10 Year Reunions

"…" talking
'…' thinking
(…) just me talking

Part: 3/?

Warnings: spoilers to the end of Yu-Gi-Oh

Genre: General/Romance/Humour?

Pairings: YxYY SxJ, BxR, MxM, hits of YxOC

Rating: PG-13

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh;

Description: After 10 years, the Yami's are back, everyone seems to be coming back to Domino, but where is Yugi, does a reunion hold the key to finding Yugi or bringing Yugi out of hiding, and what happens when he returns

Ok before you continue please go back to the beginning as I've rewritten the pat 2 chapters and changed 2 of the characters

dragonlady222:- lol yeah it would be but I kinder have something in mind for Sora and I need something else for Yugi to return for

Sorry for a late update other things got in my way, so sorry if it's a bit off, at least I've updated it

Let the reuniting begin

Ishizu sighed as the headed towards the plane which was going to take them, to the reunion, the 3 yami's followed it had been 2 days since they had returned, Yami had been kept asking about Yugi since, she had told Bakura and Marik that Ryou and Malik would be there when they got there and would be glad to see them, but when Yami asked she answered, 'sure' but in a unsure way she really didn't want to lift his hopes, since Yugi had been gone for 10 years and no one had said they had heard from him, she hated lying to the ones she cared about. She hoped that someone had seen or heard from Yugi and that he would be there, and would make Yami happy, she then felt a hand upon her shoulder, she turned to see Odion was the one who had placed the hand on her shoulder

"It'll be ok Ishizu…everything in the end comes out ok" Odion said confidently

Ishizu smiled at him and replied "yea it will" 'I hope' she thought afterwards as she entered the plane and got ready for it to take off

Yugi walked along the hall way towards the kitchen, tomorrow both him and Sora would be heading to Domino, already he had changed his hair to make him look more like his old self and less noticeable, his sliver and electric blue streaks were now yellow and crimson, the same colours as his hair used to be until Sora got a hold of it, as he entered the kitchen he was met with nothing special, just Sora eating her breakfast while reading the daily newspaper, she to had changed her hair instead of the 2 silver streaks, she now had electric blue tips he chuckled which coursed her to look up and at him

"What's so funny" she asked

"Oh nothing, I see you've changed your hair as well"

"Yeah well I can't have people noticing me can we, we have enough trouble here as it is without coursing trouble over there"

"True Sor, I don't think Keith would be happy if we did"

"Nope he wouldn't be, oh and guess what, that reunion we're going to there's a bit about it in the paper"

"Man Sor why did you tell me that, I wanted to say 'what' but anyway what it say?"

"Well it says 'it's only a few days until Kaiba Corps big reunion, it appears that only a select few have been chosen to attend'"

"That's all?"

"Nah it also goes on about a rumour that the only reason it was set up was so it could bring the King of Games A.K.A Yugi Motou out of hiding…I wonder why"

Yugi chuckled and rolled his eyes

"Well I have been gone for 10 years, I would expect them to 'try' and bring me out of hiding"

Sora smiled "well it seem that if the rumour is true it's worked as you are going to make an appearance there…oh and if I was you I would remove toughs contacts of yours"

Ryou looked out of the plane window he sighed, who knew how much longer until he reached Domino City AirPort there he would meet up with Malik, he decided to listen to the music player he'd borrowed of Malik last time he saw him, he turned it on and much to his luck to was a song by A Sky of Shattered Shadows, he smiled he loved A Sky of Shattered Shadows, but he frowned as soon as he heard the song that was one, it was called 'Meet you there' (1) he loved the song it just reminded him too much of Bakura, he sighed again as the song continued he'd just gotten over what Bakura had done to him, but he'd had figured out that even though he hated him he loved him, every time he thought about him his heart would fill with love, and that empty void would fill, it was then he'd gotten that feeling that Bakura was back, and close, he shook it off but it was back again

'It can't be, he's gone so how can he be back' he thought and he continued to listen to the music that played

Malik laid on his hotel bed that was paid for by Kaiba Corp, he shifted slightly

"I thought he was gone so why am I getting that feeling he's back, he can't be, he's gone, so why am I sensing that he's back…and why am I talking myself…agh how long until Ryou gets here I haven't seen him in like 2 weeks…why am I still talking to myself"

"Shadow is soo hot I can't believe his gay"

"But didn't he had a thing with Hikari and isn't she in like all him pictures, posters and what not"

"Yeah your right Rachel, so does that mean that he likes boys and girls…what do you think Tea?"

Tea snapped out of the daydream she didn't think she was in

"Huh…oh sorry Liza I was thinking" she replied rubbing the back of her neck

"Tea aren't you meant to be getting ready for the big reunion soon"

"Yea I'm heading there tonight witch reminds me I'd better head back and pack, so I'll see you lot around"

Tea walked along the street she couldn't believe that in the place of four years A Sky of Shattered Shadows had become the biggest and most famous band ever, anyone who was anyone knew them and loved them, everyone of there songs had meaning behind them and stuck the hearts of many, Tea had seen them in concert not to long ago and man did she have fun and to see Shadow, Hikari, Phantom and Tenshi up close and live on stage it was a breath taking sight, and seeing Shadow topless was the icing on the cake, shaking her to get the vivid fantasies of Shadow and herself.

She entered her apartment she had lied about need to head home and pack, since she was packed and ready to go the cab would be picking her up in about 5 hours she just wanted to get away from her friends for a bit and think, it was strange how that on the same day as the gang spilt up was also the dat that everything began to go wrong, first there was Yugi leaving for no reason what's so ever no note, no call, nothing, no one knew why or where he'd gone he just packed up and left just like that, then after that everyone decided to move on with there lives hoping to make there dreams come true well try and make them come true. But what was Yugi's had it come true so many thoughts began to circle around Tea's mind she nearly miss the knocking at her door

"It's open" she yelled

2 tall men dress in suits appeared before her

"Miss Gardner?" one of them asked

"Yes that's me what can I do you gentlemen for" Tea replied

"We're here to take to The Kaiba Crop reunion party"

"Oh ok gentlemen"

Tea got up, picked up her stuff and followed the men out of the apartment block and in a limo

'Trust Kaiba to make everything soo formal' she thought as she readied herself for the journey and the reunion

"Hey Keith has it been all sorted"

"Yes Yugi everything has been booked the world will know on the day of the reunion"

"And the tickets"

"Will be sent to you when I get them, I'll call you when they're on the way"

"Do the others know?"

"Yes they do, we'll meet you 1 week before, the day, don't worry we'll all look different so we don't call any unwanted attention,"

"So everything been arranged"

"Yes it has, now go and get your things you'll be leaving soon"

Yugi stared out of the airplane window watching the clouds, Sora was beside him asleep as she always seem to fall asleep on flights

"Well it looks like I'm going back…and may I'll find out why I feel that he may be back" he said to himself

"Well at lest I don't have 2 fathers that keep kidnapping you…"

Yugi turned to Sora with a smile on his face…she always talked in her sleep ever since the day he met her he knew for the moment one his life would never be the same. He then slowly closed his eyes and thought back to that every day almost 10 years ago that he left…

And now I have another past part I have to write I think most of my stories have 1…yay fun… but anyway what do you think Yugi and Keith have planed and will the reunion go has planned, how will Yugi and Sora arrive will the recognise them…so many question and the only way to find the answers and that review…

Meet you there by Simple Plan don't own…a song that I feel fits what Yugi feels after Yami's gone