Hunter was charged with Unlawful Imprisonment in the First Degree and was put behind bars for another seven years. Angelina, Liza, and Jude were key witnesses in putting him away and Tommy was there ever step of the way. Jude had agreed to leave with Tommy and travel the world, but they put it off until everything was settled. She finally realized why Tommy broke up with her and forgave him. It took them some time,but they got back together. They finally left Toronto and traveled. They traveled all throughout Europe, saw all the historical sights, and all the beautiful places that they both had ever dreamed of seeing.
Tommy had told Jude on their visit to the Eiffel Tower that he never wanted to spend another minute without her by his side. He said he never wanted to go another day without knowing if she was ok or another second doubting that he finally had her, that she was his. He even bought her a promise ring. Seeing as she was still eighteen at the time, he gave it to her and promised her that he was going to marry her when she was ready. They spent weeks in some of the most beautiful cities and met some of the most amazing people. They got to know things about each other that they never thought they would know. They spent five months away from their homes and when they did arrive back to Toronto, they moved in together. They bought a loft close to G-Major and started new. They finally began to start their lives together.
That was all two years ago. Now...now they're older. Now they're wiser. Now their love is stronger than ever. Tommy was finally where he wanted to be in life. Jude had finally gotten what she wanted. They had gotten married a year after moving in together and now they were expecting. They had wanted to wait to find out the sex of the baby, but the suspense was killing them. It was going to be a little girl. To say Tommy was excited was an understatement. If there was an award for best dad-to-be, he would win first place. He catered to Jude's every need and it had been annoying at times, but she didn't mind.
So now here they were, rushing through the Emergency Room doors. Jude was holding onto Tommy's hand like her life depended on it. Doctors were shouting all around them and security was blocking the doors from the paparazzi.
"Oh God. Oh God. Oh God." Jude between each deep inhale of air she took. Tommy smiled down at her and spoke.
"Baby you're doing great. Everything is going to be ok." Jude looked up at him with tears in her eyes.
"Tommy I can't do this. It hurts so much. Tommy, I can't." She moaned. The doctors wheeled them into their waiting room and helped Jude onto the bed. Tommy stood next to her and whispered to her as the doctors prepared for the delivery. Jude's doctor walked through the doors as she put on gloves.
"Ah, Jude, it's time I see." She said taking a seat in front of Jude.
"Jude, I'm going to need you to push." Jude shook her head and looked at Tommy with pleading eyes.
"Baby, it's going to be ok. I'm right here." Jude nodded and began to push. He grip on Tommy's hand tightened and he winced. Jude screamed in pain and she threw her head back.
"Jude, you're doing great. One more big push and she's here." The doctor said as Jude shook her head.
"I can't." She whispered. Tommy wiped to sweat from her forehead and smiled.
"Babe, we're one push away from seeing our daughter." Jude smiled up at him and nodded. She pushed one last time before the room erupted in loud cries. Jude broke out into a tearful laugh as she listened to her baby.
"It's a girl, Jude. Congrats." The baby was wiped clean and wrapped in a pink blanket before handed to Jude. Tommy looked down at her and smiled as tears rolled down his face.
"God, she's beautiful." He whispered as he looked at her. Jude smiled and gently rubbed the baby's nose.
"What are we going to name her?" Tommy asked. Jude thought for a second before answering.
"Angela. Angela Rose."