Title: Incomplete

Author: AnbuGirl08

Rated Mature for language,Lemons,depressing moment's,and some fight scenes

Disclaimer: I got the idea for this story from the song '' Incomplete" by the backstreet boy's. Now i don't like them but the song gave me and idea for my Story. So don't throw thing's at me i'm trying. ENJOY!

Chapter 1: Lost memories

The pain i saw in your eyes the day we fought under the watefall has stuck with me ever since. You were alway's the strong one Sasuke pushing me to become better. I know that you really did care about me even though you didn't show it. The warmth that i felt when you put your arms around me for the last time. I could feel your love deep in my very soul. I promised i wouldn't cry infront of you because i know that would make it even harder for you to say goodbye to me. I held on to your headband as you walked away from me into the arms of orochimaru. You told me not to come and try to bring you back because you wouldn't go with me. I would give you this one thing for now. But i want you to know that i would never leave you to face this world alone.

The wind howled outside as Naruto walked home alone down the same path that him and Sasuke had taken all those time's before when Naruto thought that they would never be separated. How ironic he was back then to not see the plan's Sasuke was making. That was his own fault for not being able to see past all those loving word's and caresse's that Sasuke had given him. He had been blinded by the truth. Deep down he had known that Sasuke was going to leave him that's why he tried so hard to love Sasuke like Sasuke had never been loved before but he was wrong and now he was alone to think about the Maybe's.

Naruto held back the tears that were threatening to fall down his face as he continued walking. He came to the training ground and stopped. He went over to the bench and sat down closing his eye's. Why does it hurt even now to think about you Sasuke I should've forgotten about you the day you left but no your soul is tangled with mine forever to torment me. He remembered those night's that Sasuke had been sick with chill's and feverish and how he would hold him and kiss him to make him feel better. His heart ached to feel Sasuke's arm's around him again and to hear that Sasuke loved him more than anything in the entire world.

Sakura looked out the window of the cabin to see Naruto sitting outside on the bench with a sad look on his face.She didn't understand how he felt about Sasuke's leaving them to join Orochimaru. All she cared about was herself and getting close to Sasuke. She never noticed that Naruto was really taking this harder then anyone else. Sure she missed Sasuke but who was she kidding Naruto missed him more than anything else. She decided to go talk to him. She put on her coat and went outside to sit next to Naruto on the bench.

'' You can't keep doing this to yourself Naruto it won't help anything.'' she said as softly as possible resting her hand on his arm.

He shrugged it off not looking in her direction but rather looking towards the tree's. Not far from here is where i fought Sasuke and said goodbye to him for the last time. The tree's swayed in hte breeze blowing the scent of cherry blossom's against his nose he smiled as he inhaled the sweet scent. '' Your name mean's cherry blossom right Sakura.''

'' Don't try to dodge me question Naruto.'' she said more urgently as she gripped his arm having enough of his depressed mood.'' Snap out of it Naruto he's not coming back.''

Naruto stood up and glared down at her with anger evident in his eye's. He started walking back to the house. '' Stay out of it Sakura, I'm fine.''

Sakura ran up behind him and put her arm's around his way to thin waist.'' No your not Naruto, you don't eat you don't sleep all you do is mope around and disappear for day's on end your not fine.'' tears stung her eyes as she felt Naruto's arms go around her.

'' I miss him so much Sakura he was my world and now he's gone, He's out there alone and hurting and i can't help him.'' he said sadly as he caressed Sakura's hair. He pulled away and smiled at her softly wiping the tears away with his finger's. '' Don't cry Sakura-chan everything will be alright you'll see.'' he disappeared inside the cabin quietly going up to his room to be alone.

He passed by Sasuke's dark and empty room. Stopping at the door as he laid his hand on the doorknob turning it and entering the dark cold cavern that used to be filled with such warmth and love. But now it was nothing more than a tomb for lost memories of the one he used to love. He froze when a light switched on and Kakashi stood there reading one of his book's. '' Kakashi-sensei what are you doing here.''

Kakashi set his book down beside him and sat up to look at Naruto thoughtfully before he sized Naruto up with his uncovered eye. '' You are too skinny Naruto.''

Naruto rolled his eyes and sat down on the edge of Sasuke's bed pondering all the memories of what could've been and what should've been between them. He couldn't help the tears that fell down his face. The pain was more then he could take. Even the pain of the kyuubi's power that hurt him every month was nothing compared to this kind of pain that grabbed a hold his heart and wouldn't let go until he was drained of all the sorrow in his heart.

Kakashi knew the pain Naruto must be experiencing was nothing compared to anything else he might've felt. He sat next to the young blonde and put his arm around Naruto's thin shoulder's drawing him into his embrace.'' Go on cry Naruto it's alright.''

Naruto let it all out letting the pain he felt come out of him. He screamed all the anguish and sadness he felt deep in his heart out. The tears just fell down his face in stream's, The pain would never end even now it hurt so much to think about the love that he could've given to Sasuke. It was all his fault.

'' It's okay Naruto the pain hurt's now but it will subside trust me.'' Kakashi held Naruto a little longer then got up. Letting Naruto have a moment to himself. Kakashi closed the door leaning against it closing his eyes. Why did you leave him Sasuke when he loved you so much that it's killing him now. He went downstair's to read his book.

Naruto opened the closet to see a photograph of him and Sasukle together laughing and smiling at the camera. Even then Sasuke was planning to leave him but he didn't want to hurt Naruto. What did Sasuke think would happen when he left that Naruto would move on and love someone else. No he wouldn't his heart belonged to Sasuke and alway's would. He felt the hole's in his heart growing wider as he laid on Sasuke's vacant bed holding the picture to his chest as he drifted to sleep. Dreaming of a time when Him and Sasuke loved each other with no complications. He smiled in his sleep as Sakura stood by hte door crying to herself as she prayed that Naruto would be ok he just had to be.