A/N-Last chapter. (cries) Thank you so much for all the support you showed. It really meant a lot. I'll let you know that I have another story, not Hr/TR though, in the making and I hope you'll check it out. So here you go, enjoy!

Gueneviere- Thanks for the feedback, I swear it will end happily.

Crystalizedheart- Obviously that was not the end. I promised you guys a happy ending and you will get a happy ending with some sad stuff thrown in with it. I almost cried when I wrote it and Muse Tom got all emo and is sitting in a dark corner sulking.

Evey- Thanks, here you go!

Quidditchstar- Do you think I would be that cruel as to end the story like that? Yes he died, this is the end of the story, it really couldn't go on with out Tom, and I'm hurrying, but my mom feels that shredding chicken is more important

Miranda- You stole my characters name. I fear for now he is dead, yes I know I'm a tad cruel but it gets happier in this one.

GitaMerah- Yeah, it would be a bit hard for him to just renounce his title and start over. I don't think Harry would just let up on his search.

Disclaimer- Really, at this point in the game you should be fully aware that I do not own the characters that are recognizable though the plot is mine. Geez, and I thought Death Eaters were thick.

Hermione entered the Great Hall and was immediately drowned in hugs from all her friends. As the Order members began to arrive, they also hugged her sympathetically having a small idea of what this meant to her. She walked away without a word and made her way up to her room. She crawled into bed and stared at the wall numbly. She wanted nothing more than for the mattress to open up and swallow her so she could be with him again. Her room mates arrived a while later and asked her a few questions but she did not answer. She couldn't. For some reason she felt that to talk would be to betray his memory because it meant that she had survived and he hadn't. She didn't know when but eventually she fell into an uneasy sleep to see him fall again and again.

The week passed by in a blur. Somehow, life went on normally. She attended classes, listened to her friends talk about whatever, and hung out in the library. She did not pay attention and whispers followed her about what had supposedly happened. Only she knew the full extent and Harry and Ron weren't telling what little they knew. She was dead to the world. Her life, she thought, could not get worse.

It was Friday afternoon and she sat in Transfiguration struggling with the spell. It was not like her to get something wrong repeatedly but she just could not concentrate. She set her wand frustrated and drummer her fingers irritated on the desk. What would Tom say, not being able to perform something he could do in fourth year? At the thought of him tears threatened to fall over. And they did but not because of him but a sharp pain that seared through her stomach. She fell out of her chair grasping her abdomen as another bolt came. Professor McGonagall rushed over, helped her up, and led her to the hospital wing. Madame Pomfrey ran over as the Professor helped her lay down on one of the beds.

"What happened?" she asked fearfully. Hermione shook her head and rolled onto her side trying to find a less painful position. Her question was answered by a red spot on the white sheets.

"Oh dear," McGonagall sighed knowing what happened.

"I'm sorry Hermione," the elderly nurse said as she hugged the confused woman. Hermione looked over her shoulder and saw the spot realizing what happened. The last connection she had to Tom was gone. Their child had died and it was her fault. For the millionth time that week tears fell.

"How could this happen?" she asked them.

"Emotional distress most likely," Madame Pomfrey explained. She pulled her knees up to her chest as best she could and sobbed loudly. The two gave her some space, waiting for her to calm down. Once the sobbing had stopped, the nurse spoke. "It would be best to get the procedure over with," she said softly. Hermione nodded in understanding. The curtain was pulled around once her head of house returned to class. In only a minute, it was all over. The pain was gone and the bump had gone down significantly. She rubbed her stomach sadly, wishing that this was a nightmare.

"Do you know what it was?" she asked the nurse.

"It was a boy," she answered replacing the curtain. Hermione gave a small smile. Tom was right. "Goodbye Tom Daniel Riddle," she whispered to their child. "Say hi to your daddy for me." (Author is officially crying)

Around dinner, her two best friends came in along with the Headmaster. Harry and Ron hugged her tightly expressing their condolences.

"I'm so sorry Hermione," Ron told her honestly.

"I wish there was someway to fix all of this," Harry added.

"Perhaps there is a way to fix everything," Dumbledore interjected. The trio looked at him curiously. "It opens tonight," he explained.

"But Professor, I thought you did not want me to change the future," she pointed.

"Suddenly, I don't think it would be a bad idea," he told her. She thought about it for a split second and a real smile lit up her face.

"You're leaving us?" Ron asked sorrowfully.

