Title: Come back
Summary: After Taki's assault, Shuichi makes a startling discovery. Assuming that Eiri would hate him if he found out, he fled to America with an old friend. Five years later, a single mom is living in a quiet town with her twins. What does she have to do with anything? EiriShu. MPREG
MAJOR, MAJOR WARNING: Yaoi and MPreg are present in this fic, along with cross-dressing of the long term variety. If any or all of these things offend you, please HIT THE BACK BUTTON NOW!! Please do not flame for any of these elements, as I will laugh at you do to the fact that I gave you plenty of warning.
Chapter: Prologue
Shuichi's POV
I just got the test as a joke on myself; so I was tired and throwing up all the time (oh god, that was morning sickness), it didn't mean I was pregnant. It was supposed to be funny; prove to me that I was being paranoid (I'M MALE, DAMNIT!). It wasn't supposed to come out positive. I don't know what I was expecting; maybe the little digital read out to have a little smiley face and say 'HAHA! You're male, retard!' But I was not expecting the little 'plus' sign to pop up. This is insane. I can't be pregnant; I'm MALE for Christ's sake! Oh God, what am I going to do!? What… oh, dear God, what if it's Taki's? Or one of those guys? If it's anyone's but Yuki's, he'll kill me. Hell, he'll probably kick me out the second he finds out, whether it's his or not. My hand somehow ended up on my stomach and I stared at it. There's a kid in there. A baby. My baby. Christ. This is not good. I slowly start to hyperventilate. Okay; plan, right, plan. Think, Shu, think. Who can help you out here? (A DAMN BABY!) Hiro! Hiro was going to be a doctor; he'll know what to do. I suddenly freeze half-way through his number and slam the phone down. I cannot go to Hiro with this. He took such good care of me after Sourpuss, and now he's finally got a chance to relax and now, not a week later, I'm pregnant.
I franticly flipped through the address book, trying to find someone who would know what to do. The farther I get in the book, the more my chest tightens. Other than names that I wrote down, it seamed to just be a never ending, alphabetical list of all the women Yuki had dated. Tohma's number wasn't even in there. Hiro was out of the question; Fujisaki wouldn't know what to do other than call his cousin (who would tell Yuki long before I was ready to), so that was out; our producer posed the same problem. Maybe I should call K.
OH GOD, K! He loves to shoot me and who knows how long a baby would be able to put up with abuse like that. I'd have to take an extended vacation from N-G, or just quit all together, and I'd end up homeless, seeing as how we've established that Yuki's going to throw me out. If I didn't quit, I couldn't go on tours, have concerts, go on TV shows… Hell, an INTERVIEW might be too much at some points!
I can't do this. Boys aren't supposed to get pregnant. That's girls. So how did this happen to me? It would completely ruin my LIFE!!
I slam the book back on the table by the phone and a small piece of paper fell out. It doesn't look like Yuki's handwriting, it might be Tatsuha's (since they like the same type of women, I'm sure Yuki's let him borrow it, especially since Yuki would rather have him take the whole thing than call all the time for numbers). I pause and take a closer look at it. It's the phone number, address and name of a near-by abortion clinic.
I start to shake as soon as I think about it. Forget kicking me out; Yuki would probably drag me to that place, even if he had to tie me down, and kill it before I could even scream. He won't want to take the chance that it Taki's… No, what am I thinking; after this mess, he won't want anything to do with me, and he'll kill it because he won't take the chance that it's his.
Okay, I have GOT to calm down. Stress is not good for me, it's not good for the baby, and it's not going to help me figure out what to do. I run to the bed room and start looking under the bed and in the closet. THERE! I pick up the address book I kept in high school. YES! She always wanted to be a doctor!
I run back to the living room and dial the number. "Please pick up, please pick up, please pick up…" I chant as it rings, each time sounding more desperate.
"Is this Mariko Honda?"
"Yes, who is this?"
I sigh with relief, but suddenly begin to shake. After all this… It's two much and I can't stop crying.
"Um… Th-This is Shuichi Shindo, i-if you remember."
"Of course I remember you, Shuichi! You, me and Hiro were almost best friends until I moved to America."
