Oh-my-Kitty-Dragon! Thanks for all the reviews! COOKIES FOR EVERYONE WHO REVIEWED! And for everyone else, NO COOKIES FOR YOU! Okay, now that I'm done with my reverie, let's continue! Warning: Some of the characters may be OOC this chapter.
Disclaimer-a-bob: Ugga, ugga. Blue. No own Naruto. Me caveman! Grunt. Sniff.
Chapter Three: Animal Channel, All Things Ten, And The Local News
"GET NARUTO! CHARGE!" Kiba bellowed.
A voice rang in the far distance, "You'll never catch me! I'm the Gingerbread Man! Ha-ha!"
Everyone stopped and stared at Naruto's running figure.
"Naruto's an idiot." Sakura sighed.
"Yes Sakura, but he's our idiot." Sasuke looked at her.
"Yeah. I guess so. Where were we? Oh yeah, GET HIM!" Ino shouted.
"Wait guys. My Big Flash Senses are tingling!" Shino said.
In the Animal Channel
"Oh…that's what he meant." Kiba said.
"I'm right here." Shino stared at Kiba. (A/N: People like to stare in this story, don't you think?)
"So! You two are our final two contestants!" A man in khakis and a Hawaiian shirt with flowers on it came up to Kiba and Shino.
"Huh?" Kiba looked around at eight other people.
"…" Shino looked around.
"Are you ready?" The man with the shirt on was Kiba's left side.
"For the most adventurous week of your…" He was on Shino's left.
"LIFE!?" He was in the middle of Shino and Kiba, which scared them because they were looking to their sides.
'I hate this man already.' Both Kiba and Shino thought.
"I'm Alex Razzentazzle! Host of the hit show, I Want To Become An Animal Show Host!" Alex shouted into a microphone.
Shino and Kiba stood next to a girl with blond hair. She turned around to give the two contestants some nasty trash talk. But what she did was squeal.
"Oh my gosh! It's Kiba and Shino!" She shouted.
"You know her?" Kiba asked.
"No. You know her?" Shino asked.
"No…" Kiba answered.
"…. FANGIRLS!" They screamed.
About twenty girls started chasing poor Shino and Kiba.
In a Galaxy Two Channels Away…Shikamaru and Ino ended up on a set of a news show.
"You two! You must the replacements for Anderson Cooper and Paula Zahn!" A lady who must have had fifteen plastic surgeries ran up to them.
"Err… Okay?" Ino said as she was whisked away to get make-up put on.
"You! Sit at the fancy News desk." Another man said to Shikamaru.
"Okay…" He sat down slowly in a blue Rollie-Spinney-chair. The other chair was purple.
Out of nowhere, Ino was pushed out of a room and fell into the chair.
"We're on in…Three… Two…One…Now!"
A medley of cheap news music played.
"Uh… Welcome to today's edition of… Konoha News? Yeah, we'll go with that."
"I'm Yamanaka Ino!"
"And I'm Nara Shikamaru…"
"Today's top headlines are… Ramen sales have dropped substantially."
"NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" A voice sounded.
"It's Naruto! Get him!" Ino jumped onto the table and jumped after Naruto.
"Err… I guess that's the news… Peace Out…" Shikamaru got out of the chair, pushed it in, and walked after Ino and Naruto.
At the All things Ten channel…Tenten and Neji stood there. Just standing there. Until a short midget man came up to them and said, "You two state your names."
"Hyuga Neji…"
"I'm Tenten…Waaaah!" the short man picked Tenten up.
"Almighty Tenten! Your arrival was foretold in the Prophecy!
"Huh?" She managed to say.
"The Prophecy states; there shall be a young maiden, of the name Tenten. She will be accompanied by a person with no pupils and will fall madly in love with him. On the fourth moon of the year 8723, He and she will become rulers of our humble country, Tetramilga! Our country's famine will end, the rivers will flow, and we will get a better wardrobe. Huzzah! Huzzah! Quota the Ten Gods! More specifically, the Tenth God, Blue Kirdragon! Ha-ha-ha-ha! Therefore you two shall come with me! Torsu, the medicine man!"
"I'm thinking you got the wrong Tenten." Tenten said.
"I'm thinking you've gotten the wrong… Pupiless-person." Neji said.
"Sorry kids, blame your destiny." Torsu said.
"Hey! I'm the one who annoys other people with destiny! Not you!" Neji said.
"Too bad, Mr. Girly-Hair!" Torsu spat.
Neji was aghast.
"Sorry Neji, but you just got served!" Tenten laughed.
"Take me to my people, Torsu!" Tenten sighed dreamily, as if she knew what the prophecy was even about.
"You too… Mr. Girly-Hair…" Tenten said before walking away with Torsu.
Neji seethed and walked after the two, looking for the nearest living thing (or Hinata) to beat up.
Back at the Animal Channel…"Waaaaaaaiiiiit!" Alex Razzentazzle screamed. They all stopped. …Just kidding! They kept running, and ran over Mr. Razzentazzle.
"Aye… My pelvis… Aye…" Alex moaned.
"Uh… Sorry Mr.…Azzenfazzle?" Kiba shouted at the heap on the ground known as, Alex Razzentazzle.
"No Kiba, it was (pant) Mr.…Zazzenmuffle!" Shino said.
"Was not!" Kiba argued, running a little faster.
"I'm pretty sure it was Zazzenmuffle! (Pant)" Shino retorted.
"Azzenfazzle, Shino, Azzenfazzle!" Kiba shouted back.
"Kiba. Trust me it was Zazzenmuffle." Shino said.
"Shino! Don't be stupid! The right name is… NARUTO!" Kiba bounded after Naruto, Ino, and (lagging behind) Shikamaru.
Akamaru barked and came after Kiba. (A/N: Yes! Akamaru was there the whole time.)
Shino sighed. "I still think it was Zazzenmuffle…" He said in a quiet voice. He ran after Naruto, Ino, Shikamaru, Kiba, and Akamaru.
(A/N: Yay! Another chapter done! Please review! It makes me happy! Oh so happy! Thanks so much for reading and stuff.)