I don't own D&D, my imagination simply borrows from time to time
The Thief's Return
Earth: Present Day
A beautiful young woman stared out the window of the cab at the passing sights.
So little had changed, she thought, sure the trees had grown a bit and a new shop window or two could be seen downtown; still it seemed frozen in time.
Ten years, it had been ten years since their return. Since the adventure of a lifetime had ended. The exact details of how they finally escaped the realm were very fuzzy now. All she remembered was the relief mixed with sorrow. Yes, she and her friends were finally home, but they had left friends back there, as well as their childhood. The six of them had been forced to grow up very fast, including Bobby.
Thinking of her little brother, tears started to well up in her eyes and suffocating grief overwhelmed her again. It had been two months since the worst day of her life. Since Bobby had gotten into a car with a drunk friend after a party and the car they were driving too fast had rolled into a ditch, killing both eighteen year olds. It was so damned unfair. After all those close calls and fighting for their lives in the Realm, to lose her brother at home for nothing.
She felt so alone. Their parents had divorced years ago and they had no contact with her father. Three years ago, their mother succumbed to pancreatic cancer. It had been just her and Bobby.
After their return everyone went on with their lives. Diana trained long and hard and was now an Olympic gold medallist and spokesman for everything from Nike to Wheaties. Eric had gone to Harvard and was a big name attorney. Presto was a Nuclear Physicist who spent time volunteering at the Children's Hospital where he and his wife Anne performed magic shows for the sick kids. Hank was a running back on an NFL team. Sheila herself was fresh out of medical school.
They had been so close, but it had all changed. Diana was so busy being an athlete and role model she had no time for old friends. Eric seemed determined to forget his time in the Realm, including the friends he'd been there with. If there had ever been anything between her and Hank, that had changed too. He just couldn't go back to being Hank the friend after being Hank the leader. He'd seemed uncomfortable around her. Four months after their return, he'd started dating Tiffany Kessler. A year after graduating they were married and they had two young kids. Sheila couldn't begrudge him, they had kind of tried, but it just didn't feel right. Presto was still a good friend, and Anne was seven months pregnant with their first baby. She and Bobby were so close. He was a typical girl crazy, cocky teenage boy. They had struggled to make ends meet while Sheila went to school, thank goodness for education funds and scholarships, but they did okay.
But her little brother always thought he was invincible, and then a case of beer and a Ford Mustang changed all that.
Presto was the only one of her friends to attend the funeral. Diana had made a quick phone call. Hank had sent a card and flowers. Eric hadn't even acknowledged the phone call.
About a month ago the idea brewed. She wanted to go back. She'd kept her plans to herself until 4 days ago when she'd told Presto.
He'd been floored, "Are you crazy? Why?"
"Because there's nothing left here for me Presto. My life here died with Bobby. I can't work, can't sleep. You are the only friend I have left, but you have your own life with Annie. This is just something I need to do."
He'd sighed and shook his head, knowing there was no changing her mind, "Are you sure?"
"I have to. It's like something is calling me back there, like I'm being called home."
So here she was. The cab stopped outside a pair of rusted gates, gaping open and swaying in the wind.
The driver tipped back his hat, "Her you are young lady, though why you wanted to be dropped off at an old amusement park is beyond me."
Sheila gave him a wan smile, "Memories." She paid the driver and watched him drive away before entering the park, seeing her goal at the far side. The sign was faded and chipped but the power of the name was not lost on her. Dungeons and Dragons. The wind gusted, blowing her long red hair around her face; now set with a look of fierce determination. She settled her large backpack on her shoulders and set off towards the ride. She had packed many essentials including some bottles and water purifier, canned food, camping cookwear, matches, a flashlight, toiletries, clothes, underwear, her MP3 player and a jumbo pack of Duracells.
As she stepped into the dark interior of the ride she wondered for the thousandth time whether this would actually work. The cars of the ride were long gone. Would the gateway to the Realm even open up for one grown up or just for a group of kids. She bit at her bottom lip as doubts swirled around her before giving her head a shake. Doubts weren't going to get her anywhere. She began to run through the structure, flashes of painted dragons and fantastical creatures passing her. As she increased her speed she wondered again whether this would work. Her question was answered as the images around her began to distort and spin.
Then all was black
Awareness came slowly to Sheila.
First she realized she was laying face down on the dusty ground. She groaned and lifted herself up on her hands and knees and then stood. "Still in my own clothes." She started dusting off her dark blue jeans, wine colored blouse and fitted black leather jacket. Good thing, she doubted her thief outfit would still fit.
She looked around her and noted that she had landed in the exact same spot as the first time they came. Slightly nervously she chuckled, "At least the Tiamat welcome wagon wasn't here to greet me this time."
Or Venger.
Thinking of the Lord of the Night Races she shuddered, hoping she could more or less avoid him. Their weapons did not leave the Realm with them, so he really had no reason to bother with her. He always seemed particularly interested in scaring her, knowing she was insecure, especially terrified of being alone.
Well a lot had changed since she was 15. She had grown all too used to being alone lately and she was far from defenseless. .
Sheila picked up her pack, and after making sure everything was intact she settled it on her back and started to take a step when she heard a familiar voice behind her.
"It is good to see you again my Thief."
She turned with a smile, "I was wondering when you'd pop up Dungeon Master."
The little mage smiled at her then asked, "Where are the other young ones?"
"There is no one else, I'm here alone."
Dungeon Master's brow furrowed as he noticed a wave of sadness wash over her. 'There is such sadness in your eyes, tell me what troubles you so."
Tears welled up in Sheila's eyes, "My brother is dead, he died in an accident two months ago. The others have all gone on with their lives. I had nothing left there, that's why I came back."
Dungeon Master lowered his head in a moment of quiet grief over the lost Barbarian, as well as his Thief. She had been through much suffering of late, the death of her brother, abandonment by her friends. So much suffering for such a gentle heart to bear. He had known the Thief would return, he had foreseen it, had known she had a special destiny to fulfill. It had been a long time, his once Young Thief had grown into an enchanting beauty that held herself with confidence.
"So how are things here. Has Tiamat done us a favour and eaten Venger yet?" Sheila joked, changing the subject. To her surprise, dungeon Master wouldn't meet her eyes and was he…blushing?
"You see, a great deal has changed in your absence." She was about to ask what he meant when a large figure appeared behind Dungeon Master.
Before either of them had a chance to react, Sheila had thrust Dungeon Master behind her and had swung her leg up, kicking Venger in the side of the head. He staggered back and then tried to step forward only to have her fist rammed into his stomach. The wind blasted out of him and he reached for her. Her reaction was to grab his arm and turned rapidly, using the momentum to toss him over her shoulder. He lay flat on his back, gasping for air, only to have a knee shoved into his chest. She put her hand to his throat and drew the other back, ready to punch him if he so much as twitched.
They were frozen like that for a moment until both Sheila and Venger both heard an odd souns. They turned their heads in tandem to see Dungeon Master rolling around on the ground, laughing hysterically.
Sheila stayed in the position she was in but asked, "Did I miss something here?"
Dungeon Master managed to wheeze out between bouts of laughter. "Forgive me. Venger, you remember the Thief. Sheila, Venger is now our ally.
Venger and Sheila stared in horror at each other until Sheila finally spoke up.
"You've got to be joking."