Author's Note: Here is the new version of the story... Chapters 1-4 are ready and I'll post the rest sometime this weekend.
Title: Unexpected (1/?)
Author: Bex81385
Pairing: Logan/Veronica, LOVE
Rating: Somewhere between PG 13 and R
Spoilers: Everything up to Ruskie Business, after that goes completely AU
Summary: An unexpected event shakes Veronica to the core and threatens to bring Logan and Veronica back together.
Chapter One
Walking down the hallways was a far easier task nowadays. She hadn't expected the 09'ers to lay off entirely, but it seemed as if they had. She suspected she had Logan to thank for that. He had stopped snarking at her, the public humiliation and the constant verbal bashing had ceased as well, and she surmised the trend had simply caught on. Logan's circle of friends had always been a group of sheep happily to merely follow. Not a single one of them would dare to make a move against him.
Helping Logan with his mother's case had proved to be more physically and emotionally draining that she'd imagined it would be. She was exhausted, possibly more exhausted then she had ever been. She chastised herself for forgetting that this was the kind of exhaustion that had always come with Logan Echolls. Being his enemy for the last year had been tiring, but nothing compared to being his "friend" now.
Her make-shift truce with Logan had not only thrown her for a loop but obviously surprised Duncan. She knew he was watching her carefully the day before as she hurried off to take care of Logan. It was obvious that Duncan hadn't expected the news of Logan still sitting in the Sunset Regent's Lobby to have been enough for Veronica to run off after him. Veronica rolled her eyes as she remembered his shock waning later in the evening when he initiated is newfound relationship with Meg.
Despite all the bitterness between them, she hadn't thought twice before wrapping Logan in her arms when the time came for him to finally admit his mother was dead. It hadn't taken long for her to realize that a public breakdown for Logan Echolls wouldn't be the best thing for him and quickly took him up to his room. Once there he assured her he was fine and that she should leave for the dance. She hadn't felt good about it, but Logan had forced her to go.
Besides, she had promised Meg she'd be there, and Logan kept saying he was fine, she'd rationalized. She should have known better than to believe him.
She wasn't surprised when he'd shown up at the dance trashed. She'd left him upset and in a room with a fully stocked mini bar, a drunken Logan was pretty much a given. Although the underwear had thrown her for a loop, if only momentarily. She had scowled at Leo when he spoke snidely of Logan and then refocused her attention on Logan, who was busy demanding the entire room 'Wang Chung'.
He looked devastated, the smile his actions would normally require never reaching his mouth. What was worse was that even in a room full of his "friends", she could tell she was the only one who noticed anything besides his attire and his drunken demands. Still she hadn't been sure how deep their truce ran, or if he'd even want it to be public knowledge, so she didn't know if she should try and help him or not. She couldn't remember ever being so relieved when Logan finally allowed Duncan to help him out of the center of the room.
However, she didn't miss the look both Duncan and Logan shot in her direction as they made their way out of the dance. Duncan's look was accusatory, clearly implying 'I thought you took care of this' . Logan's look, however, was apologetic, as if to say ' I tried and I'm sorry, but I'm just not strong enough.' Veronica found Logan's look to be the one that haunted her in her sleep that night.
Now, as she sat in class, her head lying on her desk while she rested her eyes, she still couldn't get that look out of her mind. The moment the bell rang she picked her head up and prepared to leave. She made it as far as the next row of desks before she was face to face with Duncan. She didn't even try to hide the look of surprise when he called for her to stop. He hadn't been happy with her the night before and he still didn't look happy with her now. "What?" she asked tiredly. She wasn't in the mood to deal with him. Especially when Duncan wasn't even bothering to hide his animosity, which Veronica was positive she didn't deserve.
"I thought you said you'd taken care of Logan last night?" he snapped slightly before adding, "and since when do you "take care" of Logan?"
Veronica rolled her eyes. "No, what I said was that I'd take care of him. I never said I'd done it. And I tried. It just didn't work out so well." she answered purposely ignoring the second part of the question.
"So your definition of trying is to let him show up at the school dance in his underwear?"
Veronica scoffed angrily. "I had to leave him and come to the dance because I promised Meg I'd help her find out who her secret admirer was." she said shooting him a pointed look.
