So this fic was inspired by The Writer you fools and her fic "How I Paid for College" and I started getting really into Zexion x Demyx pairings. The Writer is completely correct if she tells you she converted another to the cause (T'would be I), and it's a very good cause to support.
Also, I give thanks to my beta/first-reader, Eyes-of-crimson who is a dear friend of mine, who's been reviewing my fics like mad and it makes me happy.
So I'm posting it now for Jeredu to stop telling me to, and if more people actually review, it would be appreciated.
Oh yeah. Chapter titles come from one of my favorite songs in the world. It's called "Further Away" by a band called FAKE? And it can be found at Anime Crackers, for those who pirate.
Whispered Melody
Unconscious is a State of Ours
People. Over-greased fast food, smoke, slight perfume, watered-down cola.
It was a common day for him. The quiet loner in a group of odd friends, forced on another group date with two blondes and a redhead one Saturday afternoon. He wasn't even sure why he had agreed to come along, merely a distant friend to the red-haired boy he had met in Theory of Reason 101 when he first started college; he didn't even consider the taller one a friend, but nonetheless, he was dragged out, dragged away to this place filled with stores of over-priced merchandise, a food court of over-greased french fries, and a blonde a little too attached to his arm. He could barely feel his fingers in his right hand because she held on so tightly.
"Um, Axel..." he tried to speak up.
They were at the food court, a large basket of fries and some chicken nuggets merely compiled into one large mass of food, ready for the attack and consumption. Axel was feeding his younger boyfriend, happy to have someone clinging to him so tightly. The boy merely grinned cutely and took a bite of the nugget offered; he seemed young, cute, and so much like a pampered little puppy, and bit at the nugget as it was pulled away, once his boyfriend's attention was tugged from him.
"Hmm... Zex, you say somethin'?" Axel replied, an expression of mild annoyance forming once the blond's teeth found his hand.
Zexion sighed and shook his head.
Next to him was a girl. Larxene, they said her name was, and Axel met her in a class on the study of human behavior. She didn't look much like a college student, clad in tight, curve-hugging leather pants and a black corset top, emo-seeming wristbands with buckles and silver studs attached to her wrists and a choker to match. Plus, her blonde hair, pulled in two small pigtails on top and out the rest, made her look as if she were attempting to be cutesy.
Her attitude bothered him. They had passed three shops and she wanted to check out a whip, some handcuffs, and then a dildo, for the sake of seeing if one really glowed in the dark. She was a forceful lady, boots clinking in her stride, and she merely clung to him so she wouldn't get lost or left behind. Even though half the trip was him tugging her along, the other half him trying to stop Axel from eating his boyfriend's face off in the Hallmark isle of the bookstore while she checked out a romance novel.
This was too odd for his use. He wanted to return to his house and probably get a few hours in on a video game; it would possibly pass the time studying, or even working, than sitting here, next to these odd characters.
Larxene looked at him calmly, a french fry dangling daintily between two fingers. "Zexion... are you as bored as I am?" she asked him.
"Possibly moreso," he replied in a calm, bored voice.
By this time, Axel was once again liplocked with his fair-haired lover, the mumble of "Roxas, move your hand" escaping every now and then.
Disgusting, and in public, too!
Zexion shook his head and rose to his feet. "Come on..." he mumbled to her. "They'll be fine, and he has my cell."
She was quickly attached to him again and the two walked further about the mall. They moved in silence for a few minutes, before she quickly tugged on his arm and grinned maliciously. "Hey, kid, I want to look in this store!"
Same thing she had said earlier. It was starting to bother him, even though he was used to it. He entered the store behind her, as she unwound her arm from his and cheerfully began to make her way into the shop. It seemed to be of some... punk-rock style, wristbands and arm-warmers and hats and belts and CDs. Even some anime merchandise on a rack to the side.
She had headed to the back, and he followed to make sure he didn't lose her. He was now wondering why he hadn't ditched her with Axel and Roxas and gone home in his own car already. Oh yeah. Axel saw him in class ever Tuesday morning and she saw Axel three times a week. There was no running from this date. He was sure he could deal with her for a few more hours, that wouldn't be overly difficult. Anyway, without having to worry about the other two, he was sure he'd be fine on his own. One hastle was enough.
"Hey, kid, look at these!"
That was irritating. She kept calling him 'kid', as if he were sixteen or something. Even though he knew she was at least a year and a half older than him, and two inches taller in her heels, that still didn't give her much reason to call him a child. He was ninteen, that was adult enough for him. He looked anyway, as she held a silky-string whip out for him to see.
He frowned slightly.
"Stretch out your hand..." she whispered, almost seductively, into his ear.
That caused him to take a step back. "I'd... rather not..."
"No, no, I'm not going to hurt you!" she tried to explain. "I just want you to feel it. Stretch out your hand..."
Sighing, looking down, he did as told, and she gently swung the strings onto his hand, letting them drift across his palm and fingers. It was soft and smooth, sensual, even, but awkward. After all, it was still a whip, and whips made him uncomfortable, whether used pleasurably or not. A few seconds passed before he quickly tugged his hand away, shoving it into his pocket.
"Like it?" she inquired, leaning forward.
"I'm not particularly fond of the sadistic forms of sex."
Larxene had to laugh, letting the strings fall over her shoulder. "So you're into at least some forms then, good. Axel led me to believe I was dating a eunuch."
"A what?" Zexion hissed.
The blonde in front of him merely giggled and led him to the counter. "Oh, I didn't believe it for a second. You're just too cute, surely you'd've picked up someone somewhere. Maybe even little child rapists like Axel."
