{Chapter 1.} –The Return of Merboy David-

One day in the library in David's castle, the gang was reading fairy tales as June was reading the story of The Little Mermaid until David passes by in the hallway dressed in his blue mer-suit as he was planning on traveling to the oceans to practice his diving until suddenly his spywatch tells him of an alert of a girl trapped in seaweed as he felt confused thinking that a girl is drowning as he quickly uses his hoverboard to fly to where the alert came from. Rocket appears as he enters the library to tell the kids in his look-and-listen scope to show that David is heading to the middle of the Atlantic Ocean as June remembered that David wore his blue mer-suit again as she quickly enters the quick changer machine in order to wear a pink version of David's mer-suit as the gang we're shocked to see June in a pink mer-suit as the gang flies inside Rocket to David's location. Later on David arrives above the location of his alert and realizes that no one is above the ocean as he jumps off his hoverboard and dives underwater worrying that the girl that send the alert had drowned as he quickly dives deeper until meanwhile the gang in Rocket see David's hoverboard above the ocean as Rocket grabs it and turns into a fish-shaped submarine. As Rocket and the gang travel underwater, Rocket's look-and-listen scope sees in David's mer-suit helmet cam to see what David is seeing as he sees a clump of seaweed as a girl was screaming for help as everyone was thinking "how can someone scream while underwater?" as David manages to help when suddenly he sees a long, pink fishtail as it wasn't a drowning girl but a mermaid as David and the gang was amazed that David found a real mermaid.