He could tell she was displeased with the way she had found out about his feelings for Meg. "I should have told you..." he started
She sighed."I don't care." she suddenly realized. She wasn't was angry about Duncan and Meg, she was angry at Duncan for being to busy planting secret clues for Meg to pay attention to his best friend. "She's my friend and I wouldn't begrudge her happiness for one second. Letting me be blind-sided like that though, Duncan, you used to have more class than that."
Duncan sighed and looked at the ground sheepishly. "If you don't care then why are you so angry right now?"
"I'm angry because you should have been there for Logan. Instead you're too busy playing secret admirer to realize your best friend needed you." she snapped before walking out of the classroom.
He hadn't intentionally halted the 09'er's vendetta against Veronica. He just couldn't find it in him to keep hating her, and if the others followed suit then they did.
He knew that she cared about his mother. The same went for Lynn. His mother had always loved Veronica, and she never bothered to hide it. Veronica had always been welcome in their home, before Lily died, and she knew it. He suspected his mother's affection for Veronica would have been enough for her to help him all by itself, but he knew she also cared about him, despite all the horrible things he'd done to her or all the times he'd made it clear he hated her. She still cared about what happened to him. Logan wasn't sure that thought was supposed to comfort him the way it did.
Consciously he knew his hatred for her had been waning since it began. He knew it would never be completely possible to hate her, she'd meant too much to him for too long for him to really hate her. He'd hoped that as time passed he'd be able to, but she wouldn't let him. She made it clear that while he wasn't her friend any longer, she still wouldn't abandon him the way he had abandoned her.
From little things like finding out who was stealing his mother's identity for credit cards and picking him up outside of Mexico when Troy's car was "stolen" to big things like stopping Weevil from bashing in his face and helping him with Lilly's memorial video, she made it clear she was there for him if he really needed her.
He shouldn't have been so surprised that she was the only one who had taken the time to stick by him after his mother died. She didn't ask questions and she didn't hesitate to jump in with both feet when he asked her to help him prove she was still alive, and she didn't blink before pulling him to her when he finally realized she wasn't.
He had sobbed, like he'd never sobbed before, into her arms the night before. She didn't try to stop him or calm him down, she simply let him cry. She did however, drag him upstairs when she realized that photographers and reporters would more likely appear once the man they'd spent the day annoying behind the Sunset Regent's front desk started picking up the phone. She'd tried to stay with him once upstairs, but he sent her away, wanting to mourn alone. She'd made sure to tell him she was just going to the dance and if he needed her he could call and then she was out the door.
Later when he'd emptied the room's mini-bar and he'd gotten the idea to go to dance, he wasn't sure if he was looking for her or not. The alcohol in his system had apparently made him decide to go without pants, and as he embarrassed himself up on stage, he knew she was kicking herself for agreeing to leave in the first place. She'd looked at him and he could see the wheels in her head turning, trying to decide if he would actually let her help him in public, in front of all his friends. As Duncan's hands wrapped around his arm, gripping his tightly and pulling him offstage, he found himself wishing they were hers.
Shaking his thoughts of the night before away he looked up from his locker just in time to see her dart out of a classroom. The look on her face was enough to tell him she was angry and his eyes followed her as she stormed in the direction of her locker. His gaze left her and turned back towards the classroom when he heard the door open again only to see Duncan storm out after her. He turned his attention back to Veronica and watched as her face contorted in a deeper degree of anger as Duncan sidled up to her.
He knew better than to mess with Veronica when she was angry. The old Veronica hadn't been pleasant while angry, but new Veronica, Veronica 2.0 was way worse. It wasn't until he heard Duncan yell at her, in a way he never thought he'd see pointed in her direction, that he moved towards them.
"Why did you just storm off like that? I wasn't done talking to you." Duncan snapped bitterly
Veronica looked up from her locker and shrugged. "Funny, I was." she said opening it and continuing to ignore him
Duncan sighed. "What did you want me to do? Come up to you and say 'oh by the way Veronica, I've been thinking about asking Meg Manning to be my new girlfriend'!? How should I have known that she would have you investigating her secret admirer. You didn't seem to upset about it last night at the dance, so what's the problem now?!"
