Author's Note: These poems were an assignment a long time ago. For the first, my teacher told us to write down anything anyone said that we thought was insightful/funny. Naturally, mine ended up being all Danny Phantom lines. Then, she told us we had to write a poem using those lines…

Oh. No. So…the first is what came of it.

Next, she told us to write an acrostic poem of whatever we wanted. Since my secret love of Danny Phantom was already out, I decided to use his name as the second. My teacher actually told me I should post it in a fan club for DP somewhere, so…here it is! Never disobey a teacher.

Also, the second poem is a lot better than the first, so don't be disappointed.

"I'm Goin' Ghost"

(Anything in italics is a line I took from the show.)

"Blimey!" Danny said, stepping through the door,

When he saw a creepy ghost waiting on his floor.

"This is not your fault," his friends said with agility.

"Maybe not," Danny said, "but it is my responsibility."

"I'm goin' ghost!" Danny said as he then changed

From clumsy boy to a ghost whose powers ranged

From invisibility to shooting rays and flight

To stretching abnormally to exceed his average height.

Before he could react, the ghost sprayed him with some goop.

"Dude," Danny yelled, "You are one seriously crazed-up fruit loop!"

Then he got so mad, Danny gave a great big yell

And the ghost was blown away; into the thermos he fell.

Thinking he'd set a harmful power free,

He said, "Great, now I'm going through evil puberty."

Seeing the mess that he had made while fighting

Danny said, as he turned on his room's lighting:

"Curse this infernal messy room!" with a sarcastic demeanor

"This looks like a job for…THE VACUUM CLEANER!"

"Danny Phantom" Acrostic Poem

Daring to fight

Against ghostly enemies

Never backing down and

Not giving up,

Yelling, "I'm goin' ghost!"

Portals to the ghost zone

Hold menacing

And evil beings. He

Needs to fight them

To protect his town.

Only he can

Manage to win.