This is my first digimon fanfiction and I hope you enjoy it.

Digimon V2

Chapter 1:

The battle begins

Odaiba, Japan at night. The natural science museum is having an exhibit on meteor rocks. All is quiet in the museum, until it has a visitor after hours. A Piedmon is sneaking through the exhibit until it finds a certain display case. The Piedmon smashes the display case picks up the rock and smashes it. He looks through the fragments looking for something and ultimately fails.

"Dammit," Piedmon swore, "I thought I could find it but I was wrong. The master will not be happy with me."

While planning ways to somehow please his master, Piedmon did not seem to notice the security guard sneaking up from behind him.

"Freeze," The guard said pointing his gun at the digimon, "Don't move."

Piedmon turns around and sees the guard.

"You really think you can hurt me," Piedmon chuckled, "Trump Sword."

Piedmon launches his four swords at the guard. But, fortunately for the guard a mysterious figure jumps out from the shadows and blocks the swords with his samurai sword. The swords slide towards Piedmon and stop. He looks at the swordsman; the swordsman is a fourteen year old boy with bluish green eyes covered by glasses and has blonde hair wearing a white jumpsuit with a bronze colored chest plate. Piedmont picks up one of his swords and attacks the boy. The boy blocks his attack, knocks the sword out of his grip and slashes his side. Piedmon grips his side in pain and limps away from the battle field. The boy watches as Piedmon disappears in a puff of smoke. The boy goes over to the rock fragments and examines them.

"Good, he didn't find it yet," The boy said with a sigh of relief, "I have to make sure I find it before he does."

The next morning.

A hand hits the snooze button on the alarm clock as eighteen year old Tai Kamaya gets out of bed.

"I just got out of high school and I still have to get up early in the morning," Tai said with a groggy voice.

"But Tai, today's the day your mom says you have to find an apartment to stay at while you go to college," (A/N: I know, Tai is going to college, it is a shocker for me too.) Tai heard as his orange digimon partner Agumon just woke up.

Tai doesn't want to stay at a dorm room, because his two friends Matt Ishida and Sora Takenouchi are staying there and Tai is nervous staying any where near them because of what happened that one faithful Christmas.

"Yeah, yeah I get it," Tai said going to the dresser and changing his clothes. Turning to his partner "C'mon Agumon, lets go get some breakfast before we head out."

Tai and Agumon go into the kitchen to find Mrs. Kamaya fixing some breakfast.

"Good morning Tai," Mrs. Kamaya said as he and Agumon enter the kitchen, "I hope you remember that today is the day you have to find an apartment."

"Yes mom, I remember," Tai said.

"Good," she replied and pointed to the T.V. "How about we watch the news."

Mrs. Kamaya turns on the local news channel and a news anchorman appears on the screen.

"In other news, the meteor rocks exhibit at the natural science museum experienced an attempted robbery as a security guard reports that a clown with swords try to steal a meteor," Tai shot his gaze toward the screen at the mention of the clown, "The guard also reports that a fourteen year old boy wielding a samurai sword saved him from the unknown assailant."

Mrs. Kamaya turns off the T.V.

"A boy wielding a samurai sword, they will say anything just to get ratings," Mrs. Kamaya said.

"C'mon Agumon, lets get going," Tai said getting up from his seat.

"But I haven't finished breakfast," Agumon complained.

"I said now," Tai snapped at his digimon.

Meanwhile on the other side of Odaiba.

The boy from the museum steps inside a house and follows the soft melody of a piano being played to a room with a man in it. The man is a 28 years old, he has neck length brown hair and has brown eyes, he is wearing silver pants and shirt with a silver cape being held by white shoulder plates, and on his belt is a medieval sword. The boy walks toward the man.

"Master Akira," The boy addresses the man, "I have stopped the Piedmon before he found it, but I was not able to delete him."

"Excellent work Renji," Akira congratulated the boy, "As for the Piedmon we will deal with him later. Finding what we seek is more important, understand?"

"Yes master," Renji said.

"Good, you may go now," Akira dismissed his warrior.

Renji bows and leaves the room.

With Tai and Agumon.

