--I just finished Twilight and New Moon a couple days ago and I absolutely loved them! I can't wait for Eclipse to be released this fall so I can find out what happens!

Disclaimer: I do NOT own Twilight or New Moon or any of the characters or ANYTHING. Stephenie Meyer does. If I did, by some miracle own this, then It would be published instead of on here.


1. Graduation and Conditions

The wind whipped mercilessly across my chapped cheeks with feriocity. It was the day before my high school graduation and we were rehearsing. What I would like to know, is why we have to rehearse this; I mean, it's common knowledge. You walk in, take your seat, when your name is called, you walked foreward, accept your deplomia, shake the principles hand, and off you go back to your seat.

Okay, so maybe it's a bit different than that, but not by much. That was just the basic information.

While everyone walked down the narrow ailse towards where we were supposed to sit, I stumbled over my own feet, nearly making Angela run into me. Why was formation so necessary?

It was raining heavily, though it was lucky they put up a shelter tent over where the ceremony would take place because one reason was the rain, ruining every graduating girls' hair. Another reason was the wind which was showing no signs of letting up, and the last reason was that of my boyfriend being exposed to the sun.

What's the big deal about that? you ask? Well, nothing, except it would expose his family's deepest secret. That they were a family of vampires.

A family that I would soon be apart of. Tomorrow, I would be on my merry way to becoming a vampire.

Edward was still stubborn about changing me, and the plans were still on that his 'adoptive' vampire father, Carlisle, would change me right after graduation.

I had already come up with my excuse to my father about where I would be for the entire three days while I would be in merciless agony while the change took effect.

I was going to tell him that I was going with Jessica, Angela, and several other girls on a post-graduation trip to San Deigo for a week.

So, that meant, he would have no chance of reaching me in San Deigo, while I was really going to be at the Cullens' home, becoming a vampire.

My stomach twisted in knots as excitement overtook me.

"What time do you have to leave?" Charlie asked me the next morning at breakfast. It was Saturday. Graduation Day. Becoming-A-Vampire Day.

"Ten minutes." I said as I scarfed down my cereal with haste.

"You want me to drive you? It's no problem. I have to go by the station for a while, but I can drop you off on the way," Charlie said in a would-be casual voice. I knew the real reason. He didn't want Edward to drive me there.

"No, it's okay, really." I said vaguely, not trying to get him mad. He still wasn't on good terms with Edward, even after almost three months. "Edward's going to take me."

Charlie heaved a sigh, trying not to get angry, I assumed, and stood up, taking his empty coffee mug over to the sink.

I was just finishing my cereal when I heard a car horn outside. I knew that car horn. It was Edward in the silver Volvo.

"Gotta go!" I said, putting my bowl and empty glass which had held milk in the sink and grabbed my backpack which wasn't filled with books anymore, in their place was my graduation gown which wouldn't fit in my purse, and I didn't want to carry around all day.

"See you in a few hours!" Charlie called after me as I walked out the door to see the Volvo in the driveway behind my truck.

I got in the car and Edward's tawny eyes swept over my clothes. The corners of his lips tugged up in a smile that reached his eyes. "Wow." Was all he said.

I blushed deeply, feeling my cheeks heat up, suddenly feeling self conscious in my silky blue dress which flared out around my knees and my light blue half-inch heels.

Edward noticed my flushed cheeks, "Bella, you look beautiful."

I smiled shyly. "Thanks."

He pulled out of the drive, waiting till we were out of sight of Charlie's house to speed up to sixty miles per hour.

"So...today's the day" I said, excitement etched in every syllable.

"Yes." He said, looking over at me and taking my hand in his icy cold one. "Graduation."

I rolled my eyes. "That's not what I'm talking about and you know it."

Edward sighed, his lips forming that of a slight frown. "Bella..."

"There's no going back on it now." I told him firmly. "Carlisle is going to do it tonight, and there's nothing you can do to stop this. This is what we all voted on, which, might I add, we out-voted you and Rosalie, and--"

"Bella," He interrupted. "Listen to me. I've been thinking about this and . . . I've decided that, if you want me to, I'll change you." He kept his eyes on the road, not looking over at me.

