Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or the show so please don't sue.
A/N: Summerlovin9191: I know, I was sort of sad when it came to an end, but it had to at some point. I'm glad you've enjoyed the story so much, and I have just done another friendship story between Sirius and James called The Runaway. Hope you check it out! But anyway, here's the very last chapter of The Motorbike Accident…
Sitting on the pavement outside the Potter Manor, Lily, Remus, Carla and Peter watched in anticipation at the antics of the two boys in front of them. That morning they had returned to the hospital for the final check up and the cast on James' arm had been removed. As soon as they had gotten back to the manor, Carla had given her son all the potions she could make which instantly healed knee and ribs, much to everyone's happiness. Peter had gotten back from his holiday and instantly come to see his friends, apologising for not being there earlier. James had told him he understood, and was thankful he was there now, even if he couldn't be earlier.
The Head positions at Hogwarts had also been announced when their letters came, and it wasn't really a surprise when Lily had become Head Girl. The real surprise had been when James had become Head Boy. Thinking it was one of Padfoot's pranks; James had returned the letter 8 times before Dumbledore himself had hand delivered it, much to the shock of the three marauders, Lily and Carla who happened to be there when he came. James hadn't told anyone of the letter, not wanting to be embarrassed when it turned out to be a prank, and needless to say there were many celebrations hosted by James and Sirius' mum that night for both James and Lily.
Remus hadn't been disappointed that he hadn't gotten it saying he had enough problems being a werewolf and prefect, being Head Boy would only make the problems and stress worse.
'Come on James,' Sirius' voice shook Lily out of her musings as she turned her attention back to the road. Sirius' bike had been fixed, and now James and Sirius were about to test it out, only James was more than a little reluctant.
'I'm just not sure about this Siri, I mean look what happened last time I rode it!' James argued back. Sirius rolled his eyes, this was not the first time James had used this argument.
'James, you are already dressed correctly to go riding, and I won't let anything happen to you, promise.' This seemed to almost convince the scruffy haired boy. It was true, both of the boys were dressed in their black leathers; leather trousers and jackets, along with their gloves and boots for riding the motorbike, while their helmets were perched on top the saddle of the bike. 'I promise Jim, nothing, touch wood of course, will happen, I won't let it.'
'Alright, I'll do it,' James finally agreed. The remaining two Marauders and Lily cheered while Carla looked slightly worried, but wasn't about to stop them. She knew this was the best way of getting James back on the bike, otherwise he never would.
Slipping on their helmets, Sirius got on first before James sat behind him, his arms wrapped tightly around Sirius' waist.
'Jim, I need to breath!' Sirius wheezed when the arms didn't loosen.
'Sorry.' James muttered sheepishly, loosening up so the other boy could regain some oxygen.
'Don't worry about it, I was kind of expecting it,' Sirius brushed aside the apology. 'Ready?'
'As I'll ever be.' Was the answer he received, smiling behind his helmet, Sirius started the engine, enjoying the power of the engine beneath him.
'Be safe you two!' Carla shouted to them, trying to be heard over the roar of the engine. Giving her a thumbs up from each of them before Sirius took the handlebar again and James held once more onto Sirius and then they were off. The two of them roared down the normally quiet road and away from the manor and their friends, their family.
Carla smiled as she lost sight of them. She was certain their seventh year was going to be their best yet when they started the next day, and now Lily was a friend, Carla was sure James and the red head would be dating by the time the year finished. She really couldn't wait for the wedding.
'Shall we go inside for drinks?' Carla asked as she stood up. The others nodded enthusiastically, after all, they had a bit of time before James and Sirius would be back, they may as well chat about the upcoming year, especially since it would be the last before they would be out in the real world.
Carla had a feeling they would do just fine after Hogwarts, especially since they had each other, and when they were together, how could they possibly go wrong?
James smiled as he felt the wind rush past him, glad he'd been talked into riding again. Whenever Sirius was there, it made James feel safer as he knew Sirius wouldn't let any harm come to him, or at least, as much as it was in his power to keep him safe from harm, and he knew he would do the same for his brother, because that's what they were. Brothers.
The End
A/N: Thank you ever so much to everyone who reviewed, especially Summerlovin9191 who reviewed for nearly every chapter, along with Theo Darkstar. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have gotten the story the way it was today. The first version of this was BAD and a lot shorter, but since you enjoyed the story so much I lengthened it and changed quite a bit to make it better. Also, a huge thanks to Saturn-Lily, Popping Corn and Shoes-do-not-exist who also reviewed. I must also thank everyone else who has read but not reviewed as I had 1549 Hits for this story, my highest ever! My mum couldn't believe it when I told her the number! Okay, now that it's over, please do review, even those who haven't before, I'd love to know what you think! Any good?! But for now, it's over and I hope you keep an eye out for my other stories!
Thanks once more,