The Fifth Four

The Fantastic 4 were returning to Reed's flat after another mission. Reed Richards and Susan Storm were walking with Ben Grimm with Johnny Storm walking behind them. In the flat, away from all of the press Sue turned on Johnny.

"Dammit Johnny! Did you always have to do that!?!" Sue yelled.


The phone was ring in the Fantastic 4's flat. Johnny was in the kitchen and turned to get the phone when an arm stretched out to get it. Luckily the phone was cordless.

"Hello?" Johnny heard Reed's voice. "Yeah, we'll be right there." Reed ran into where Johnny was sitting.

"That was the fire department. The children's orphanage is on fire. They need some help." Reed said seriously. Sue appeared in front of Johnny and Ben came thumping in.

"Well then lets go." Johnny said. The superheroes ran or flew to the orphanage. Ben put a hole in the top of the orphanage to let the smoke get out and so Johnny could fly in. Reed was reaching in with his extendable arm and grabbing whatever kids he could with Johnny getting directions. After all the kids were out Johnny lit the rest of the building on fire. That's why Sue was mad.

End Flashback

"Oh come on Sue, everyone knew that the building was coming down. I just helped them out." Johnny replied.

"You've got to stop being so immature." Sue shouted.

"Oh stop, you're not mom." Johnny said, getting mad. Meanwhile Ben and Reed left the siblings to sort out their problems.

"I'll stop acting like her when you start acting your age." Sue told him.

"Mom understood that I loved her but that I didn't need her every minute of my life, Sue. And if you haven't noticed, Mom and Dad are DEAD!" Johnny shouted.

"Don't you think I know that! I don't want that to happen to you!" Sue said.

"I'm a big boy Sue, I can take care of myself." Johnny told her as he walked out of the apartment. Johnny flew out of the apartment and only stopped at a bench that had a girl with black hair and blue eyes. She had her left leg sticking out at an awkward angle and she was reading a book called Eragon (great book). She looked up as Johnny sat beside her.

"What's up with the Human Torch?" she asked him. Johnny shook his head.

"Fine don't tell me but I know there's something up." she said.

"Okay, do you even know my actual name?" Johnny asked angrily.

"Johnny Storm, brother of the Invisible Girl, Susan Storm who is the wife of Mr. Fantastic, Reed Richards. You bug Thing, Ben Grimm." the girl said smartly. Johnny looked shocked.

"I have a lot of time on my hands. My names Selena." she said.

"So are you going to let me know what's wrong?" Selena asked.

"Sue and I got into a fight about my Mom and Dad." Johnny said.

"Aren't you're parents dead?" Selena asked.

"How'd you know that? We didn't want it publicized." Johnny said astounded.

"I was in the hospital when the doctors were trying to save them." Selena admitted, pointing at her leg.

"Really? Did they say anything about me?" Johnny asked.

"They were shouting about Johnny and Sue and then your mom looked at me and asked me to try to find you." Selena stated. At that moment it started raining.

"Now that I have that off my conscience, I gotta get home." Selena said, struggling to stand. Johnny reached out to help her up. She took his hand and pushed with her right leg.

"Let me walk you home." Johnny said.

"What happened to your leg anyway?" Johnny asked curiously.

"About 10 years ago I was a dancer. I was at the USA nationals competition when I fell while I was competing. I couldn't get up. I figured that I had pulled something. But at the hospital they told me that I dislocated my knee. (I actually did this, painful) So I've been in and out of the hospital for about 10 years." Selena explained.

"How old are you?" Johnny asked.

"23. I was 13 when I hurt my knee." Selena said loftily. Johnny whistled. He looked to the sky and saw that there was blue lightening coming towards them.

"Look out." he yelled but the blue purplish lightening hit her. Johnny picked her up and took her to the apartment.

When he walked in carrying Selena, Sue came running up with a towel.

"Johnny, I'm so sorry. Here." Sue said trying to hand him a towel.

"It's okay Sue, but Selena needs this more than I do." Johnny said, wrapping the towel around Selena. He placed her on a bed in their guest room. Johnny started heating up to dry himself off.

"Where's Reed?" Johnny said. Reed ran in.

"What happened?" Reed asked looking at the girl.

"She got hit by blue, purplish lightening." Johnny explained.

"Well, let's get her checked out." Reed said.