The clerk at the counter could only raise an eyebrow as he made the transaction and soon handed Larxene a black bag with her merchandise. She walked Zexion out of the store cheerfully, and they attacked another bookstore, seating themselves in the Science Fiction isle with a romance and a vampire novel. Three hours later, after the same desk clerk gave them odd looks for the seventh time, and Zexion's phone finally went off in his pocket--he didn't answer it, it was only Axel--the two decided to leave. After buying her book for her, and his own, he chose to drive her home.
Pine-cone air-freshener, air pollution, slight perfume.
He pulled his car to a stop outside of a one-story brick house. It was a bland grey sade with a daark blue roof and matching shutters. The front lawn was a healthy shade of green, but looked as if it needed mowing. The open front door gave him a good view of a nice, but messy, living room, and a tall blond in baggy jeans and a T-shirt. He had to raise an eyebrow as the blond yelled into the house then stormed across the lawn and into the street, but his eyes soon widened when the boy placed his hands on the hood of the black car and frowned.
"And who the hell is this, huh, Larx?" the blond boy asked.
Larxene sighed. "Sorry, Zexion," she apologized, very irritated. "I somehow... forgot... to tell him I was going out." She leaned forward. "Demyx, get your hands off his car!"
Zexion was very unamused as the boy, Demyx, leaned forward, pulled down one eyelid, and childishly stuck out a tongue. He merely looked through the corner of his eye to the passenger. "You have a boyfriend?" he asked.
Larxene sat up quickly. "Oh, hell no..." she answered, then sighed. "He's my little brother."
hmm... chemical--some sort of grease, sweat, dust...
Demyx's thin frame immediately popped up next to Zexion's window. "So, what's your name, eh?" he inquired. "Haven't seen you around here... first time dating Xena, Warrior Bitch over there?"
"Fuck off, Demyx," Larxene murmured.
Demyx smirked and began to circle the car, like a lion stalking its prey. Larxene ignored him, her hands reaching up to turn Zexion's face to her, and she kissed her date gently, almost sweetly, for a few seconds. Immediate laughter pulled her away and she sighed, unclasping her seatbelt.
"I'mma kill him now," she announced. "See ya later, doll. Call me."
And with that, she was gone, storming into the house while screaming at her brother over ruining the kiss. Zexion didn't care as he drove off. There was no...spark, per se, to the kiss, no reason to the date, and, a few blocks later, he realized he didn't even have her number.
He returned to his apartment, to a blond male reclining on his couch.
Learning; the educational books. Something dying, somewhere hidden. Slight perfume--Vexen used Curve, strangely
Was it just him or were the blondes taking over that day?
"Vexen, what are you doing here?" he asked dully.
"Needed to borrow your biology textbook," the taller one replied.
That didn't explain three things: how he had gotten into the apartment, why he didn't call and ask, and why he was still there. Zexion would've been angered if he hadn't known Vexen so well. Vexen did many odd things, like stay in the chemistry lab for endless hours or disect squirrels in the street for the hopes of making some experiment or keep an unnaturally careful watch for certain fine details, and Zexion had tolerated him because he was smart and clever about it.
He still hadn't moved from his spot near the frot door, and merely blinked at the intruding blond.
Vexen looked up from the textbook. "I used the spare key you left at my place."
Zexion thought he had lost it.
"And I had some leftover curry," the blond continued. "Zexion, you should cook more logical things. The rice and curry were the only logical foods in your fridge. And what's with the lipstick?"
The slate-haired male looked away quickly and rubbed a hand across his mouth. Looking down at his fingers, he frowned at the metallic, shimmering pink make-up. Larxene's lipstick, most likely.
"That's from your date, isn't it?" Vexen asked. "With Axel's friend, right? She seems rather forceful, from what I've heard."
Zexion merely headed toward his bathroom. "I've had better dates. Her younger brother ruined the simonize on my car." He turned on the sink and began to wash his face, in the hopes of removing any traces of make-up. He returned to the living room a minute later, dropping into the armchair as Vexen sat up and smirked.
"Are you going to take her out again?" he questioned. "You don't usually let chicks kiss you."
Zexion shrugged and leaned back. "I might not," he answered. "I only agreed to Axel because he seemed a tad desperate."
"Hah!" Vexen had to laugh. "But you let her kiss you. Lucky devil, she's hot."
Zexion ignored that comment. "Vexen, you can take my biology book, but return it by Tuesday. Now, go home."
"What's her number, huh?" Vexen asked.
"Ask Axel."
"You mean, you don't know?"
"I don't care."
"Is this about your car?"
"Go home!" Zexion stood quickly, a sharp glare sent in Vexen's direction, and soon stormed into the kitchen. He knew Vexen wasn't going anywhere, but at least the older one was silenced. He grabbed a spoon and his bowl of unnaturally-blended pudding (chocolate pudding with coconut and pineapple), and got cosy in his armchair, legs swung over the side as he reclined and watched the news.
They ended up eating ramen and watching The Ring and Dark Water and the sequels, until Zexion fell asleep through Samara's murderous rage. He woke up the next morning with a blanket draped over his small frame and a note taped to his arm. His body protested against his movements as he attempted to untangle himself and stand, and he sighed in relief and irritation once on his feet. Sleeping in armchairs just didn't work well for his not-a-morning-person groggy attitude. Yawning as he stretched, he trudged to his bathroom.
.i. end .i.
Yeah, so I realized the chapter's kinda weird, but it starts the thing off.
Feedback would be greatly appreciated, positive or negative.
It made me happy to write, so hopefully it's good to read.
:Darkness Princess.