Reese's Pieces
Chapter 1: Oh Dear
November 1st 2002
"I can't believe it Kagome! They signed me! Me! I have a recording contract with POS Studios! This is the best thing that ever happened to me, and they want me and the band on the road right away." A teenage boy said falling back onto his bed, his silver hair falling onto the red comforter.
The girl who he was speaking to sat down next to him. Kagome Higurashi had just arrived at her boyfriend's house to be met with a very happy hanyou. For years his band had been trying to get their feet off the ground and after a brief brush with luck, it seemed they had.
"So you're not going to be here Friday?" She asked sadly. Her usually happy blue eyes were cold and misty as she tried her hardest not to get upset. She wanted to be happy for him, she really did, but for some reason her emotions had been on overdrive and the new news was just not helping.
"Of coarse not! I have to leave tonight so I can catch my flight to Florida with all the guys." He got off his bed to rummage through his closet for his suitcase.
"Why was there something special happening on Friday?" He asked pulling his suitcase out and throwing it on the bed beside her.
She had an inner battle within herself to tell him or not. If she did and he delayed his trip just for her she would feel awful. But if he chose to go knowing full well how important it was for her, no she couldn't stand that kind of rejection.
"No, nothing special." She said sadly as she stood up and put on a fake smile. "I have to get going. Call me when you get there." With that said she headed for the door and had it shut before he had time to respond. It was only once she made it out the front door did she let the tears fall, what in hell was wrong with her?
Inuyasha was bewildered by her behavior, but he didn't have time to worry about her now. They had a band meeting in an hour before they had to get on the plane. Shrugging his shoulders he went on packing his suitcase throwing in random objects in no particular order, he would find out what was wrong later.
October 2nd 2005
That later had come and gone for them. Inuyasha shook his head to stop the past from replaying in his mind. It had been a special day, Friday was their three year anniversary, but he had been so caught up in his own life to remember it.
The song on the radio was not easing his troubled mind. It always made him think of her, but for the life of him he didn't know why.
Hey you coward
Standing over there
How's life treating you?
It treating you good?
That's how you're living
Just like you should
It had been almost three years since their breakup, but the pain was still fresh in his heart. She had been his first love, his high school sweatheart. The only thing he loved more was his music.
That's why, that's right.
Don't bother coming home at night
Sing your songs love and lust.
Cuz we all know you don't give a fuck
His headache remanded him of earlier. Practice had gone as usual, Miroku their drummer was hitting the drums out of beat speeding up the tempo to quickly, Koga their base guitarist was complaining about not being the lead singer, and Inuyasha just got fed up and left which was the reason he was now driving home.
When you were a kid
Who was there?
A father a mother,
Somebody who cared
He lived all alone in a glamorous condo in New York. Living in Hollywood was to hectic and had no privacy. In the end it had been too much for him.
You have no excuse
So hide your face
In your child's eye
You're a big disgrace
He was also closer to Kagome's home town, even tough he refused to go back there.
That's why, that's right.
Don't bother coming home at night
Sing your songs love and lust.
Cuz we know you don't give a fuck
That town itself was small, with all the things you would expect. It had a large grocery store, a few small parks and a downtown core filled with shops. The old crumbled roads led to nowhere in particular past houses holding very little interest. The trees were large and full of life but still the town held nothing for him anymore, not since she had run away.
Five years come and gone
Your still singing the same old song
Their relationship had only managed to last two months after he had left. It crumbled to pieces after a horrible phone call. This came to no surprise to his band mates or manager. Rock stars and relationships don't work, or at least that's what they told him.
Sing it baby, sing it to me
Your busy, you try
Your busy, you try
Why'd you think I'd believe such a lie
One night before their breakup she had called him while he was at a party. She had needed to see him, said there was something very important she had to tell him in person. But he had said he was too busy.
That's why, that's right.
Don't bother coming home at night
She had said to forget about coming back, and to forget about her two. She had said goodbye and that was it. Angry at her he hung up as well. He was just as hard headed as her so he took his sweet time calling her back. But when he finally gotten around to it a month later, he was informed by her mother that she had dropped out of school and left without a word to anyone, including him.