Tai is standing at the front door of the brainiac of the original digidestined, Izzy Izumi. Tai knocks on the door and after a few seconds Izzy answers the door.

"Hey Tai," Izzy greets his friend "What brings you here?"

"No time for small talk Izzy," Tai tells his friend, "We might have an emergency."

"What do you mean?" Izzy asked.

"I heard on the news this morning that a clown robbed the museum last night and it might be Piedmon." Tai told his friend.

"Are you serious?" Izzy asked his friend in a shocked tone.

"Damn serious, now call the other digidestined and tell them to come here," Tai commanded him.

Meanwhile in the city.

Renji dressed in civilian attire walked the streets of Odaiba observing the people he walked by. He stopped in the middle of the sidewalk and observed his surroundings.

'It's around here somewhere, but where?' He thought to himself as he resumed walking.

At Izzy's apartment.

Tai is waiting at his friend's apartment as most of the digidestined have arrived. Mimi who recently moved back to Japan for her last year of high school and her partner Palmon, Joe and Gomamon, T.K. and Patamon, Tai's younger sister Kari and Gatomon, Davis and Veemon, Yolie and Hawkmon, Cody and Armadillomon, and Ken and Wormmon. Matt and Sora along with their digimon Gabumon and Biyomon had just arrived. Tai is extremely nervous about seeing them, because of that Christmas years ago.


"Wow this is so exciting-people are already lining up for Matt's concert."

"Don't worry, Sora-we'll be sure to get good seats, especially once you give him those homemade cookies."

"I hope"

As Sora was about to enter the tent Tai came up around the corner.

"Sora, wait up," Tai called to his friend and secret love.

"Oh, Tai…" Sora said as she held on tight to the colorful wrapped box.

"Something smells good," Agumon said as he and Tai walked up to Sora and her digimon partner.

"Matt's busy getting ready, but I'll take those to him. Mmmm!" Gabumon said as he came out of the tent.

"I bet you will-no way! You'll eat the whole thing yourself!" Biyomon yelled.

"Why, I resent that I'm on a diet."

"So, um, Sora are you going to the concert with anybody? I mean, not that it matters to me…Just wondering."

"No, I want to be available in case Matt is free afterwards."

As she says those words Tai's eyes widen in shock and his heart breaks into millions of tiny pieces.

"Oh, I see. Matt huh?"

Sora blushed with embarrassment shown clearly across her face.

"It's okay…."

Sora looked up at Tai.

"Your not mad at me Tai."

"No, of course not. Now get in there and say 'Hi' to Matt for me," Tai calmly demanded as he pushed her towards the tent while tears are brimming in his eyes.

"Thanks Tai."

"The least you can do is leave us those cookies," Agumon insisted.

Sora smiled, "Tell you what-I'll make some special ones for you," She said as she started walking in the tent.

"I'll be waiting…Thanks."

"You know what Tai?" Agumon asked.


"You've really grown up!"

End flashback.

"Hey Tai."

Tai was brought out of his flashback from the greeting he received from Sora.

"Oh, hey Sora," Tai greeted her, "How are you doing?"

"Pretty good, thanks for asking," she answered.

"All right everyone," Izzy addressed everyone, "You are all probably wondering why we are here? Well, Tai said that on the news this morning that the museum was almost robbed last night by a clown and he may think that it might be Piedmon."

"Are you serious Tai?" Matt asked.

"Of course I am, I wouldn't have called this meeting if I wasn't serious," he answered.

At that moment a beeping noise was coming from Izzy's computer and he went over to it to investigate what made it go off.

"Whoa, according to the computer there is a huge energy source coming from the park," Izzy said in a worried tone.

"Do you think it could be Piedmon?" Tentomon asked.

"I don't know, but what ever it is it might be dangerous so we better be careful," he answered.

"Then lets go already," Tai commanded his friends.

At the park.

Renji is walking towards the park when he sees the digidestined run there.

'The digidestined! Could they be looking for it as well?' Renji thought to himself.

Renji then tosses off his civilian clothes revealing his jumpsuit and chest plate as ha follows them into the park.

Inside the park.

Piedmon grasp holds of a glowing orange object.

"Yes, I have found it," he proclaims, "The master will be quite pleased."

