Disclaimer - I do not own Naruto.

Author's notes - Like most teenage girls, I'm a sucker for deep romance movies...so I figured I'd finally write a series that is close to Naruto and a mix one of my favorite romance movies. I won't tell you what this fiction is based off of until the end of the fic, I just wonder how many of you can get it, lol. Anyway - I give warnings to violence, slight adultery mention (maybe even scenes...) and Kakashi x Sakura. (Even though this is a SasuSaku, there will be some KakaSaku for plot.)

For years the Fire and Sound countries had been at war. Many great Shinobi lost their lives in the countless battles that happened. Women were widowed and children were orphaned. Konohagakure, a small village that resided in the Fire country, only longed for peace in their world once more. While another small village, Otogakure, that was hidden in the Sound, longed for this battle to rage until the Fire country was completely demolished and the Sound country reigned the world. The phrase 'all is fair in love and war' did not apply in this story of romance and tragedy. The story of Sasuke and Sakura.


Sasuke of the legendary Uchiha clan was a handsome and skilled ninja. After the death of his parents in a surprise Sound country attack, Sasuke was raised from then on under Konohagakure's most elite ninja; Hatake Kakashi. He was trained well under Kakashi's training and in time had mastered all of Konohagakure's techniques. The women of the village adored Sasuke for being much like a younger version of Kakashi, bad attitude, and dark appearance. As Sasuke reached manhood, Kakashi had urged him several times to wed a beautiful woman in the village and settle down while the wars were easing and he while he was still young. "I am an avenger," Sasuke would say whenever Kakashi told him to settle down. "I will not rest until I avenge my families murder." It was pointless to argue with him.

Kakashi became a widower within a year of marriage. He lost his wife on the same day Sasuke lost his parents, and was determined to have everyone in the village happily married or paired with another. It made no sense to Sasuke of why he wanted to have everyone with another with all the wars surrounding them. Perhaps it was the guilt of not being able to protect Rin before she died.

"Sasuke, you'll never believe what Shikamaru and I found!" A blonde-haired teen cried out as he pulled on Sasuke's shirt.

"What is it, Naruto?" Asked an irritated Sasuke.

"We think it's an old battle feild from ten years ago. It must be by the look of the bones...I think it was the time Kakashi saved you from death." Naruto continued to drag him. "It looks so cool! Shikamaru wants to make it a place where we can go when life gets to 'troublesome'."

Naruto dragged Sasuke deeper into the forest by their village and stopped when they came across several piles of bones and burned wood. It appeared to be an old safe-house. Shikamaru, one of their friends, was kneeling over what looked like the body of a woman, judging by the burnt clothing the skeleton wore.

"Isn't this place amazing or what?" Naruto walked over to a Sound-nin and pulled out a set of rusty shurikens. "These bodies have been here for years and no one's even bothered to come take their old weapons, armor, or even burry them."

Shikamaru stood up from the woman's bones and glanced over to Sasuke. "You're not going to recommend we tell Kakashi about this, are you?"

"Actually, yes. He needs to know." Sasuke stepped over one of the burnt beams of wood and took a closer look at the woman. "And this is my mother you are standing over." He knelt onto one knee and touched the creme colored dress she was wearing the night she died. "Kakashi would want to know about this place. It's where his wife was murdered."

Naruto and Shikamaru backed away from the bodies they were near. "I was just joking when I told you I thought it the place where your clan was murdered..."

"I'm going to tell him." Sasuke stood up and brushed his pants off of dirt and headed back to the village. "But I won't tell him that you found it...you're not even supposed to be out of the village for safety orders, Naruto."

When he was a fair distance away, Shikamaru kicked the nearby helmet of a Sound-nin and sent it a flying a few inches. "He's always one to kill the fun. So troublesome."

Sasuke's fists were clenched tightly as he walked through the other villagers to Kakashi's home. He had forgotten about the safe-house he was in when they died. Kakashi had told him the remains of it had been taken care of. The blood that covered the walls, his mothers screams of pain, and Kakashi's cry for Sasuke to follow him out of the building before he to was killed. He did not return to the safe house after everyone had been murdered and it was burned, Kakashi would not even let him out of his sight in fear that he would go to the safe-house. He smirked. Kakashi was such a father to him.

He knocked on Kakashi's door four times and waited impatiently for him to answer the door.

"Sasuke, what a pleasant surprise." A smile formed from under the mask he wore everyday and he scratched the back of his head. His white hair moving back and forth with the scratches. "Is something wrong? We don't have training until three."

"I was out in the forest." Sasuke started, peering into Kakashi's house. "And I came across the old safe-house."

