In a beautiful shrine, in Tokyo, lived Kagome Higurashi. Kagome lived with her mother and her little brother of ten. As normal as it seemed, she was far from normal, she was a punk rockin' problem child.

Hot Rod Punk Chapter One

Today was a usual day for Kagome Higurashi, she had just moved in from Kyoto and was still in the process of unpacking. At about 1:00 p.m. she decided to wake up. When her lids opened, her eyes greeted the black walls of her room that had flames that reached the middle of them.

"Aww man...My head is killin' me."

Her room was hardly decorated except for the most important things she had. Boxes covered the room except for her bed, dresser, clothes, and her dreaded alarm clock. She pushed back the black and red covers on her king size and sat up. Kagome ran her fingers through the messy black hair and slipped on her black wolf paw slippers. After a yawn, she got off her bed and walked to the bathroom. When she looked into the mirror, she said, "I look like shit."

Her purple brush was set on the edge of the sink as usual and she ran it through her hair a few times. When she was done with that, she brushed her teeth and took a shower. Twenty minutes later, she got out of the shower and went downstairs in nothing but a towel. Passing through the living room and the dining room, she got to the kitchen where she found a note addressed to her.

Dear Kagome,

I went to the store and dropped Souta off at his friend's house. I won't be back for a while since the car doesn't work anymore and I have to walk. Please feed Buyo and take out the trash. Oh yeah, school starts in a few days so get ready and try to make a good impression, we have neighbors your age that live around here.

Love Mom

P.S. Try NOT to beat up anyone okay?

Buy the time she had read half the letter, she was already half way to the trash can.

"Is that all she thinks I can do? Beat up people and take out the trash?"

Kagome sighed, balled up the note, and chucked it in the trash. She pulled out her cereal and Buyo's cat food, set them on the table and pulled out both of their bowls. She plopped the food in her cat's bowl and set it on floor. She sat down at the table after pouring her milk and called for the Garfield-fat cat. Buyo slowly stalked into the kitchen and started eating happily. When Kagome was finished eating, she put the bowl in the sink and headed back up to her room to get dressed. She felt Buyo rub against her legs and purr. She picked him up and carried him to her room.

After she set Buyo on her bed, she dropped her towel to stare at her pale, scarred, body. She screwed her face up in anger remembering the one who put them there.

'Bastard father, six years later and I still can't escape him and the pain he caused me,' Not wanting the day to start off bad, she forgot about her sad past and went into her closet to retrieve her 'badass' clothes.

"Hmm...should I wear; the black mini dress with dark blue jeans, or the hot-pink 'Fuck you' shirt with the black mini skirt and pink and black stripped leggings?" she wondered.

She sighed and picked the last one. After putting on her black underwear, she turned on her CD radio to Teenagers by My Chemical Romance and danced to it while singing the lyrics.

They're gonna clean up your looks

With all the lies in the books

To make a citizen out of you

Because they sleep with a gun

And keep and eye on you son

So they can watch all the things you do

As she put on her leggings and her black mini skirt, she pulled out her favorite pocket knife with a demon claw on it. She shoved it in her pocket and put on her 'Fuck You' shirt.

Because the drugs never work

They're gonna give you a smirk

Cause they got methods of keepin' you clean

They're gonna rip up your heads

Your aspirations to shreds

Another cog in the murder machine

She made a big smirk as she put on her black sunglasses and spiked hot pink and black sneakers. Kagome picked up her beloved cat and set him outside onto the branch that was outside of her room.

"I wonder if this year is going to be like last year."

They said, 'All teenagers scare the livin' shit outta me'

They could care less as long as someone'll bleed

So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose

Maybe they'll leave you alone, but not me

'I hope that slutty bitch Kikyo won't be here,' she thought to herself. Last year, Kagome and Kikyo had started out as friends, but when Kikyo started to pressure Kagome to do things she wasn't ready for, Kagome wanted out. Unfortunately, Kikyo didn't want to let her go, so she started spreading rumors about Kagome and where she came from. None of this ended well; Kagome revealed Kikyo for the true slut she was and it ended up with Kagome moving back to Tokyo.

The boys and girls in the clique

The awful names that they stick

You're never gonna fit in much kid

But if you're troubled and hurt

What you've got under your shirt

Will make them pay for the things that they did

'If that bitch starts anything this year, there will be such great hell to pay," she thought as she laughed mischievously.

Her mp3 player was hooked up to her CD radio, so she unplugged it and took her music with her and turned off the radio. She walked back downstairs with the black electric guitar that was leaning against the closet wall and went into the garage.

They said, "All teenagers scare the livin' shit outta me'

They could care less as long someone'll bleed

So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose

Maybe they'll leave you alone but not me (Ohhhh yeah!!)

As Kagome listened to the guitar solo, she found the family car that didn't work. It was a piece of work, this car, it needed new paint, a new engine fan, and air for the tires. When she lifted the hood, a bunch of smoke and dust came out that made her cough and wheeze.

"Aww man...the car really is busted. I guess I'll have to ride my bike."

Kagome walked around the car to see her bike with the tarp still over it. She pulled the tarp to the ground and revealed her beautiful flame colored motorcycle. She tied her ax to the side as usual and pulled her music to the radio on the bike. After planting herself on it, she took out her customized keys and stuck them in the ignition. She pressed the button on her keys to open the garage, turned the key and turned the handle to start the engine. Her music came back on with the same song.

