I wrote a few one-shots, but decided that I could just bunch them all together in one story. Really, each chapter of this story is its own story, so it isn't necessary to read the chapters in numerical order. Characters might be OOC, (out of character) characters might die, and some chapters might have different genres or ratings, but I will include that stuff in my author's note. I obviously do not own Naruto. (That's all you have to know, the rest is just babbling.) My friend gave me the idea for this "story" when we were babysitting her sleeping brother while her parents were having some kind of promotional "party". We were in her room, the lights off, talking quietly. Her other brother came into her room, and the light from him opening the door woke up my friend's baby brother. He (the baby) started crying, and she said, in an otherworldly voice, "You have disturbed We Who Fear the Light. DIE BY PILLOW ATTACK!!!!!!!" She then proceeded to bombard her older brother with pillows. I kept thinking about how her voice sounded weird and what she said, and these stories were born. ENJOY THEM OR ELSE!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Kidding!) Reviews are appreciated.

Story One: Trapped

Summary: Team 7 will forever be trapped in an endless love triangle unless one of them has the courage to end it, or some outside help in the form of Hyuuga Hinata appears…..Or will it?

Random Comment: this was supposed to in the humor genre, with Hinata and Naruto kissing at the end and then Hinata saying something like, "Naruto, about your door..." (That will make sense after you read the story.)

Genre: Romance/Angst

Rating: K+

Sakura's affection for Sasuke knew no bounds.

He haunted her dreams, and it was those dreams that stalked her every waking moment.

She would do anything and everything to win his admiration and support.

She made this fact well-known, but Sasuke didn't care; she was forever trapped by his spell, unable to give her rejected heart to anyone else.

Sasuke thought of her as an annoyance, a distraction from his real desire; Naruto. Naruto, his always-effervescent gift from above. In Naruto's presence, his angst-ridden past always became insignificant, a small blemish unworthy of notice.

At first, Sasuke lied to himself, unable to deal with how he felt about Naruto. He couldn't have feelings for another boy….He couldn't have feelings for anyone, not after the way he had lost his family.


He felt himself melting under Naruto's smile day after day, like a cold snowman thaws under a caring sun. With time, he came to accept his feelings, but he didn't know if Naruto would be able to do the same. Sasuke couldn't risk facing rejection of this kind.

He was trapped, destined to admire from afar, tormented by dreams of what could be.

Naruto was not exempt from these feelings of one-sided love and dismissed feelings. Day after day, he vowed to earn his Sakura's love, and day after day he remained defeated. Love was one battle Naruto could never seem to win. Sakura would not look to Naruto for love, as she had eyes only for Sasuke. Naruto had never received that kind of love, and it was that kind of love he longed for everyday. Just like his teammates, Naruto was trapped, unable to find what he was looking for.

Team seven spend their days trapped, unable to receive affectionate feelings from their special person.

Hyuuga Hinata noticed all of this.

She also noticed her incapability to do anything about it.

Sometimes, she really hated herself. Naruto, her Naruto, had to deal with feelings of rejection from Sakura and feelings of rejection from the whole village and she wasn't helping him at all!!

Maybe she didn't love him as much as she thought she did. After all, if she really loved him, she would be able to help him.


Hinata loved him.

That was something she could never doubt.

Naruto, the village outcast, was Hinata's world and reason for living.

He had given Hinata her life back, and she was going to do the same thing for him. Maybe, just maybe, if he knew how Hinata felt, he would channel his love for Sakura into feelings for Hinata…..Maybe not.

Either way, Hinata was sick and tired of remaining in the background pushing her fingers together. Naruto was trapped, and only she could free him.

Feeling bold, Hinata raced towards Naruto's house before her common sense could tell her otherwise.

She knocked on the door.

No one answered.

She knocked harder, trying to sound more demanding.

Again, no answer.

More than slightly annoyed, Hinata pounded on that stupid door that dared defy her amazing Hinata-ness, only to have the door shatter like glass under her love-charged fist. (Author Note: Yeah! I couldn't help adding that to the story.) Hinata jumped back, surprised that a docile creature such as herself could ever break down someone's door, especially Naruto's door.

Hinata timidly peered inside, looking for Naruto. Not seeing him, Hinata backed away nervously, reminding herself to either pay him back or somehow fix Naruto's door.

Hinata's wandering feet took her all around the village, until she found herself at a familiar place, the place where the village's respect for the Hokage is shone in the form of carved rock.

That wasn't the only thing special about this place.

Like a fly to a lit lantern, Naruto had also drifted to this very place.

Naruto, the proof that perfection is obtainable, turned to face Hinata.

Hinata could barely hear her thoughts over the sound of her beating heart. All confidence gone, Hinata started to back away, only to be stopped by the sound of his voice.

"Hello, Hinata." Hinata managed to stutter a reply, but was still unable to make eye contact.

Too bad.

If she had made eye contact, she might have seen.

Seen the look on his face, seen his love for her reflected in his eyes.

She might have seen how Naruto loved her just as much as she loved him, maybe even more.

She might have seen how Naruto took her inability to make eye contact as disinterest, how Naruto couldn't stand the thought of his precious Hinata rejecting him, and how they would never move on to the next step unless one of them finally gathered the courage to proclaim their feelings to the other.

If she had made eye contact, she might have seen how she was just as trapped as he was.