I know, everyone scream their heads off, I'm making a new story. This story's being made for my friend, so everyone, if you kill me…too bad. Anyhow, please enjoy the story! By the way, this is a HitsuxHina story, so if you don't like it, deal with it. Flames accepted!

Disclaimer: If I owned Bleach, Hitsugaya and Hinamori would already be together.

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Chapter 1- The Paperwork

It was late afternoon; the silver haired boy was doing paperwork, grunting on about how the fuku-taichou doesn't do anything but drink sake and leaves the bottles on the table. As he finished his 1/3 of the paper, a knock was heard coming from the paper sliding doors. "Come in…." He mumbled; she was probably going to make another lame excuse today about not doing the paper work like saying that she had to help Kira make something special to eat. "How's my favourite taichou?!" The long, orange hair lady said shouted happily. "Matsumoto, where have you been?" He asked her. "I've been helping Kira make something special for Hinamori!" Matsumoto replied. At the sound of the name Hinamori, the boy jumped from his seat. Because of his sudden jolt, Matsumoto jumped to conclusions. "Oh what's this? Does my taichou like Hinamori?" She joked (not really). His animated vein popped up. "Matsumoto, you will do the rest of the paperwork!" He stated and left the room.

As he left the room he heard his name, or more like nickname, being called. "Shiro-chan…Shiro-chan!" A girl with her hair tied into a bun ran up to the boy. "How many times do I have to tell you, its Hitsugaya taichou to you." He said; even though he sounded angry, he loved the way she teased him. "Well maybe if you stopped calling me bedwetter-momo and started calling me Hinamori fuku-taichou, I would do the same to you." She pouted slightly. Hitsugaya made an 'hmphf' sound and faced the side…it was her fault for wetting her bed. Hinamori didn't want to admit it, but she loved the nickname, even if it was just a little embarrassing.

After a few moments of silence, Hinamori remembered why she needed to see Hitsugaya. "Oh Shiro-chan----."

"Its Hitsugaya taichou to you!"
"Right…Hitsugaya I have-----."

"It's Hitsugaya TAICHOU!"
"Fine…Hitsugaya taichou, I forgot to give you this." Hinamori said, and gave Hitsugaya a card that had Shiro-chan, on it. "Huh? What's this for?" He asked.

"Don't you remember? It's our anniversary!" Hinamori shouted slightly annoyed.

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Hitsugaya woke up from his dream; he had fallen asleep while doing paperwork. 'Am I really this tired?' He asked himself. He shook his head to wake himself up and went back to paperwork; replaying his dream…he really liked it. 'An anniversary with Hinamori would be like heaven...wait what am I thinking about, I don't like Hinamori!' Hitsugaya scolded his mind. When the knock on the door was heard, Hitsugaya stopped his paperwork and secretly smiled. "Come in." When the door opened, his smiled faded and his cold expression was officially on. "Hi Shiro-chan!" Hinamori shouted happily. "How many times must I tell you, its Hitsugaya taichou to you."

"Yes Shiro-chan!" Hinamori laughed. Hitsugaya sighed…paper work was enough for him, but now this? "What do you need?"
"Oh nothing, I just wanted to drop by and say hi!" Hinamori smiled. Hitsugaya stared at her smile…it was so beautiful and so warm; so warm it melted his heart. With that said, Hinamori waved good-bye and left.

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Hinamori's P.O.V.

For the first time, I didn't start burning up when I saw Shiro-chan! I'm so proud of myself…but man that sure was hard, I don't plan on doing it anytime soon. I don't even know why I'm so happy, I guess it's probably because my birthday's tomorrow; it is spring time and the peach trees are blooming. I wonder if Hitsugaya remembers that tomorrow is my birthday…it'd be so sweet if he gave me something wonderful…like a kiss……. WAIT! What are you think Hinamori Momo?! Of course he wouldn't give you a gift like that, are you crazy?! Of course I am…I'm talking to myself. –Sigh-, I wonder if it's true that when you see a shooting star on your birthday, that the wish is more likely to come true; I really hope so.

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Hitsugaya's P.O.V.

That sure was awkward, I thought for a second that I was actually blushing! Haha…haha…that's funny…. Like that'll ever happen…right? Anyhow, tomorrow's Hinamori's birthday…OH MY GOD, TOMORROW'S HINAMORI'S BIRTHDAY! I haven't gotten her anything, as a matter of fact, I didn't even remember it was her birthday tomorrow till, well, now. I guess I'll have to think of something to give her…she does like flowers and peaches (duh!) What else does she like…I think she likes Aizen…ugh, I hate him.

Even after I help Hinamori, even after I'd been there for her, even after I've done the impossible for her, even after I risked my life for her…she likes him more than me. What in the world has Aizen done for her anyways? Back in the Rukongai days, Hinamori would talk about how wonderful it was to be with me, and now…all she talks about is Aizen. She admires him, she pushes her limits to impress him, and all he does is smile?! I hate him to the core.

Now back to the present, let's see…I have the perfect idea.

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Normal P.O.V.

Matsumoto was drinking her 4 bottle of sake, when she remembered that tomorrow was Hinamori's birthday. Thinking incredibly hard, she thought about what Hinamori liked. But of course, she was drunk, so she came up with an extremely crazy idea.

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Here is the end of my chapter everyone! I know it's very short, and I didn't do a very good job for a beginning of a story, I tried to think of a new idea. This might be the same as my other HitsuxHina story, but hopefully, it'll be a tad bit different. I hoped you all enjoyed it, and by the way, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR!