Okay so, I'm glad you all like the idea. Once again this chapter, along with probably most of the chapters, is off the top of my head. Throughout all the chapters I have written for all three, well two really, have been off the top of my head. so if this sucks, please tell me. I forgot to tell you that Jude never got the pictures taken of her. I am planning on making this chapter about how Jude and Sadie's life was before Jude became Instant Star and it's Jude looking back on how much things changed. The chapter will probably be long and end where, well I don't know where it will end. I hope it turns out okay. Here goes nothing...

My whole life changed when I was three. In a matter of seconds, minutes, really, I lost everything. Everything, but my five-year-old sister Sadie. They were on the way to pick Sadie and me up from school, when they were hit by a drunk driver. Sadie and I were waiting in the office when the principal came in and told us. Since my parents never explained the meaning of dying, I thought, " Hey, they'll be back later to pick us up", but apparently I was wrong. It was like when my hamster died, I cried, but I got a new one a week later, the only difference was that, I couldn't buy or get new parents. Sadie and I were put in a group home, for about three months before we were sent to live in a foster home. That's where everything in my life changed. We met Darius. He was in his late twenties and had a little sister, Portia. She was eleven, I think. We were living with Darius and Portia for about five months before Darius adopted us. Portia was like another sister to me. Her and Sadie were always playing dress-up, while I was always following Darius around. Darius always took me to work with him, we always talked about music, and he would even sing, well tried to sing, to me. It was like I had my dad back again. He might not have been my real dad, but I considered him to be. I called him DD shot for Daddy Darius. Everyone thought it was sweet and he didn't seem to mind, so I stuck with it.

Before I realized it, I started to forget what my real parent's were like. I started to forget, what they looked like, what they sounded like, I even forgot what they smelt like. I really tried not to forget, but it soon all started to fade away. Darius would show me the pictures, he got from my old house, but I didn't really understand any of it. Sadie didn't help much, she was too busy playing dress-up with Portia. From what I was told, my parents were great. I was told that I was really close to my dad, I was daddy's little girl. I remember Sadie saying that we were kind of divided, I belonged to my dad and she belonged to mom. I wanted to argue, but then again I don't remember anything.

Days soon became months and months became years, and throughout that time, things started to change. Darius started managing a group named Boyz Attack. I think I was eleven, when Darius started to come home less. Portia would watch Sadie and me. I remember when Darius came home one day, and said that we were going to be touring with Boyz Attack. Sadie and Portia being fans, starting jumping up and down and screaming, me, I didn't know what to say. Darius must of noticed, because I remember him coming up to me and saying that I could help him with managing the band. Knowing that I was thought well about the managing business by Darius. I was happy. I thought maybe Darius and me could actually get back to our old routine again. I was wrong. Darius was always with the band. Sadie and Portia were always hanging around the band, never wanting to take me, leaving me with a nanny Darius hired. I don't even think the band knew I was on the tour. Not much time after the time spent on tour did I find out that Portia married one of the band members. I didn't want to know anymore, so I didn't learn the guy's name. Hell, I didn't know any of the member's names. I put in my mind, that they ruined my family. Probably, not my biological family, but the only family I had left. When Darius found out about the marriage, he stopped managing Boyz Attack. Soon after the tour was over, Darius got married to a woman named Lisa, she was nice. It was like my new family was almost complete. Darius and Lisa ended up getting a divorce about a year after. Throughout the previous year, they had a baby. A little girl named Angelina. When Darius and Lisa got divorced, Lisa took Angelina with her, for us to never see them again. Did I mention Portia and what's-his-face got divorced not even a month after they got married. I have a so-called cousin named Shay. He's like the most famous rapper in the music industry right now. He's seventeen.

At age fifteen, my wish came true, I won the Instant Star competition. The tabloids went crazy. My favorite was "HIP-HOP MOGUL'S LOVE CHILD WINS INSTANT STAR!". I thought it was funny how they thought I was his love child when he wasn't even married. I soon found out that my producer was none other than ex-boy bander Tom Quincy. Everyone including him, thought that the only reason I became Instant Star was because of who I was and where I came from. I proved them wrong. At age seventeen I had two albums, one #1 hit record, and I've fallen in love. I've fallen in love to none other than Tom Quincy, producer and ex-by bander. I know you're probably thinking, " Jude! How could you fall for someone like him?!". I was thinking the same thing, but I fell and I fell hard. Tommy turned out to be really sweet, and knew a lot about the music industry. Things, once again went downhill when Tommy decided to ask me out. He asked me out, but decided that he needed to leave, and that he might not be coming back. I was shattered. I mean, he basically handed me everything I ever wanted on a silver platter, only to have him take it from me less than 24 hours later.

Now here I am, back home, in my, well Darius', huge mansion, sitting in a lounge chair by the pool, in my bikini, telling you the story of the past fourteen years of my life. When really, the story hasn't even begun...