Artemis Fowl and Harry Potter.

Chapter 1: Discovery.

Artemis Fowl and Harry Potter

Chapter one: Discovery

Fowl manor.

The book was opened in the last page. He could almost hear the voice of No. 1 says: "ended, over, finished". It was quite clear that Artemis Fowl, an 18 years old genius was pensive by the book; Few lines crossed his forehead, his brows were frowned, his eyes closed and his lips pursed. He had to mull it over. It was too complicated to digest for any normal 18 years old. But then again, nothing was too complicated when you are talking about Artemis Fowl, and Artemis Fowl was not a normal 18 years old boy. For he was the only 18 years old boy above-ground, that had magic.

Or that's what he had thought until two weeks ago, before he started to read Harry Potter including all its six volumes, before he started to read Artemis Fowl including all its five volumes, before he discovered that there was a series of books about him, and there was a slight resemblance between his series and Harry Potter's series. For example, the word "mudblood" in Harry Potter is used to define a child who was born to non-magical parents, and "mud men" were all the non-magical people in the Artemis Fowl series. But how can it be?

He approached his computer and started to type the keyboard. There have to be something. The first thing he noticed was J.K.Rowlig's disappearance. She started the series, getting as far as her sixth book, and suddenly, two month after its publishing, stopped, and her agent announced that she is not going to write anymore. Every single mail that had been sent to her was returned by the post office. Her home was not to be found, and no matter how much the police investigated, the case, somehow, was closed and the responsible police officer quit. That's what led Artemis to believe that there might be a reason for the disappearance and he intended do investigate it himself. But for that he will need Foaly.

Haven City, the LEPCOT Meetings Room.

Two minutes later the communicator of Commander Holly Short was vibrating. She had been in the middle of a meeting with the LEPCOT, the LEP COmmanders' Team, when she had the call.

Holly Short was promoted since the Hybras incident, and now was a LEP commander. A very appreciated one, to tell the truth. Her specialization area was, naturally, the Mud Men.

Commander Holly excused herself from the meeting and answered the call outside.

"Artemis, what is it?"

"And hello to you too, Holly. I'm equally excited to hear your voice after a month we had not talked. I would like to note that you are as charming as always."

"Do it quickly, Artemis, I have a meeting to be in."

"My deepest apology for the interruption, Holly, I just wanted to ask a favor from you. Actually, I need you to ask a favor for me from Foaly. I know he has a soft spot for you."

"What is it Artemis?" She inquired impatiently.

"I need to check something in Foaly's computer. It is highly important, Holly, I'm not saying it for no reason. It is needed to be done as soon as possible"-answered Artemis seriously.

"So, you're asking me to get a visa for a mud boy, a shuttle and permission from Foaly, and all that as soon as possible?" asked holy with over-sarcastic voice.

"First of all, I am not a complete mud boy anymore, not that I am a boy too. And, yes. It is truly important to do it quickly, as any moment is important"

"Well, thank you Fowl. Your missions are always so easy."

"Why, you are welcome, Commander Short, now if you please, I wouldn't want to waste any more of your time"

"I'm not promising anything, Artemis, but I'll do my best"

"Thank you Holly. I want you to know that I really appreciate it"

"Don't get too emotional, Artemis"

"I will not"


"Good indeed"

Outside Foaly's office.

An hour later a very tired Holly Short led the way to a very impatient Artemis Fowl. They entered to Foaly's office. Of course, he had his own office only ever since Holly was promoted to her present position. Since then, he got the largest budgets he had ever had, what led to a much more advanced LEPrecon. Foaly was sitting at his regular old sit, his long, hairy fingers tapping on the wooden desk, and looking a slightly annoyed.

"What is it, Artemis? And it better be very good."

"Actually, it is. I need to check something in your computer, to be exact, in the FAPOL, Fairies Population List."

"I know what FAPOL means, Fowl, but what for?"

"I have reasons to suspect that there might be a fairy of some kind that is writing a book about me. About us" - added Artemis.

"That's ridicules, Fowl, are you so arrogant, that you thing someone is writing a book about you?"

Now, usually Foaly didn't behave that way to Artemis, but now he was very nervous because of Artemis' request to use his personal laboratory, as Foaly, like all the centaurs, was a paranoid creature. He suspected that Artemis was trying to get to his computer because he was up to something. What was it? He didn't know, but was about to find

"Relax, Foaly, I certainly am not trying to rob you. I just want to check the FAPOL. If you need a proof- see for yourself" and by saying that, Artemis took out from his handbag the Artemis Fowl series, and handed it to Foaly and Holly.

"Do you believe me now?"

For a moment they were quiet, examining the books, and then Foaly got up quickly from his chair and entered to his personal lab, Artemis and Holly following him. He stood by the door and motioned to Artemis to go towards the computer. Quickly, Artemis typed the name 'Eoin Colfer'. The computer ran a scan on the FAPOL when, suddenly, the scan stopped and one of the many lines on the screen glowed slightly. And then, the computer, in Foaly's voice, said clearly, and if Artemis didn't know better he would swear that dramatically, too: "Eoin Colfer, a Gnome. Lives in: 33 the Elements Street, Haven city. Works as: a customs officer. Criminal record: no criminal record."

Artemis looked at Holly, then at Foaly, and knew immediately that the three of them shared the same thought: if that Eoin is really a customs officer, then it will be easier for him to get all the information he wanted from the LEP, in order to write a book, and smuggle it to the Mud Men world.

And if someone were smart enough, he would suspect that that story might be true, and the fairy people would be in danger of exposure.

"Frond's hairy nose!" cried out Holly what everyone thought.

"Yes" agreed Artemis "my sentiments exactly".