"Hold it right there Piedmon," Tai yells at the evil digimon.

"The digidestined, you can't stop me as long as I have this,"

Piedmon opens the palm of his hand to reveal the crest of courage.

"The crest of courage, how did you get that? "Davis asked.

"It doesn't matter," Piedmon answered, "As long as I have it, no one will be able to stop me!"

"We'll see about that, everyone digivolve now," Tai said as he and the others pulled out their digivices.

"Agumon warp-digivolve to….WareGreymon."

"Gabummon warp-digivolve to….MetalGarurumon."

"Biyomon digivolve to….Birdramon-Birdramon digivolve to….Garudamon."

"Tentomon digivolve to….Kabuterimon-Kabuterimon digivolve to….MegaKabuterimon."

"Palmon digivolve to….Togemon-Togemon digivolve to….Lillymon."

"Gomamon digivolve to….Ikkakumon-Ikkakumon digivolve to….Zudomon."

"Patamon digivolve to….Angemon."

"Veemon digivolve to….ExVeemon."

"Wormon digivolve to….Stingmon."

"ExVeemon…..Stingmon….DNA digivolve to….Paildramon-Paildramon mega-digivolve to….Imperialdramon-Imperialdramon mode-change to….Fighter mode"

"Hawkmon digivolve to….Aquillamon."

"Aquillamon….Gatomon….DNA digivolve to….Sylphymon."

"Armadillomon digivolve to….Ankylomon."

"Ankylomon….Angemon….DNA digivolve to….Shakkoumon."

"Trump Sword," Piedmon called out his attack as the digimon were knocked back., "Did you honestly think that you could hurt me with your puny digimon?"

As Piedmon said this, Renji jumped from a near by tree branch and lunged his sword at the evil digimon causing him to drop the crest and for Renji to catch it. As Renji landed on the ground, the digidestined and digimon stared with awe at the young boy.

"You, you're the boy that attacked me last night," Piedmon said, "Give me the crest or there will be dire consequences."

"You didn't say the magic word," Renji teased.

He then took out something from his other holster; it was a bronze D-3. The digidestined expressed shocked gasp as the sight of the device. Rengi holds the crest above the D-3 and an orange beam of light absorbed the crest into it, and then he held it up as far up as his arm could reach.

"Courage evolution….execute."

As he said those words he was surrounded by an orange light and his shape started to change, as the light disappeared where once stood Renji now stood a powerful digimon.

"EmperorGreymon."(A/N: I know, I stole a character from the Frontier series but they got the coolest ones so I had to take a few of them, so some of them will be appearing in the story.)

The digidestined gawked at the digimon that stood before them.

"H-H-He tu-turned into a digimon, th-that's impossible," Izzy stuttered.

"Piedmon, you have attacked many innocent people to seek the crest. Now, justice will be served," EmperorGreymon said taking out his sword.

The blade of his sword separated into two and it started spinning gathering energy.


As he said the final word, a dragon made of fire shot out of the sword and struck Piedmon deleting him instantly. EmperorGreymon turns around to walk towards the digidestined and turns back into Renji.

"So you are the digidestined, I have heard much of you all," he said.

"Who are you?" Joe asked.

"Oh I'm sorry how rude of me, my name is Renji Chiba and it's a great honor to meet you all," he said.

"Why are you here?" Ken asked.

"I can not tell you that, Ken," He answered.

"How did you know name?" Ken asked in a shocked tone.

"I know everything about all of you, now if you excuse me I must be going," he said as he walked away.

"Hold on," Tai yelled at Renji, "You know who that Piedmon was working for, who is he?"

"He was working for the evilest of all evil digimon….Lucamon."(A/N: This is one of the Frontier characters I was telling you about.)

At that moment he walked away from the others.

In the digital world.

In the deepest darkest part of the digital world there is a fortress a hundred feet high made out of stone, and in this fortress lies the evilest digimon ever to exist, Lucamon. Inside his private chamber a dark flame appears before him as he gazes into it.

"It seems Piedmon has failed, no matter there are more evil digimon where he came from," he said in a dark tone.

What is Lucamon up to and how does Renji turn into digimon? To find out your going to have to send me reviews.