Kakashi's smile dropped and he stopped scratching his head. "Oh...I see...well what were you doing out of Konohagakure anyway?"

Sasuke went through his mind to think of a lie. "I thought I saw someone. So I decided to follow them. It was just a deer."

"I was hoping you'd never find that place." Kakashi moved his body and made a small walk-way for Sasuke to enter. "I apologize for telling you that it had been taken care of."

"Why isn't it?"

"I can't bear myself to go near it anymore. I didn't want the other villagers to see...and time got the better hold of me."

Sasuke sat down on one of the many chairs in his house. "It's been ten years since that night...my mothers' remains are still there."

Kakashi sat next to him. "Mikoto was a beautiful and kind woman...I'm sorry you had to see her in that form."

Sasuke gave a small laugh to lighten the mood and moved the subject. "You say I should wed and settle down, but the real question is - have you ever thought of re-marrying?"

He shook his head. "I don't think I could find another like her, nor love her the same. Rin is special and it was a miracle that she married me."

"There is another woman out there for you. You just haven't found her yet." Sasuke stood up and stretched out his back.

"Not yet, but I hope to find her before I become too old." Kakashi stood up after Sasuke. "Since you're here, would you like to train now? My day is empty and if we are going to plot a surprise-attack on the Sound country we need to have our best Shinobi on top of his sparring."

Sasuke smiled. "Naruto is your nephew, I figured you'd treat him with more pride and joy."

"Even though Naruto is my nephew. Part of my own flesh and blood, yes, I see you more like a son. A closer part of me. And as much pride and joy Naruto will bring, you will only bring more." Kakashi beamed upon Sasuke and grabbed several kunai knives.

Training with Kakashi was an intense routine that lasted for a few quick hours that slipped into what seemed like a few minutes. They went over the usual basics of hand to hand, weapons to hand, and weapons to weapons. By the time it was three in the afternoon (the original time Sasuke was to be training with Kakashi) both men were weak at their knees and were breathing heavily.

"You're becoming quite the challenge, Sasuke." Kakashi huffed out. "Or it could be my old age."

Sasuke smirked. "I think it's the age." He tossed Kakashi a towel and wiped off the sweat on his own body off. "When do we leave for Sotogakure?"

Kakashi took the towel. "One week."

"That soon?"

"Unless you'd rather have them attack us first?"

"No. I'll now take this chance to get my revenge." He tossed a kunai knife to the dirt floor.

"Let's hope you have this much energy when we go to Sotogakure." Kakashi removed the thin armor he wore for training and set it aside for the next time. "Remember to be light on your feet, and expect the unexpected...the Sound country has brutal ninjas that will not take mercy." Kakashi patted Sasuke's head. "And I'd hate to lose you the way I lost her. Make me proud my Sa---student. "

Sasuke smiled. "You won't need to worry about that. I am an avenger...the desire for my revenge will keep me strong."

After he was cleaned up and left the training yard, it did not surprise him in the least to see Naruto and Shikamaru rushing over to him. Naruto running at top speed. And Shikamaru moving as slow as could be.

"So did Kakashi get mad at you for going outside the Konohagakure safety-area?" Asked Naruto.

Sasuke shook his head. "No. I'm going home now. Kakashi says we're leaving in one week. Naruto, I suggest you train a bit longer in the upcoming days." He walked away then looked back at Shikamaru. "And you, Shikamaru, will want to put more emotion into your fighting. You know how brutal the Sound's are."

"What do you think happened in there that made him so determined, Shikamaru?"

Shikamaru rolled his eyes. "You're clueless."

For the next week, Shikamaru, Naruto, Sasuke, and the other ninja's of Konohagakure were under intense training for the upcoming attack. They awoke early and trained non-stop until they couldn't go on any longer. Their Sensei's claimed they were going easy on them and insisted to train harder. Sasuke was the only one who trained harder. Jumping through the trees, dodging the traps, and taking down a large group of Shinobi's while he was feeling faint. He took down every ninja that tried to attack him, blocked every move but one, and able to sneak into played out scenes that would possibly occur when they attacked Otogakure.

The other boys in the village were jealous of Sasuke's determination and talent. Envious that he was getting so much praise from the Jounins of the village. Naruto was the only one to do something about that. He did his best to hopefully show up Sasuke and prove that he was the better ninja, seeing as how he was part of Kakashi's blood. The work to prove he was better went slightly wasted when Naruto and Sasuke were ordered to spar. In which he lost miserably.

"You're all reading for Otogakure!" Kakashi announced on Friday night. "Tomorrow, at the break of dawn we will leave and attack the Sound country!"

The group of young ninja's cheered and clapped.