Veronica slammed her locker shut and gaped at him. "What's the problem?" she snapped, then at his expectant look she added, "I already told you, Duncan! I don't care who you date. I don't care what you do. You made it perfectly clear that we're not friends! However, you're supposed to be Logan's friend! Where were you when he needed you last night?"
"I carried his drunk ass out of that dance, I took him home." Duncan snapped defensively
"Before that Duncan! Where were you before that? Where were you when he found out Lynn was really dead? Picking out flowers?" she yelled. "You were too wrapped up in yourself to see him, to see he needed help. You're too selfish to see anyone but yourself! He was falling apart and where were you?" she demanded before turning to walk away again
Duncan glared angrily before following behind her. Once he was in arms length he reached out and grabbed her arm, yanking her back towards him.
Veronica looked at him shocked. She turned around and saw the hallways starting to fill up again as people headed to their next class. She thought once he saw all the people there he'd let go but his grip only got tighter. "Let me go." she said softly through gritted teeth.
Duncan said nothing and made no attempt to let her go.
Veronica looked at him again, this time looking more closely. He looked as if he wasn't even aware he was preventing her from moving. "Duncan..." she said more forcefully, this time not caring if they caused a bigger scene. Her arm was really starting to hurt. "Let me go."
Again, his grip tightened.
Now, she was scared. She'd never been scared of Duncan before, but he was really hurting her. She looked around, frantically searching for someone who would help her. "Duncan come on, you're hurting me." she whimpered. She let out a sigh of relief as she saw Logan walking towards them.
Logan took one look at the situation and his brow furrowed in confusion. It was obvious that Duncan was angry and Veronica was scared. He heard her whimper and her face twist in pain before he snapped into action. "Duncan." he said loudly, "Come on man, let her go."
Duncan looked over from where his gaze had remained locked on Veronica and over to Logan. He let his eyes rest there for a brief moment before turning back to Veronica. His grip didn't tighten but he still showed no intention of releasing her.
Veronica looked at Logan, tears finally reaching her eyes. "Help me." she said reluctantly.
Logan looked back and forth between Duncan and Veronica, almost as if helping her meant turning his back on Duncan, but then he heard her ask for help. Veronica never asked anyone for help, no matter how hard something got, she never gave anyone the impression that she needed help. She looked helpless and he could see she was clearly in pain. He couldn't simply leave here there, or stand there and watch as Duncan continued to hurt her. "Duncan!" he yelled loudly then noticed that the entire hallway had stopped talking and moving. They had now focused all their attention solely on the three of them.
Veronica knew everyone was staring at them, and normally it would have irritated her, but the only thing she could focus on was the pain shooting through her arm. Logan's outburst seemed to have startled him, because his grip tightened. She yelped in pain. She dropped her bag on the floor and started slapping at his hand with her own. "Let me go."
Logan watched her plead with and slap at Duncan for a few more seconds before he reached over to her arm and began pulling at Duncan's fingers. He was trying to pry his way through but it didn't seem like it was helping. Duncan's fingers were locked around her tightly and Veronica's arm looked dangerously pale. "Duncan!" he yelled again, "You're really hurting her, let go!"
Duncan suddenly released her. His sudden release had sent her flying backwards causing Logan to have to grab at her to steady her. He looked back and forth between her and Logan. Logan looked at him with something akin to disgust before turning his gaze back to Veronica. Veronica's eyes never left his own and he could see the look of terror in her eyes. He looked at her arm, where he noticed a purple bruise in the shape of his hand print forming on her pale skin. He looked back at her in shock before stepping back nervously. "I... I'm sorry." he sputtered out before quickly turning and taking off in the other direction.
Logan's heart was still racing, adrenaline coursing through his bodies at dangerous levels. He watched Duncan take off and then looked over at Veronica. She was trying desperately not to cry. "What in the hell did I just walk in on?" he demanded
Veronica shook her head nervously. People were still watching her, and she just wanted to get out of here. "Nothing." she said before leaning down to pick up her bag. She winced loudly as she pulled it over her shoulder.
"Nothing!" Logan scoffed "You're purple arm says otherwise. What did you do?"
Veronica's eyes frosted over in anger.
Logan couldn't help but shiver at the intensity of her glare. "Veronica..."
"Why do you assume that little scene was my fault? I didn't do anything!" she snapped bitterly before turning on her heels and storming off once more.