That's why, that's right.
There won't be a home tonight
Inuyasha angrily turned off the radio. "Damn it! Why do I keep thinking about her any way's she broke us up not me." He sighed as all his anger slipped away from him. He knew why he kept thinking about her, he still loved her.
Turning off the off ramp he made his way down Shrew Street. He didn't usually take this way, the neighborhood was a little shady, but it was a short cut to his apartment on the other side of town and it cut twenty minutes off his trip.
Sighing he thought about what he might to tonight. Call up Candy and drink all his troubles away? With pizza? Yup once he got home that was the first thing he would do. Call her up and maybe call over one of his fan girls for some fun.
Speaking of which his cell phone began to ring, taking his eyes off the road for a minute he grabbed his cell and lifted it up to his ear.
Smiling as he heard her sugary sweet voice purring into his ear he turned his eyes back on the road in time to see a woman out onto the road in front of his car and grabbed something. She shielded it with her body so that she took the full blow from the front of his Mercedes, sending her flying back to hit the hard concrete road.
Earlier that day…
"Boy's its time for bed!" Kagome yelled from the kitchen to the two boys sitting on the living room floor, building a castle out of wooden blocks.
"Castle not done." The smallest of the boys said walking into the kitchen and grabbing onto her leg.
"Don't worry Shrio you can finish it tomorrow." She said picking him up and walking down their sunshine yellow hall to the last room on the right. It was Shrio and Shippo's.
They had been living in this two-bedroom apartment since Kagome had given birth to Shrio.
When he had turned one, she found Shippo abandoned in the park, hypothermic and dieing. Needless to say she fell in love with him right then and there and adopted him a month later.
Shippo would be turning six in three month's and was the only real male figure in Shrio's life. Him and Shippo had turned out to be quit the hassle, and this was just one of the time's she wished she wasn't a single parent.
"But I wanna finish!" Shrio said putting on his puppy dog pout and then jumped out of his crib.
'Damn hanyou heritage,' she thought as she chased after the overly happy hanyou.
It wasn't a surprise that he could run at only two, it seemed that being an hanyou speed's up the child's physical ability's, though he still had the body of a two year old, plus claws, fangs, and Inu ears of coarse.
Right now he had began his faze of chewing on things. Like book's, toys, shoes, and his favorite electrical cords.
She reached the living room to see Shrio had once again climbed up the curtains, his favorite spot in the house.
"Shrio baby, please come down." She said lifting her arms out to catch him.
"Baby, mommy's really tired could you please just come down." She asked feeling the days events taking there toll on her aching body.
"Aww…otay mommy." He said, sadly jumping into her arms.
She turned around to see Shippo still sitting on the floor playing with the blocks happing swaying his tale back and forth.
"Common Shippo it's bed time for you too"
"Do I have too?" He wined getting off the floor.
"Yes and if you come now I will read you a story." She said baiting him.
"STOWY!" Shrio squealed from her arms.
The traffic zoomed by their tenth floor apartment as Kagome snuggled deeper into her sea of blankets just to be woken a moment later by the sound of her door opening and the light filtering into her room.
"Mommy?" A little voice asked from the side of her bed.
"What is it baby?" She asked pulling the corner on her comforter up for Shrio to snuggle into bed with her.
"I don't feel good." He said wrapping himself in her arms.
Kagome put her hand on his forehead. "Baby your burning up." She said.
Getting up she pulled some pants under her nightgown before she pulled it over her head and put on a sweater.
She looked over at the clock to see it was only a little after nine. "Baby lets get your brother, were going to the clinic." She said picking him up and headed to get Shippo.
"How are you feeling now little guy?" Kagome asked Shrio.
They were walking back to their apartment after a two hour wait at the clinic only to have Shrio's fever die down by the time the doctor finally came.
"All better." He said a lollypop sticking out of his mouth, a gift from the doctor. They were about two blocks for their home when Shrio saw a shinny penny sitting in the middle of the road.