"Yeah, but you'll see me again, you just won't remember me. Ron, I'll miss you guys so much but over all it will be better. Harry's parents and Sirius will be alive, Lupin won't be a werewolf, I'll be happy again. I won't forget you," she told him.

"We'll miss you Hermione," Harry told her with another hug.

"Actually, you won't," she informed them. For the last three hours the sat together in the hospital wing preparing to say goodbye. Finally, nine o'clock rolled around. Harry, Ron, Ginny, the entire Order, Dumbledore, and McGonagall were all there to see her off.

"Goodbye everyone, I'll see you in at least several years," she told them, accepting one last hug from them.

"You have to be a teacher now. Get to see what the marauders were all about," Lupin told her.

"I'll pity you getting stuck with that lot," Tonks laughed through misty eyes.

"Do me a favor and tell my sister that I will take over her job once Dumbledore leaves it. She didn't believe me at the time," McGonagall told her.

"Your sister, that wasn't you?" she asked in amazement. Well it did explain a lot.

"Yes, Miranda took the job for that year and I aspired to be there someday but she teased me and said it would never happen," she explained. Hermione promised that she would.

"Say hi to Tom for me," Harry told her with glistening green eyes.

"And if he hurts you come and get us, we'll take care of him," Ron added as a big brother would. She laughed and hugged them one last time tears starting to fall.

"It'll be a long forty years without you guys. Perhaps you could pop in sometime," she said hopefully but knowing they wouldn't. She slowly and reluctantly backed away and faced the glowing tapestry. With a final wave to her friends she jumped through into her new life.

The hall was silent, no one around. She ran to the seventh floor corridor, frantically searching for him. Finally a lone figure came around the bend, lit wand held out in front.

"What are you doing out of bed? It's past curfew," the oh so familiar voice scolded her. She ran faster than she had in her entire life and threw her arms around him.

"I missed you so much Tom," she sobbed happily. He was in a slight state of shock.

"H-Hermione?" he asked in disbelief. She nodded and watched his eyes grow wide. "Oh I've missed you beyond belief!"

"I'll never leave you again," she told him. Instead of responding, he kissed her signifying that he would not leave her either. They broke apart and began heading down the hall hand in hand to the headmaster's office.

"What made you come back?" he asked her.

"You did. You didn't become a teacher but became Lord Voldemort and terrorized the world though I tried to change it. You captured my friends and me but they were rescued shortly after. We kind of fell for each other again and you changed back but Harry, who says hi by the way, killed you then I lost our child and decided to come back so that it wouldn't happen," she explained. He nodded as he comprehended the information.

"Interesting, wait, did you say you lost our child? You were…?" he trailed off.

"Yeah, it would have been a boy. I sort of named him after you," she admitted. He pulled her to his side, hugging her tightly.

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that with out me," he apologized for something he could not have prevented.

"You were there for most of, until you died of course," she pointed out.

"Yeah, suddenly I don't like this Harry kid. Remind me to fail him," he told her jokingly. It was good to be back.


Forty years later:

Hermione Riddle (squee) sat at the staff table surveying the new first years eagerly with her husband. She was the Ancient Runes teacher while Tom was, obviously, the DADA professor and Deputy Headmaster. Professor McGonagall sat on her right followed by Snape, a former favorite pupil of hers. Lily Potter, the charms teacher was on Dumbledore's left. A nonwerewolf Lupin was on her left and was the Astronomy teacher, a fact that cause Hermione to laugh knowing what could have happened. Life had turned out very differently and for the better as she said many years ago, or a few in the future depending on how you looked at it. Then at the end sat Daniel Riddle, their son of course, the Care of Magical Creatures Teacher. He light brown hair, blue eyes, and was built almost exactly like his father. He was intelligent, caring, and the family ability of Parseltounge. He a true heir of Slytherin with a Gryffindor humility, usually. Surprisingly though, he ended up in Ravenclaw, something that had caused Tom to set the entire staff table on fire.

"Do you see them?" Tom asked her. She then spotted a tuff of unruly black hair next to a red head boy. Harry Potter and Ron Weasley stood nervously waiting for the sorting to begin. She pointed them out and Tom eagerly followed.

"I was defeated by a pipsqueak?" he asked in indignation.

"When he was one at that," she added causing him to huff up. Also around him were three other boys that she knew but had not previously existed. Alexander Black, Taylor Lupin, and Eric Pettigrew stood by him taking eagerly with him and Ron. It would be an eventful year with another round of the marauders. Still, it wouldn't be anywhere near as eventful as her year. She intertwined her fingers with Tom's and gave him a loving smile. She would not have traded this for the world though.