They said, 'All teenagers scare the livin' shit outta me'

They could care less as long as someone'll bleed

So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose

Maybe they'll leave you alone but not me

All together now!!

She sped out of her garage and swerved into her driveway. After turning the handle one more time to increase her speed, she sped fast into the road and down the road.

Teenagers scare the livin' shit outta me

They could care less as long as someone'll bleed

So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose

Maybe they'll leave you alone but not me

A few people cursed at her high speed but she paid them no mind. She cranked up her music and continued her reckless driving.

Teenagers scare the livin' shit outta me

They could care less as long as someone'll bleed

So darken your clothes or strike a violent pose

Maybe they'll leave you alone but not me

Twenty minutes later, Kagome reached her destination; Hot Rod Biker Parts. This place was the only place to get good quality parts at a cheap price. She knew the owner too, Ryo Tensi, her ex boyfriend. She entered the shop after carefully locking up her bike out side and carried her ax guitar on her back. Kagome walked up to the counter and leant on it waiting for Ryo to show up.

"Hello? Ryo, I know your ass is back there! What kind of service is this?!" she yelled.

A tall guy around the age of 17 walked up to the counter calmly. He had crimson hair that came to his shoulders and red-orange eyes like fire. He had a scar on his face that started from his right eyebrow and ended in the middle of his jaw. It was the scar he got from his childhood many years ago.

"What kind of good morning was that?" asked Ryo.

"My kind," she replied.

"Of course. So what do you need this time?"

"Black and red paint, a new engine fan, and air. It's for the car."

"You still have it? I figured you'd throw it out by now."

"And why would I do that? Especially when I can do what ever I want with it."

'Oh boy, here it comes,' Ryo thought as he put his arm on the counter and leant his head against it.

"It's gonna be a demonic Kikyo killer!!" she exclaimed.

Ryo slapped his forehead and replied, "I'll just get you those things..."

"Okay!" she replied happily. Ryo went to the back of the store and retrieved the things Kagome said. After putting them in a big bag, Ryo returned to find Kagome sitting on the counter playing her black guitar and singing Kesenai Tsumi by Nana Kitade.

Itsumo no shisen ni kimi ga ite kokyuu ga dekiru
Boku ni totte nara Sore dake de
Mou Juubun na hazu na no ni

Chippoke na boku wa kurikaesu ayamachi bakari
Dorehodo tsuyosa wo te ni shitara
Nani mo kizutsukezu sumu no?

Mayowazu ni Kono ai wo shinji ikiteyuku
Fusagaranu kizuguchi mo gyu'tto dakishimete

Futari wa aruki-tsuzukeru Ato ni wa modorenai kara
Ima demo kono mune no oku Kesenai tsumi wa itamu kedo

"You know should join a band or something."

"EEK!" shreiked Kagome as she spun around, "How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough to hear the beautiful voice I loved so many years ago."

"Ryo...I'm really sorry about what happened..."

"It's okay...It wasn't your fault..."

He put the big bag on the counter and leaned on the counter as Kagome got off of it. She started to pull out her wallet which was black with flames on it just like almost everything else she owned.

"How much, Ryo?" she asked.

"About 15,000 yen."

"Good. I thought it was more than that."

She pulled out her Japanese bills and placed them on the counter while putting her ax back on. Ryo pushed the bag towards her and she picked it up off of the counter.

"Bye Ryo. See you later," and she walked out the door.


Outside, she had tied the bag to the bike (somehow) and tied her ax to the side like before. She climbed on top, turned on the engine, and put it in reverse before speeding out of the parking lot. Kagome was planning on fixing the car sometime before the end of the school year, so she kicked it into high gear and sped fast back to the shrine.

Five minutes later, she was there and she went back into the garage to park her bike and put the new engine part in. After putting her keys away, she grabbed the car's keys and grabbed the engine fan off her bike. Kagome remembered to grab a mask so she wouldn't choke on the dust like she had done before and carried the engine fan over to the front of the car. When she opened it, it was just as dusty as it was before but the mask protected her lungs. Carefully, she set the new fan on the table next to the car and unscrewed the old fan from the car which she dropped carelessly.

"Problem number one solved."

Kagome picked up the new fan and put it in place then screwed it in. While keeping the hood open, she went around to the side and opened the driver's seat door and sat in it. She put the key in the ignition and turned it on, after putting on park, and applied gas to the engine. The engine started up and was purring like a kitten; mission acomplished.

"Problem number two solved," she said triumphantly as she got out of the dusty car. She locked the car and closed the hood while walking towards the rest of the stuff she bought. She picked up the paint and the cans of air and placed them on the shelf.

"I'll put air in the tires tomorrow."

Kagome left the garage and closed it, then she walked back into the house and closed the door. Buyo had made his way back into the house and all of his food was gone, as usual. He rubbed up against her legs and purred loudly.

"Oh what do you want you fat cat?" she asked as she picked him up. Buyo was probably hungry again; he's always hungry. Kagome went into the kitchen to get his cat food, yet again, and put it in his bowl. She left the kitchen and saw Buyo slowly walk to where she was coming from. Kagome went upstairs, into her room and sat on her bed to play her guitar. All of a sudden, a knock came sounded on her front door, so Kagome went to see who it was.


I think that should be the end...figure out who's at the door.

Bye now!!