A smile lit up my face. "Oh my gosh! Really?!"

He nodded. "Though, on one condition."

I groaned. "I know the condition, and I thought I already told you the answer."

"Bella, just please explain why you won't marry me." He requested.

I sighed and said, "I just...I'm scared." I admitted.

It was his turn to sigh. "You're scared about marriage. To me. But you're not scared about turning into a vampire?"

"Edward, you're taking this the wrong way." I told him and realized that the car was turned off. We were already at school. I could see most of the senior class already going inside to get changed.

"What other way is there to take this?" He challenged.

I sat in silence for a moment, thinking hard. "If I said yes, and that's an 'if'...when would you change me?"

"Tonight." He said promptly. "As long as you're not just saying yes to get me to change you, then you'll change your mind in three days' time."

I was silent for a moment. The truth was, I wanted to marry Edward. I wanted it with all my heart.

"Okay, my answer is--"

Edward interrupted me again. "Wait. Let's do this formally. I want to do the whole 'proposing' thing right. It'll be later, but when...well, you're not going to know until it happens." He was sitting there, grinning at me, his perfect white teeth flashing in what tiny bit of sunlight there was behind all the clouds.

"Okay, we'll wait then," I said. "Come on, we should go on up."

Edward, as it turned out, was able to take a speacial test and got up-to-date with the school assignments. He'd attended school regularly with me the remainder of the semester, so now he was graduating with the rest of us.

"Where's Alice?" I asked. Knowing her, it would take her several hours to get her hair and make-up perfect, then pick out a dress and then put on her graduation gown.

"She's coming in a while." He told me as we got our backpacks and got out of the car.

He locked my hand in his and we walked up to the open school doors.

With only a half hour to spare until the ceremony started, Alice came hurrying - human speed - through the doors gracefully, her gown on its wire clothes hanger draped over her arm. Her hair, crimped with glitter sparkling in it, looks glossy and flawless. He skin didn't look as pale under the blush and foundation she'd applied but when she came over and gave me a hug, her hands were still as cold as always. Her grin was bigger than ever.

"Oh my gosh! I can't believe this is the day!" She exclaimed. Edward gave her a stern look, knowing she wasn't talking about graduation, but deciding to keep it safe in front of everyone else. Everyone who was human, at least.

"I know!" I said, equally excited. "This is so perfect."

"Mom, Dad, Emmett, Rosalie, and Jasper are already in their seats." Alice told Edward and added to me, "So is Charlie."

Edward and I nodded promptly.

"Get your gowns on everyone!" One of the teacher said as she hurried about.

Alice unzipped the cover on hers while I held it up by the hanger for her. She slipped it off the hanger an put it on over her short black dress with matching heels.

She zipped the gown up and eyed the cap with distaste. "I think I'll wait until last minute before I have to put that on..." She muttered and turned to me, "Okay, go get yours."

I walked into the room where everyone hanged their gowns up when they'd arrived - with name tags so no one would get confused - and got mine. Edward's was next to it, so I grabbed his too. I walked back out and held Edward's gown out to him. He took it, grimacing.

"Oh come on," I said playfully, "No one wants to wear these, but we've got no choice."

He smiled at me and we both slipped our gowns over our shoulders and zipped them up.

Alice stood back to look at us smiling. "You both look so cute," She said excitedly. "Wait- there's something missing..." She added, eyeing me.

Well, of course there was something wrong with the way I looked to her, I was no where near as beautiful as she and Rosalie.

"Glitter." Alice suddenly said. "In your hair. Come with me." She took my arm and wheeled me towards were she'd left her stuff. She rummaged around in her purse and pulled out a tube of glitter-gel.

"Turn around," She instructed and I turned so my back was to her.

She squeezed the cold gel into her hands and ran her fingers through the back of my hair and the sides. "This looks great." She said happily. "Really great."