"Penny!" Letting go of his mothers hand he wandered out into the street and picked up the shinny little object.
Kagome missed the warmth of he son's hand and looked back to see him standing in the middle of the road with a red car speeding towards him.
"Shrio No!" She cried letting go of Shippo's hand and ran to him and held him close to her chest taking the full impacted of the car.
She hit the ground with a bone crushing crunch and smacking her head on the pavement knocking her unconscious.
"Please let that be a dear" Inuyasha thought as he looked over the front of his car.
"Nope definitely not a dear."
There laying in front of his limited addition C-14 Mercedes was a woman who looked to be in her twenty's with long black hair that had fallen in front of her face and appeared dead. He looked around to see if anyone had seen what happened. Shit would the tabloids love this. 'Inuyasha hits women while talking on cell phone'. For the next year of his life all he would be answering was questions of 'What is your opinion on cell phone use while driving'. Shit would he be charged for this? Could he go to jail!
"Mommy?" A little voice got Inuyasha's attention away from his own self-pity to see a boy about two or three shaking the woman's arm. She wasn't moving, should he call an ambulance? No that would attract way too much attention, especially from the police.
"Mommy are you otay?" The little boy said moving the hair out of her face.
Inuyasha let out a gasp as he looked into the face of his ex-girlfriend and the love of his life. The gasp apparently got the attention of the little boy on the ground who looked up at Inuyasha with big blue eyes like his mother's.
"You poo poo head! You hurt my mommy!" The boy screamed at him, but stopped when he looked at the hanyous face stunned.
It was like seeing a smaller image of him. The boy had long silver hair that fell over his shoulders stopping mid-back, two little Inu ears atop his head, and had little fangs adorning his mouth.
The only difference between him and his little clone was the boy's shocking blue eyes clearly not from a Hanyou heritage.
Inuyasha crouched down to the boy's height, "Hey little buddy what's your name?" He asked getting a better look at the boy.
"Um I'm Shrio"
"Ok Shrio we have to take your mommy to the hospital and I know your not supposed to go with stranger's but I know your mommy really well okay?" Inuyasha said picking Kagome up into his arms bridal style, a new sense of urgency overwhelming him.
"Um otay wuts you name?" He asked in his 2 year old squeaky voice. After carefully placing the unconscious Kagome in the back of his car he replied.
"I'm Inuyasha."
"Inuwasha." He replied testing the new word out on his tongue.
"No its In-u-ya-sh-a." He said opening the passenger door for Shrio.
"No Inuyasha." He said getting into the drivers seat, the cell phone which had been thrown on the floor during the crash totally forgotten. The dial tone signaling Candy had hung up on him.
"Dat's wut I say! Inuwaya." He said smiling.
"How about we stick to Inu okay?" Inuyasha said thoroughly annoyed at Shrio's inability to say his name right.
"Okie Inuwasha that all fluffy clouded to me!" He said happily chewing on his lollypop in the passenger seat, his unconscious mother forgotten for the moment.
Shippo couldn't believe it. He had been standing there with his mouth hanging open as he watched the scene unfold, only snapping out of it when the car pulled away.
To say he was in shock was an understatement. First his mom gets hit by a car saving his little brother, then a man that looks like a big Shrio gets out of the car. And to make matters worse Shrio drives off with a stranger leaving him all alone!
"I'm telling Sango!" He said running off back to their apartment to tell their neighbor and babysitter what just happened.
"Well were here" Inuyasha said stepping out of the car and retrieved Kagome from the back, carefully holding her as the blood dripped down her forehead.
"Okie Inuwasha." Shrio said climbing out of the car. By this point Inuyasha had totally given up on the idea of the little boy saying his name right, instead focused on bring in Kagome into the hospital.
Authors note: Hey there! My boyfriend begged me to work on this story so I have. Its the same as before without all the spelling mistakes and such. I am currently looking for a new beta so if anyone out there would like a sneak peak to the chapters and can edit e-mail me.
Disclaimer: Yes this story belongs too me, but sadly the characters dont...