When the clapping died down, Kakashi continued the little speech. "I hope many of you will return with us when we finish our battle and live on. Now go home and get some rest." With the other Jounins, Kakashi disappeared in a puff of smoke.

Naruto was in a bitter mood when they left and began to ramble deeply on about Sasuke.

"It's just not fair. The teachers treat him better and act like he's some amazing guy! Sasuke isn't really all that great anyway! He just stands there and does whatever he's told, what's so cool about a guy like that? Besides, I can kick his ass if I really wanted to!" Naruto kicked a rock continually on his way home. "Sasuke's just a showoff."

"You're so troublesome..." Shikamaru groaned.

Sasuke smirked. Naruto's attempts were pathetic.

In his house, Sasuke didn't bother to change his clothing. He'd have no time in the morning to change and he wanted to be one of the first in the line-up. Sasuke had a small meal prepared for the next morning that he would quickly eat and would take no time to finish making. His house was cleaned so that just in case he fell behind, they'd be able to clean out his home with ease. All of the weapons he planned to take were at the foot of his bed, ready to be placed on him the next morning. He dropped his body down on his bed and sighed. This was just another battle to the others, but to him it was a chance for revenge.

Before dawn was even near, Sasuke had awoken. Eaten his rice balls that he prepared the night before and slipped into his thin protective gear. When he finished getting prepared, one of the Jounins named Asuma, knocked at his door and informed him to come follow him to pick up a few of the others. Dawn was starting to make way by the time they picked up their tenth boy. Asuma then lead them to the exit of the city where there were fifteen other groups of ninja's. They weren't bringing the Kunoichi on this mission and because of so would most likely be out numbered. Onehundred-fifty ninjas was going to be no match for Otogakure's.

After being divided into groups of four, they headed off.

Jumping through trees and tightly secured areas, they made their way to the Sound village. Careful to keep their voices as low as possible and trying to keep a good speed and distance.

Outside of Otogakure, they waited.

They waited for night to fall and the Shinobi's to leave their homes to give a quick search around their village. They would wait until the women were safe in their homes and would spare their lives. They were not going to be as cold and heartless as the Sound and murder everyone in sight, only the men that were patrolling would suffer today. Then in a month, they would come back and repeat it over and over again.

Nighttime fell soon and it was only a few more minutes before the Shinobi would come out.

"There's one!" Naruto whispered in a egar voice as a set of ninja's jumped into the forest.

"Not yet, Naruto!" Sasuke grabbed onto the back of his jacket and pulled him back. "Wait for Kakashi's word..." He himself was ready to pounce on a ninja and take them down. He was ready to get the revenge for his parents murders. The image of the man who murdered him was clearly burned into his memory and kept his eyes on the look for him.

Kakashi pulled out a kunai. "Now!" He commanded.

They jumped from the trees and landed on the ninjas below them. A few cried for help and they were soon outnumbered when their fellow Sound-nins arrived. Sasuke whipped out a kunai and tossed it, hitting one of the enemies in the rib. He pulled out four more and threw them, hitting various ninjas and areas. In the dark, it was difficult to see who was who and Sasuke was finding slight difficulty sparring in the middle of the night.

Jutus were constantly going at one another and weapons were flying everywhere. Bodies had fallen and some were wounded deeply. They had lost a few of their Shinobi now Sasuke was running low on the Chakra he would need to preform his jutsus'. He breathed deeply. Not yet had he found the man who had slaughtered his clan.

The number of Shinobi they were battling had decreased within forty minutes of battle. Ten of the fifty were left and they had only lost fifteen on their side. It was obvious that Konohagakure was a stronger village.

Sasuke had lost track of where the others were in the dark. Kakashi was only visible from the white tuff of hair on the top of his head. Even Naruto with his blonde locks was unable to be seen.

"I've taken down another!" He yelled out, informing the leader.

"Good. Make it eight more to go!" Kakashi replied back, grunting from defeating his enemy.

He smirked. "Good. I'll be one step closer to getting my revenge." Sasuke palm-heeled a Sound ninja in the nose and did a butterfly kick to his head, knocking the man to unconsciously to the ground.

The other ninjas were busy fighting, and Sasuke decided to take advantage of this. Without hesitation, he began to make his way into the village.

"Stop! We agreed we wouldn't go into the village!" Asuma cried.

"I need my revenge, and I'm going to get it tonight!" He continued to run deeper into the village, ignoring the pleas to stop from the others.

The first house he saw had lights in the front room on. The death of their fellow Sound-nins possibly awoke them and now the person -- or family -- were together in the house. In fear of what would happen to them next. He kicked down the door and peered inside. A young woman and her two toddlers were in a corner. The children had tears in their eyes and they clung to their mothers' body.

