A True Valentines

A two part fic, if I get reviews

Valentines fic


'Another Valentines with out Sasuke-kun.'

I'm sitting in the Hokage's office, mourning Valentines because Sasuke-kun is still missing

'I hope Naruto stops by. Wait, what did I just say? Why would I want Naruto to stop by?' I ask myself, truly puzzled

"Sakura, I need you in here, now!"

Running to Tsunada, I see her kneeling over Naruto

"What happened!?" I ask, urgency apparent in my voice, a sick feeling in my chest

"Two Akatsuki members attacked the North Gate, Naruto was there at the time and killed both of them, but as you can see, he didn't get out unscathed." Answers Kakashi, stepping from the shadows

"Why wasn't I informed? I'm Tsunada's apprentice, I could've helped!" I yell, kneeling next to Naruto as well

"I tried, but Naruto didn't want you to get hurt, so he told me to stay." Argued Kakashi in his defense

"Sakura, I was healing him on the way here so I'm out of chakra. You're going to have to do the rest." Tsunada says with a sigh of defeat

'Damn it Naruto! You know I can take care of myself!'

"Alright Tsunada-shishou." I reply, concentrating on healing Naruto

'If you die Naruto, I'll bring you back then kill you myself!'

"Heal damn it!" I mutter

There, he twitched, that's a good sign

The glow from me hands go from green to yellow, to purple, and finally stops at blue

"Sakura? You're putting to much chakra in your hands. You should be killing him, not healing him!" Tsunada says, shocked

'If Naruto dies, then who's going to keep me company? I need you, Naruto!'

"Please live! Please live! Please live!" I keep repeating to myself

"Shit, keep away! At the rate of chakra she's releasing, she stops, the entire area goes up like a bomb!" Warned Tsunada

'Don't die! Oh, god, please don't die!' I feel the tears making there way down my face as I start to cry

"Naruto, if you can hear me, wake up, or who else will protect me? Love me? Care for me? Understand me?" I ask

At these words, he starts to fidget under the glow of my hands

"Who else will give me courage? Give me their life? Their heart?" I continue

'Listen to me? I sound like I love him.'

Maybe you do?

'Who are you?'

You know

'What do you mean?'

Just keep healing Naruto, think about him only. It'll come to you

'Naruto! You always love me, why? You sacrificed your happiness for mine! I ignore you! Yet you love me, why?'

Then it hit me

"You truly love me, don't you? Not some stupid crush or fake love, but actual love me. Why?" I ask him

Why do you love Sasuke?

'I don't!'

You don't?

'It's just a stupid crush!'

Well, then whom do you love?

'I-I…I l-love…Naruto!'

"You better live, you baka!" I say with a playful tone

Naruto then decides to stir, and crack an eye open

"Sakura-chan? You're crying. That's not good!"

Staring at him, I hug him

"Uh, Sakura-chan, are you okay?"

"Baka! Why did you do that? What if you died? Huh? I would be alone! I don't want to be alone!" I yell into his chest

"Sakura-chan?" Concern in his voice

"Naruto? Why do you love me?"

A pause

"B-because, you're nice when you want to be. You're beautiful. You care about others, and, you don't need a reason to love someone."

"That's good…" I say as black clouds my vision

(Three Hours later)

"Sakura-chan, you awake?" I hear a voice ask

Shooting straight up, I open my eyes

"Where am I?"

"At my house. I took you immediately after Tsunada-baa-chan explained the situation."

"Oh!" A blush crossing my face



"What would you do if I told you I don't love Sasuke?"

"I'd say 'What have you done with Sakura-chan and who are you?'"

"Well I don't!"

His eyes widened in shock, before asking

"Then who do you like?"

"You mean who do I love." I correct

"Okay, who do you love?"

Looking at him I say, "I love you, Naruto!" Before I lunge at him, planting a kiss on his lips

Broking away, I say, "I love you, Naruto!"

"I love you too, Sakura!" He says, before capturing my lips

"You know…" Glancing at his bedroom "We could move this to a more privet place."

"I didn't know you were a pervert, Sakura!" He says with a smirk before picking me up and we enter his room

The End?

Review, flame and whatnot

I hope you like

If I get enough reviews I will make part two, lemon of course

I have an apocalypse to plan, so see ya

Exploding Valentines for all!