"Y-yeah… Um, I'm sorry to bother you, but I need your help…. I can't go to anyone else, so please… I-I can't d-do this alone and I'm so scared…"
"Oh, Shuichi, of course I'll help you, sweetheart! Where are you, I'll pick you up."
I give her Yuki's address and ask her if she needs more directions. She says no and that she'll be here in a few minutes. I run to the bed room and shove all my stuff in a suit case. It doesn't take a long time; Yuki wouldn't let me keep a big portion of my "junk" at the apartment, so it's at my parents' house and the studio. Oh well; I'll probably never see it again. I get all my clothes; check three times that I have all my Nittle Grasper and Bad Luck CDs; shove my multi-colored set of three Kumagoro; and make sure to have my huge photo album with me. It's got pictures of everyone: Hiro, Suguru, K, Tohma, Nuriko, Mika, Tatsuha, Ryuichi, and… Yuki. All people who I'm never going to see again.
I stumble down the stairs to get to the front of the building and wait there for Mariko. A blue Jeep pulls up and a woman steps out. Not the tall, dangly, disproportionate pre-teen girl I used to now. A woman who's tall and graceful at her 6'2, who's torso finally looks long and lean instead of short and stubby compared to her legs, who's filled out in all the right places and no longer looks like a randomly thrown together sets of arms, legs and torso, who I couldn't see tripping over her own feet any more and then cracking up with me and Hiro afterwards, who's stringy, mousey brown hair is now full, shiny and luscious, grazing over her shoulder's instead of her hips, who's absolutely gorgeous. Tears slowly start pouring down my cheeks… again.
"Oh, sweetie, what happened to you?" She wrapped her arms around me. Her nature hasn't changed in the least.
I gasped and cried and she picked up my suitcase and put it in the car before helping me into the passenger side and leaving.
"So, what's going on?"
I gasped, but managed to find my voice. "D-Did you get to be a doctor like you wanted?"
"Yes…" She was sounding really worried now.
"I-I… Okay, I know your going to think I'm stupid and crazy, but really weird stuff was happening, so I… I went to the store and got a pregnancy test," She didn't react, so either she didn't care or she was hiding it for my sake. "and it came out positive. What the hell am I going to do?! I'm a guy; we aren't supposed to get pregnant!!!!"
She smiled slightly. "Okay, Shu-chan. Calm down. These tests are getting more and more accurate, but they can still make mistakes. Let me take a look at you before we decide anything."
"But the box said '99 percent accurate'"
"Still. I find it hard to believe… and I can tell that you do to. If it is positive," she glanced at the suitcase. "can you come with me back to America? I want to keep an eye on you. You are one lucky bastard; I was helping my parents move- if you had called an hour later, the phone would have been disconnected. I have some of my equipment with me because my older sister wanted me to check up on her baby."
"Aren't you mad at me for losing touch with you and then suddenly popping up with a problem like this?"
She laughed. "Of course not! It's such a Shuichi thing to do!"
Two Days Later
I stare out the window of the plane as it takes off. Even when Mariko said that there was a chance that the test was wrong, I knew it wasn't. Call it mother's intuition or whatever, I just knew it. That's why I bought the test; even if I thought that it was impossible.
Mariko grabs my hand, jerking me out of my thoughts. "It'll be okay, Shu-chan. You'll get through this. You're actually really lucky; most gay people can't even dream of having children with the person that they love."
"I know. I just… I wish I didn't have to leave everyone."
"Who knows, maybe after the kid's big enough, you can come back."
"Maybe…" I say, looking out the window. I can't believe it; I'm saying goodbye to everything I've ever known. But, my hand goes to my stomach; I can't let anything happen to this kid.
S.A.: Okay, next: Chapter 1! Shu-chan's got KIDS!! It's five years after the prologue. Eiri finally gets his rear in gear and goes with Tohma to find his Shu-baby (shut up). I know that Shuichi was saying 'GOD!' and 'Christ!' a lot, but if you're a pregnant guy, you kind of get that liberty. BTW, I've never had to take a pregnancy test (I'M FIFTEEN!!), so that's just how I think it works… 'Nyway, Shuichi's living peacefully until Ryuichi shows up, followed by Tohma and eventually, Eiri. CUTIE KIDS WARNING!!!