One stupid, normal day all the children of the red king, (I love calling them COTRK. It sounds like CORK! HA! CORKS! Which sounds like DORKS! HA! Okay…getting off track, back to the story.) Fido and Benjamin were sitting in the Pets café. They were all bored out of their pants -and, in Livvy and Emma's case, skirts- so Charlie suggested they play Truth or Dare. Everyone agreed.

"You go first, Charlie!" Tancred suggested.

"Fine" Charlie smiled. "Emma…..Truth or Dare?"


"Who do you like?"

Emma blushed. "I-uh- like –uh" Her voice trailed off.


Everyone turned.

"Yeah….just hurry it up please" She nodded at Emma.

"Yeah….um….Lysander" Emma's face got ever redder.

Lysander blushed.

"Sure. You're just hiding your feelings for Charlie!" Olivia laughed.

"SHUT UP!" Emma gritted her teeth and threw her pillow (don't ask me how she got one) at Olivia.

"Oi! That hurt! Honestly, who fights with a shoe-wait, pillow?!" She said, quoting my favorite quote of all. I just had to put that in there. Sorry, but I forget what movie it's from. If you remember, please tell me!

"Livvy! Truth or Dare?" Emma said, after retrieving her pillow.

"Hmmm…DARE!" She shouted.

"I dare you to run over to the school and kiss Manfred! But you have to take a picture of you and him to prove it!"

"Okay. Can I borrow someone camera?"

"You can borrow my hot pink Motorola RAZR camera phone with blue tooth, unlimited texting and really hot flower stencil on the front!" Fido shouted. Everyone turned.

"Uhh……actually that was Charlie" He said.

"Here" Charlie turned red and threw his phone at Livvy.

"Thanks!" She shouted, and ran down the street. After sprinting to Bloors she charged up the stairs and into the building.

"Manfred….where's Manfred…" She muttered to herself. She finally saw him, coming up the stairs.

"MANFRED!" She ran over to him, pulled out the phone, and gave him a big kiss.


"Thanks!" Olivia ran off down the stairs.

"Wha- Vertigo! Come back here!" Manfred yelled.

By now Olivia was back at the Pets Café.

"Here's the picture!" She handed the phone to Emma.

"Gee. Manfred doesn't look too happy."

"Whatever. Now… Tanc!"

"What?" Tancred turned to face her.

"Truth or dare?"


"I dare you to kiss Lysander" Olivia leaned back in her chair.

"WHAT?" Tancred exploded. "Are you serious?"

"Dead" Livvy smiled.

"Fine" Tancred leaned over to Lysander. They started making out.

"Yeah….uh….lets go guys." Charlie stood up.

"Yeah, wanna come to my house and get some banana and rice sandwiches?" Benjamin asked.

"Sure" Everyone agreed.


Thus ends the sucky-ist oneshot Charlie Bone fanfic ever. Now….the ending is really bad, mainly because I just wanted to finish it. Please flame away. I'm actually thinking of adding another chapter to it...I don't know