Logan sighed and watched as she headed in the direction of the parking lot. He turned to see the rest of the student body still standing in the hall silently watching him. "What? Like none of you have ever wanted to hurt Veronica Mars?! Show's over!" he yelled before running after her. I never thought I'd spend my day chasing after Veronica Mars, he thought groaning inwardly.
Veronica threw her bag into the back of the car before climbing in the driver's seat. Once the door was shut she broke down. She knew that Duncan's secret epilepsy caused violent rages and that he wouldn't realize they were happening or even remember them. She knew he'd never intentionally hurt her, and it wasn't until the very moment he'd snapped and grabbed her that she even allowed herself to entertain the possibility that he could have actually killed Lilly. That thought left a sour taste in her mouth. She laid her head down on the steering wheel and continued sobbing.
Logan walked past Veronica's car and could hear her sobbing. He walked over and stood directly in front of her window, thinking that she would see him and stop. He felt bad for accusing her of doing something to upset Duncan, when it was clear she hadn't. He had planned to keep walking away knowing she was angry at him. That was until he heard her gasp for air.
The memory of her not leaving as he did the same the night before flooded his mind. He looked around the parking lot looking to see if the Fennel kid she hung around with was anywhere in sight. Sighing when he didn't see him, he reached down and pulled on the passenger door of the pathetic excuse for a car she called her own open and slid into the seat.
Veronica yelled loudly when she felt someone reach out and touch her. She hadn't even heard anyone get in the car. She looked up at Logan anger racing through her veins. "What the hell are you doing in my car?" she snapped. He was the last person she wanted to see and her tone clearly told him that.
Logan rolled his eyes, and ignored her tone. "How's your arm?" he said reaching for her again. He was surprised when she allowed him to continue holding her arm as he looked at it.
"It's fine." she said curtly before snatching it away
Logan nodded. "It looks ok. It could be worse. If he had squeezed any harder he could have broken something." he said knowingly. Years of abuse from Aaron had pretty much made him the expert. "So what happened?" he asked again, this time with more concern for her in voice.
Veronica sighed softly. "I really don't know."
Logan looked at her curiously. He didn't understand how she couldn't know. She was there. "Were you two fighting?" he asked
Veronica looked at him annoyed. "If I said we were arguing would that justify it? Would Duncan and me arguing make this," she gestured to her arm, "ok?"
Logan shook his head without hesitation. "No not at all. Nothing you two were arguing about would make this ok. But, if you were arguing, it would explain why pacifist Duncan attacked you."
Veronica shook her head. "I've never seen him violent before." she said softly, "Have you?" she asked gently baiting Logan
Logan looked at her curiously. He wasn't so stupid that he couldn't realize she was interrogating him. He could practically see the wheels in her head turning. He could tell she was scared of Duncan, and if he were honest with himself and her he would be a little scared for her every time she was anywhere near Duncan from now on. He wished he could tell her no, that he'd never once seen Duncan like that, but he'd be lying, and he wasn't about to tell her a lie like that. Not when he knew her well enough to know that if she thought it would never happen again, she'd only end up getting herself hurt again. "Veronica, I think you should just stay away from him ok." he admitted looking anywhere but in her eyes.
Veronica looked at him sharply. "That's as good as a yes."
Logan looked at her guiltily.
"Why didn't anyone tell me that Duncan had gone all violent?!" she snapped already knowing the answer
"Because it wasn't any of your business!" Logan snapped back quickly. In his defense he never in a million years thought Duncan would hurt Veronica.
Veronica sighed. "If I knew he was going to go all violent I never would have..."
"Would have what? Started an argument with him?"
"I didn't start the argument with him. He started it."
"Why?" Logan asked curiously
Veronica shrugged. "He got pissed at me because you showed up at the dance drunk in your underwear."
"That wasn't your fault..." Logan said, immediately feeling guilty. If that was why they were arguing, it meant she was hurt because of his irresponsibility.
"I know!" she yelled, "But I said I'd take care of it when he told me you were still at the hotel and apparently that meant I was supposed to make you all better and make you forget about what happened."
Logan looked at Veronica sadly. She had tried. She really did. But there was no way she could have stopped him from getting trashed last night and showing up at the dance, short of her tying him to a chair. "I've only seen him violent a few times. Most times it was when he was defending you. I never thought he'd physically hurt you." he admitted
Veronica looked at him softly her anger disintegrating. "Most times?"
