" Mandy held out her hand. "Might as well get this over with."

"Um…I already put your ring on your finger," Billy said.

"Dance, stupid!"

"OHH! …I can't dance."

"Oh, and I have a PhD in dancing? Just take my hand!"

"Alright. If you say so," Billy said as he took her hand and led her to the dance floor. They'd barely begun to dance when Billy's foot found Mandy's.


"Sorry. Told you I can't dance."

She sighed. "It's okay, Billy. I won't get mad." She waited for her husband to feel like he was in the clear. "I'll just get even." Then, she stepped on his foot.


"Now we're even," Mandy said in a nonchalant manner.

The red-head twitched. "Maybe we should stop dancing. I can't feel my foot…"

"Very well," Mandy said. "I didn't want to dance, either. It's just…expected. And besides, we danced a little bit. That's good enough."

"So…I guess now we can go?"

"Not yet. We've got one final thing to do. Grim?"

Grim walked up to the couple. "What?"


"Oh. Right." He gave her the flowers.

"Hey! What you doin' givin' flowers to my wife, Grim?!" Billy yelled.

"Billy, shut up," Mandy said. "It's a bouquet. It's for throwing."

"OOH! I like to throw stuff! Can I throw it? PLEASE?!"

"Knock yourself out," Mandy said, giving her newlywed husband the flowers. "Just throw it over your head."

"OKAY!" Billy shouted as he threw it. The bouquet landed in what was left of the cake.

"Looks like Mindy and Irwin are next," Mandy said monotonously.

Inside the cake, Mindy yelled a muffled "WHAT?!"

The blonde walked up to the cake. "I just know you two will make a lovely couple…"

Muffled screams were heard from the cake.

"Sounds like someone is shouting with joy," Mandy said as she walked off. "Come, Billy. Let's go home. Grim, take a few days off. Billy and I would like a little…privacy…"

"We would?" Billy asked. "Why?"

"Oh, happy day!" Grim shouted happily. "Three days of doin' anything but washing dishes and scrubbing toilets!"


"Seriously, why would we like a little privacy?" Billy asked as he and his bride left.

"It's a surprise, Billy," the blonde merely responded.

"OOH! I like surprises!"

"Yep. You certainly will…"

"Is it a racecar?"


"Is it a dinosaur?"


"Is it…Swiss cheese?"

"Do you want the surprise or not?" Mandy scowled, stopping in her tracks.

Billy stopped and turned back to his wife. "I'll be good."

"Thank you," she said gloomily as they entered the limo.


I wish I could've had a better ending than Billy and Mandy just "entering a limo". Ah well. I hope you enjoyed it anyway.

So…anyone want some cake?