1# Buddy
By TriGemini
Disclaimer: All licensing belongs to Tribune Entertainment and MBR Productions. Gene Rodenberry owns Andromeda; therefore please do not sue me.
A.U.: First Andromeda story so please be nice.
Dear Beka,
I know…I know another Valentines has gone by and I am writing you a note. I should know by now that you don't like it when we make a big deal about it. However, I like to state for the record that you are my friend…My 1# buddy.
I know that sometimes I can be annoying and a pest. Not to mention, that on more than one occasion you'd probably like to jettison me out of an airlock if it was possible. Well it is possible and that the only reason you say you've let me live this long is because I'm useful in fixing things. After all, I am Seamus Zelazny Harper, genius extraordinaire.
What is more, I know that sometimes you would be glad to hand me over to Rhade as a punching bag. Although, I have the feeling you wouldn't be that cruel. Even though, most of the time you're the one who's saving my neck from either Rhade or somebody else. Then again, we've been through a lot together and I wouldn't be surprised if you'd gotten me, outta more scrapes than anybody else I've ever known.
Besides, I know you aren't the emotional type. At least, you don't like people to think you are. Nevertheless, I believe I've known you long enough to know that the 'tough act,' you put on is just a front for what's really going on inside of you.
Either way I know you care about our friendship and I just wanted to tell you what it means to me, as well. You're the best friend a person can have, even if you are the most difficult person to get along with at times. You still mean much to me. As always, you'll be my 1# buddy.
Yours truly,
The Harper
A.U.: So was it good? Was it bad? Tell me what you think.