Logan sighed. "I saw him attack Jake one day."
Veronica's eyes widened in shock. "Before or after Lilly died?"
"Before." Logan said unsure of why she asked
Veronica sighed sadly and let her head fall against the steering wheel again. Having a hard time finding her voice to ask him to leave she reached for the ignition and turned the car on. She figured starting the car would tip him off that she was ready to be alone. When nothing happened she did it again. When the engine refused to turn over for the third time she sighed and dropped her head against the steering wheel over and over again.
"Veronica stop." he said softly then burst into a laugh when she managed to hit the horn
Veronica instantly stopped when the horn sounded. She looked over at Logan who was laughing loudly. "Stop laughing at me Logan. It's not funny." she said even as she started to laugh as well.
Logan laughed. "Yeah, it kind of is. You hit your head on your horn. How is that not funny?"
"I know I was there Logan." she said trying to start her car again
Logan sighed. "Come on. I'll drive you home." he said before he could talk himself out of it.
Veronica shook her head. "You don't have to..."
Logan opened his door and got out. "Just shut up and come on Ronnie." he said the endearment slipping out without a thought
Veronica stiffened at the endearment she rarely heard since Lilly's murder but got out the car and followed after him. Once they were settled in the Xterra she pulled out her cell. She smiled at Logan before putting the phone back up to her ear.
"Hey V."
"Hey. Can you do me a favor?" Veronica asked in her "you can't say no to me" voice.
"Depends on the favor."
"Do I ever say that to you Weevil?" she asked ignoring the look Logan shot her
"Yes. All the time actually. Although, I was kind of hoping it involved me pummeling Duncan Kane for attacking you in the hallway."
Veronica visibly stiffened. "You heard about that huh?"
"Oh course I did V. Are you ok?"
"I'm fine. And it doesn't involve that." she said nodding despite the fact that he couldn't see her.
"Can I still do it though?"
"No. Leave Duncan alone." she demanded "I need you to pick up my car. It won't start. It's still up at the school. If you could get it back to your uncle's shop..."
"Got it. I'll see what I can do. Get you a good deal. Do you need a ride home or..."
"No. I'm fine. Thanks Weevil."
"No problem V. Let me know if your position on Duncan Kane changes. It would give me more than a great amount of pleasure to beat the hell out of him." Weevil said happily before hanging up.
Veronica smiled and hung up the phone. She looked at Logan who was eyeing her weirdly. "What?"
Logan shook his head. "Nothing I just forgot you were such good friends with the criminal element. That's all."
Veronica nodded sadly. "I'm not the same girl I used to be before Lilly, Logan."
"I know." Logan said his eyes never leaving the road.
"Can you just drop me off at my dad's office? I need to do a few things there." she asked softly
Logan nodded. "Yeah."
They hadn't said a word since her request. The ten minute drive was easily the longest of both their lives. He pulled up to the building and waited for her to get out. She mumbled thanks and quickly got out the car and headed into the office.
Logan watched her get out of the car, a feeling of sadness washing over him. He knew that she had changed a lot and he knew that it was mostly his fault. It wasn't that he didn't like the new Veronica, he just wasn't sure how much he liked the new Veronica's dangerous friends, or the new Veronica's dangerous job. He sighed despondently and shifted back into drive. He was about to pull out the parking spot when he heard a scream. A scream that sounded like Veronica.
He froze for a moment, unsure of what he heard. When she screamed again this time he distinctly heard the word help and he wasted no time throwing the SUV into park and darting into the office. "Veronica!" he yelled after running in and seeing no one. He saw something shift from further in and ran into Keith's office. He saw Veronica backing up slowly his eyes trained on her the whole time. When she backed all the way into him he felt her body lean into him and then collapse. He quickly threw his arms around her so that she didn't fall.
The moment he felt her turn and press her face against his chest he took his eyes off her, and that was when he saw what she'd seen. His throat closed and his arms tightened around her as she sobbed into him pressing herself even further against his chest. After a moment of shell shocked paralysis, he swiftly lifted her into his arms and carried her out of the room and away from the sight of Keith Mars, dead on the floor with a knife sticking out of his back.