Edward was standing not ten feet away, grinning slightly, his eyes lighting up, making him look more handsome then ever. His bronze hair shone brightly under the lights in the room.

I smiled back.

"Okay, done." Alice said, putting the last bit of gel off her hand and into my hair. She turned to Edward. "You want some?" She asked teasingly, holidng the gel bottle out.

Edward's eyes narrowed at her, "I think I'll pass."

Alice shrugged. "Suit yourself."

I walked over to Edward and asked quietly enough that Alice wouldn't be able to hear, "Does this look okay, though? Really?"

Edward kissed my cheek and said, "Yes. You look perfect."

"It's time everyone! Take your places and line up!" The woman was back again with her clipboard making sure we were all in a straight line.

Mike and Jessica stood together, strangely enough. So did Angela and Ben, Lee and Samantha, Lauren and Tyler, and Conner stood with one girl I'd overheard whose name was Nicole.

Alice stood in front of Edward and I with someone from her French class called Arabella.

Edward gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. I was sure I would fall without him there to keep me steady.

The line slowly started filing out of the building and under the shelter-tent where all our chairs were lined up.

My father, caught sight of me and was still able to smile automatically, even though Edward gripped my hand gently.

Esme and Carlisle were unable to stop smiling as they watched as Alice, Edward and I all took our seats next to each other.

It seemed to drag on forever. The principle gave a long speech on how well we've matured and progressed throughout the years.

Then the valendictorians stood up and gave some speeches that I hardly listened to.

Then, I heard my name called. "Isabella Marie Swan."

I stood up, my knees feeling shaky with nervousness; Edward gave my hand one last encouraging squeeze before I walked off up to the stage to recieve my deploma.

I shook the principle's hand as he handed me the rolled up piece of parchment paper.

I turned the little gold hang-y thing on my cap - can't ever remember what that's called - as was tradition and walked down the stairs on the other side of the stage to return to my seat, making eye contact with Charlie, Esme, Carlisle, Alice and my Edward, a smile on my lips as I walked to my seat.

Next, the principle called, "Edward Alexander Cullen." Edward flashed me a grin before standing up and doing the same as me.

Then, "Alice Juliette Cullen" (A/N: I can't remember Alice's real middle name. If anyone knows, tell me please. I dunno Edward's either, but it's not mentioned in the books.)

Alice went through the same routine Edward and I did, grinning like mad the entire time.

After the ceremony was done, (and after the hat-throwing part) Edward and I, never letting go of one another's hands, stood and walked over to Charlie, Carlisle, and Esme.

The first thing Esme did was hug me tightly, tears in her clear eyes. Then she hugged Edward, saying, "Oh, I'm so proud of you both."

"Yes, same here," Carlisle said as he gave me a hug.

"I'm just glad it's graduation." I said pointedly to them, so they'd get the idea that I didn't mean just because school was over with.

"I'd better go over and talk to my dad," I told them. "See you guys later." I added to Carlisle and Esme. I kissed Edward's cheeck then tore my hand reluctantly from his and walked over to Charlie who was congradulating Alice.

When she saw me coming, Alice said something to Charlie, still smiling, then walked past me towards her parents, but not before touching my arm with her cold hand. I smiled back at her as I walked over to Charlie.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here. No longer a high school student," Charlie said, wrapping his arms around me in a big hug.

Any other time when my father would have hugged me, I would have pulled away quickly, embarrassed. But not this time. This was the last time he'd see me fully human. Well, except when I went back home for the twenty minutes needed to pack for my 'trip'.

"Congratulation," He said to me.

"Thanks, Dad." I said, my voice clear with sincerity.

"I just wish your mother could have made it. She called right after you left. Told me to tell you that's she very proud of you. We both are." He said to me.

I could feel tears springing in my eyes and hugged him tightly again.

"I love you, Dad." I whispered, my voice full of emotion.

"I love you too, Bells." He responded, then I pulled away, wiping the tear that was trickling down my cheek away swiftly.

