Dear Readers & Fans of Best Friends Or More?:

Well, it's obvious that my majority of readers want a sequel to the story. I am currently sprouting ideas about it and will begin writing it within a few weeks. Hopefully people will still be hyped about it then. Now I will give you a little bit of information about the ideas I have come up with so far.

The characters will be in college. Tidus and Yuna will be the main couple, of course, but I will also focus a little bit more on the other couples (WakkaxLulu, GippalxRikku, PainexBaralai). I haven't decided the major problem, but you can bet that there will be some 'long relationship tension' between Tidus and Yuna again, as well as problems with different colleges since Tidus wants to go to a blitzball school.

Anyway, I haven't come up with more than that right now, so I hope you are all looking forward to it and I hope that I can actually pull it off without going on HIATUS for three months before I write the final chapter, mmkay?

Thanks guys!