"Don't hurt us." She sobbed.

"I'm not going to hurt you..." Sasuke said calmly. As much as the desire for his revenge to happen burned inside his body, he needed to remain as calm as possible. "I'm looking for someone. Do you think you can tell me where he is?"

The woman clung to her children. "I won't say a word."

"Pale sunken face and long black hair...I'm sure you'll ve able to tell me who he is."

Her face went pale. "What do you want with Orochimaru?"

"So you do know him, where can I find him?" He was becoming impatient now and it was most likely that some of those that had been left alive had returned to the village and had informed the others. It would only explain this womans' fear.

"I won't say a word!" She repeated. "I know you're here to kill our leader. You Fire country ninjas are here to kill us all!"

Sasuke shook his head. "Just your leader is who I want."

The color in the womans' face was returning and she smiled. Sasuke knew what this meant; someone was behind him.

Without thinking he pulled out a kunai and brought it across the person behind him, barley scrapping his chest. The woman shrieked and clung to her children tighter.

A boy, roughly about five years or so older then he, with silver glasses and hair was in front of him. He was tall and fairly muscular. It wasn't the man Sasuke wanted.

"You're just in my way!" Sasuke yelled, pulling out a few shurikens and tossing it at the man, leaving the womans' house in case she got in the way.

He avoided the shurikens and began to fight Sasuke. "Sakura, take the women and children to our house for safety!"

Sasuke didn't care about the woman and children. This Orochimaru was who he wanted to fight and cared about. Not this teenager.

"I have no business with you, I want to fight Orochimaru!" Sasuke threw a hook kick at the boy, who blocked it without any troubles.

The boy returned the action, only to do a repeat hook. "If you want to fight Orochimaru, you'll have to go through my sister and I."

Sasuke was growing impatient. "I have no time for this!"

"Stop, Sasuke. We said we wouldn't go into Otogakure! You're causing an uproar." Asuma and Kakashi both yelled, trying not to make a scene.

The boy dropped to the ground after Sasuke punched him squarely in the chest and turned around to face his high-ranking ninjas. "I'm close...after I kill this boy I can find Orochimaru and get my revenge."

"Behind you!" Asuma yelled.

The boy stood up and pulled out a kunai. A smile was upon his face as he came up behind Sasuke, jamming the knife into his ribs. He shoved it in deeply, digging it around for a brief moment and left it there before disappearing. His body suddenly felt heavy. Ten times its original weight. Pressure was on his head as if someone was squeezing it tightly. The blood that rushed from his side poured onto the floor and put him in a state of shock when he realized how bad his injury was. He was going to die without getting is revenge.

"Sasuke!" He heard Kakashi cry out.

Sasuke dropped to his knees and gasped out for air. He was going to die before seeking his revenge and he had failed to keep his silent promise to his mother. He had let Kakashi down. His body fell to the ground and he clutched his bleeding side. It was only a matter of moments now before it was all over. Sasuke saw Kakashi rushing over to him. His vision was blurry and Kakashi seemed to be moving at one-eighth the speed. Sasuke closed his eyes. So this was the end?

Kakashi dropped to his knees and pulled Sasuke's body close to his. "Sasuke, hang on...we'll get some Medic-nin's and they'll treat you." His voice was full of panic and tried to remain calm as Naruto and Shikamaru made their way over.

"I'm not going to die..." Sasuke slowly opened his eyes. "I am an avenger...and that is what will keep me alive..." His eyes closed again and his breathing slowed.

Slowly, Kakashi laid Sasuke's body back on the ground and inhaled deeply. Words couldn't fit clearly in his mind and there couldn't be anything to say at a time like this.

"Do we take the body, Kakashi?" Asuma asked.

"No...there are too many that are injured. We need to take them back to Konohagakure, not the dead." Kakashi turned around and faced the gates of the city. "Let us leave before they have their Kunoichi and other Shinobi come to fight us."

Author's notes - My first chapters are always so boring...and I deeply apologize for that. And before anyone asks - No, Sasuke is not dead...it wouldn't be a SasuSaku if I killed Sasuke off in the first chapter now would it? Now for those who only watch the English version - "Konohagakure" is the village's full name. (Really, look it up and I'll be right, lol.) Now, I know the country Otogakure isn't called the 'Sound country' but it sounds better then...Rice...something, I can't remember what it is, so I stuck with Sound. I also apologized if things seemed pointless and you can't figure out what they have to do with the story. In time it'll all come together. I'm open to many opinions so feel free to give ideas of what you want added/changed. Anyway I hope you enjoyed.

Thank you for reading.