"I have only one thing to ask of you, Dad." I told him, my voice had a hint of authority in it.

He nodded. "Anything, honey."

"Can you please, please, please be nice to Edward? No more resentment towards him." My voice was pleading.

"He hurt you Bella." Charlie said firmly.

"But haven't you seen how happy he's made me now that he's back? He's not leaving again. Not without me, anyway." I said, my eyes locked fiercely with his.

Charlie sighed deeply and was silent for a moment. "Come on," I said, "Be nice to him for me?"

Charlie smiled down at me softly. He knew how it once felt to be in love with someone. I knew he'd understand. "Okay, Bells. No more resentment towards him. I promise."

I smiled. "Thank you, Daddy." I felt like I was ten years old saying the word 'daddy' again.

I looked over at where I saw Edward and Carlisle apparently deep in conversation. Edward was speaking quickly, his eyes full of sincerity. Carlisle nodded thoughtfully and then suddenly smiled and gripped Edward's shoulder encouragingly. I had a feeling of what Edward was telling him.

Edward glanced over at me and his eyes met mine. He grinned the turned back to Carlisle, still speaking quickly.

Later that night, after I'd packed and told Charlie that Jessica was outside waiting in her car - a complete and total lie, it was actually Edward, though it was too dark for Charlie to tell - I told my father goodbye and that I'd see him in a week. I got in Edward's car and he turned to me smiling and took my hand in his as he pulled out and started towards his house.

"So..." He said, his voice tight, like he was anxious. Which he probably was. "This is it."

I nodded, my heart pounding so hard I was sure he could hear it. "Yes, it is." I said.

He was going his usual one hundred and twenty miles per hour since it was dark and no one was out. It really didn't bother me anymore. I knew he wouldn't let me or himself get hurt like that.

Within five minutes, he parked outside the large house. "Ready?" He asked.

I nodded firmly. "Yes."

We got out and started up to the doors. Edward wrapped his arm around my waist and opened the door, following me inside.

No one was in sight; I supposed Edward wanted complete privacy for a while.

"Let's take your bags up to my room." He said and I followed him up the stairs to his bedroom where he set my duffle bag down beside the couch and I did the same with my backpack.

Edward stood there, looking at me for at least an entire minute, if not a bit longer.

Then he took a step towards me and took my right hand in his left.

His right hand was behind his back, concealing something.

"Bella, are you sure about this?" He asked me in a whisper.

I nodded. "Yes, Edward. I swear I am."

He nodded, smilingly.

I wasn't expecting it to happen so soon after we arrived, but Edward slowly got down on one knee, my hand still in his and brought what he was keeping behind his back into my view. In a red velvet box was the most beautiful diamond ring I'd ever seen. It looked at least twenty-four karats.

And I'd told him no rings...

I coudn't keep myself from gasping when I looked at the ring, my eyes widening slightly.

"Isabella Marie Swan," He spoke my full name. I loved it when he spoke my full name like that, in a semi-whisper. "Will you marry me?"

I smiled automatically; my heart was pounding so hard I feared it would stop suddenly. I nodded. "Yes." I whispered, my voice becoming thick with tears.

I knew what to expect, yet I felt so...surprised and happy. But just the way he did it was more than I expected.

He took the ring and slid it on my left hand. It fit perfectly. He stood back up and cupped my face in his large hands, kissing me deeply on the lips.

After a moment, I heard someone behind us in the doorway, let out a small, "Awww," Edward and I broke apart to see his entire family gazing at us, smiling hugely. Even Rosaline was grinning, with Emmett's arm around her waist. The one to coo, was Alice who was standing in front.

Edward smiled at them and, with my face still in his hands, he wiped the tears which were trickling down my cheeks away gently.

"Edward, are you still going to do the changing?" Carlisle asked.

Edward nodded firmly. "Yes."

"Well...whenever you're both ready then." He said.

Edward and I nodded and Edward turned to me, his eyes anxious, nervous.

"I'm ready." I said.


R&R please!!! I'm already halfway done with chapter 2!