Author's note: The end is finally here!! I know I could have just ended it with that last chapter but I just couldn't resist adding this last chapter. Thanks once again to all of you who reviewed and gave support to this story. If you can't get enough of the Tommy/Nikki pairing, look for them again in the upcoming sequel to Bewitched.

CoolDiva: Glad you liked that wedding scene I've been waiting forever to write that. Thanks so much for all your support!!!

Lone Nightblade: You know me, I just had to put one last twist and I thought putting Nikki's dad and Tim's mom together was a good one. Thanks for the support!!!!

Chylea3784: Thanks so much, nothing but happily ever after left now.

general-joseph-dickson: Thanks

GinaStar: I just needed a way to get rid of Victor without there having to be another showdown.

moonlite-n-roses: I'm glad you liked that chapter so much, it was a favorite of mine to write. Thanks for the support!!!

GracefulCrane: Glad you liked that last chapter, here's the ending.

AJ: Thanks to you and your friends too!!

One year later, Nikki Oliver stood on a small step ladder adjusting a painting that was crooked. She had opened a gallery in downtown Reefside where she displayed her work along with the work of other up and coming artists and would soon be hosting an art show featuring the work of Trent Fernandez who was coming home to Reefside to unveil his newest creation.

"Nikki, what the hell are you doing, get down from there," a frantic male voice said from behind her.

"Oh Tommy, I'm barely two feet off the ground would you relax," she said as she continued what she was doing.

"You shouldn't be doing that, isn't that what your assistant is for, where is Kelly anyway," he responded.

"I sent her on an errand and besides I've been climbing up and down this thing all day and nothing's happened so calm down," she replied.

"How can I calm down, you're due to give birth any day now and yet you insist on continuing with your work," he said.

"Tommy, this whole overprotective thing was cute in the beginning but now it's just plain annoying, now is there a reason you're here instead of in the classroom teaching," she replied as she got down from the ladder.

"It's my office hour and I thought I would come here and take my beautiful wife out to lunch," he informed her.

"That sounds like a great idea especially since our days of going out to lunch or anywhere else for that matter will be over for awhile after this baby decides to make an appearance," she said with a smile.

"Ok, so I'll bring the car around front while you clean up here," he said giving her a quick kiss before heading for the door.

"Uh honey, I think that lunch is gonna have to wait," she said causing him to turn around.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because my water just broke," she answered.

"Are you sure?" he questioned.

"I think this puddle under my feet is pretty good indication," she said pointing at the floor.

"The hospital, we need to get to the hospital, but what about your bag, we don't have your bag and it's got all that stuff in it that you wanted to take to the hospital, but we can't exactly go back home and get it, man I knew I should have been more prepared for this," Tommy said as he began pacing back and forth.

"Honey, relax, my bag is in the backseat of your car, I put it there after my last doctor's appointment, but we need to get to the hospital right now, I don't think this baby's gonna wait much longer," Nikki informed him.

Sometime later, Nikki and Tommy were in a hospital room where Nikki's contractions were coming close together and the doctor had informed them that the baby would be making an appearance within the hour.

"I wish I could do more for you than just holding your hand," Tommy said as he wife was breathing through her contractions.

"Trust me, if it was possible I would so trade places with you right now, I forgot just how hard this is but at least I'm not alone right now," she said remembering the birth of their daughter which she had gone through all by herself.

"Ok, Mrs. Oliver, I think it's time for you to start pushing," a nurse told her.

"Come on Nikki you can do this, you got through so much last year, you are the strongest woman I know," Tommy said.

"I'm so glad you're here," Nikki said as she continued to push.

"I'm here and I'm not going anywhere," he promised.

"The head is out, just a few more pushes and you'll be ready to greet your new baby," the doctor announced.

Five year old Emma Oliver, walked out of Reefside Elementary and scanned the crowd of parents for her mother but instead was greeted by the sight of her Aunt Hayley.

"Aunt Hayley, what are you doing here?" the child asked as she ran over to where Hayley was standing.

"I'm here to take you to the hospital," Hayley answered after receiving a hug.

"Does that mean that Mommy had the baby?" Emma questioned.

"It sure does and it means that you are finally a big sister," Hayley said with a smile as they walked to her car.

"Look at what we did," Nikki said as she held her new baby in her arms.

"It's the most amazing thing I've ever seen," Tommy said as he planted a kiss on the baby's forehead.

"I can't wait for Emma to get here," Nikki said.

"I still wish that I could have been there for you the day that Emma was born," Tommy told her.

"I know but we can't dwell in the past, isn't that what you're always telling me, all we can do is be grateful for the beautiful family that we have now," Nikki replied.

"Your Mommy is one smart lady," Tommy said looking down at the sleeping infant.

"May we come in?" Hayley asked as she entered the room with Emma.

"Emma, I think you are the most beautiful big sister I've ever seen," Tommy said as he gave his daughter a hug.

"What do you think Emma?" Nikki said once Tommy brought Emma over to the bed and sat her down next to her mother.

"He's so small," Emma said as she looked at her new brother.

"I remember when you were this small," Nikki told her.

"He's beautiful, you did good Oliver," Hayley said to Tommy.

"Thanks but Nikki's the one who did all the hard work," Tommy said.

"Hayley would you like to hold him?" Nikki asked.

"I'd love to, if you're sure it's ok," Hayley replied.

"Of course it's ok especially since we'd like for you to be his godmother so I suspect you'll be holding him a lot, and besides none of this would even be happening if you hadn't taken me and Emma into your home that night," Nikki told her.

"Anyone else would have done the same in my position, I'm just glad that everything worked out in the end, now does my new godson have a name," Hayley said as she took the baby in her arms.

"Well, after much debate, we decided to give him a name that means something to both of us, so his name is Robin," Tommy answered.

"Robin Oliver, it has a nice ring to it," Hayley said as she gave the baby back to his mother.

"Hi Robin, I'm your big sister and I promise to be the best big sister ever," Emma said.

"Nikki, what's wrong?" Tommy asked as he noticed the tears falling from his wife's eyes.

"I just can't believe this is real, we have two healthy, beautiful children and they're safe and I'm just really happy," Nikki told him.

"I'm happy too, I don't know where I would be if I hadn't found you and Emma," Tommy replied.

"I love you so much," Nikki said.

"I love you too," Tommy said.

"Don't forget about me and Robin, we love you too," Emma said causing both her parents to laugh.

"That will never happen," Tommy promised her.