Spiffster: Read my story and review! Flames will be extremely useful in my plot to take over the world! Please let me know if it lacks anything! Or if it's perfect ;)
Disclaimer: I do not own DN angel, but I do own a very cute cat named Noel who hates me. Oh the pain:(
Chapter 1: Old Nightmares meet New Horrors
It was the first day at Azumano high school. I was joining this year, since my parents had always wanted their kids to go to private schools through middle school. I was joining my cousin, Hioshi Kisagi, at her school. Her parents adopted me when my 12th set of biological parents died. What the heck, they always die young. Although I never knew my real parents… Perhaps I should explain.
When I was still a baby my parents died and so I was taken in by Hikari-san. I don't remember ever knowing his real name, but I remember that he had two sons, Hikari Yuki and Hikari Kyou. I think that Kyou was evil on his own, even without Krad, who lived in him. However, I loved their father as my own, and although I grew up as a maid in there house, I was the daughter he never had. When I was three he took me to the Black Wings and he told me about them.
"Do you know what this is?" Hikari-san asked me.
"That looks evil." I peered closer, trying to figure out what made me so uneasy.
"Yes, that's exactly what this is. It is a piece I finished just before my sons were born. I remember finishing it and being proud of myself. But just as I finished, I saw to flashes, one white and the other black. The black flash went out the window, but the white flash went through the door, on its way to infect my own son."
"Which son, sir?"
"I don't know. I have tried to seal it, and I've tried to destroy it, but it's hopeless. I just can't do it, I just can't." He sighed, sounding defeated. He buried his face in my silvery blue hair, closing his eyes. "The Niwa's family has the power to do it, but I hate to rely on them for my problems.
I turned to him with determination in my silvery blue eyes. "I will seal it for you! I'll do it when I'm older and stronger."
He smiled slightly, but then looked sad. "I was hoping you would." He said softly. He turned to me with a strange look. "You have to wait until it's out of my son though. You have to wait until Dark and Krad seal themselves off. You have to wait until then, okay my moonlight maiden?"
"Yes sir!"
"It's all my fault." He sighed. "Because of me and my artwork, my son will become a white demon, and someone else's poor boy will become a dark demon."
"I'm sure your son will make a very dashing white angel." I told him solemnly. "I mean, how bad can it be?"
He smiled and told me he would make me a statue of glass to portray my beauty and strength.
I sighed at the memory of my naivety. It could be very bad, and his look was of desperation. Although he did make the statue and he called it Mystic Dream. When he finished it, I made him a glass heart, ruby surrounding a black diamond, which he put into the hands of Mystic Dream. I told him that it is what all human hearts look like, good at first but with black depths. In the end, it was far worse than all the nightmares and evil people combined. Well, maybe not quite, but for me it was. To make a long story as fast as possible, I will only brush on the major events.
From 8 to 12 I had a childlike interest in Yuki-kun. Even back at that age I thought Kyou-san was perverted. Then, from about 13 to 18 I had a crush on him, even though I never saw him then because I was in China going to school. I came back after graduation and by the time I was 25 I was head over heals in L-O-V-E with him. He seemed to like me, but I didn't think he cared for me as much as I cared for him, so I decided to leave. Krad was still in Kyou, and Hikari-san was on his deathbed. I decided to go to college in China, and when I told Yuki-kun, he didn't seem to care. He told me to learn a lot and then he walked away. I was scheduled to leave the very next day, so I cried when that happened. Kyou-san came in and tried to comfort me, but I called him a pervert and ran out to the large balcony where they were holding a going away/birthday party for me. I heard him mutter something about "pay-back" and "sweet revenge" but I didn't care because it was my 25th birthday and my love didn't love me.
Outside three things happened in rapid succession that I shall never forget. First, Yuki-kun asked me to marry him and kissed me. Then Kyou stabbed him in the back, and lastly, all that was followed up by Kyou raping me. Even now I shudder at those memories. After it all, I went and cried to the Mystic Dream statue. "Come save your moonlight maiden!" I cried over and over. I remember my very last words in that world, three simple words which surprise me. "Save me Dark." I didn't cry for the man who lovingly made the statue for me, I didn't even cry out to my dead lover/fiancé. I cried to Dark, the archenemy of Krad. The last thing I heard before I died was Hikari-san, no more than a whisper on the breeze. "Save her, protect her, Dark. Dieing by that statue can only harm her. That statue portrays more than beauty and strength, it is desires and needs, and the heart it holds is love and hate." And those were the very things of mine that flew into that statue as Krad whispered his own prayer of sorts. He was cursing me to live forever, a slave to the tamer of himself. Cursing me to become what I was for a long time. But I broke free over the years.
Just two minutes after I died, at midnight when I should have turned 25, I instead was born. Again. The woman who had me died just minutes after I was born and the father, who was a gardener at the Hikari mansion, was paid handsomely to leave and never lay claim to me. They knew it was me because I was born with the same silvery blue hair and eyes that I'd had before. I couldn't think straight and I was freaking out, but I was trying to figure it all out so I just lied there. Krad came soon and murmured some curses, binding my self-control into a necklace that was a black diamond. Then he left, leaving me without a lot of myself. Krad and Dark sealed each other off the next day, so I didn't have to deal with him for 2 lifetimes. I could only live until 2 minutes before the midnight of my 25th birthday. The third time Krad was there again, but I put myself to sleep whenever he managed to overpower me, so I don't really know what happened after that. However, I do know that Hikari somehow knew, because he left his mansion to me. Over the years Krad and his tamer and other Hikaris tried to get me to claim the house so they could take it from me, but I refused. My next two lifetimes were my own, so I learned many languages and skills. I learned the arts of a good thief, and since I got to keep everything except my size into the next life I pretty much became a pro. I had always had magic, Hikari called it moon-magic, so whenever the moon was full I was strong, unbeatable. I also could weave my spells into music, whether sung or played, which was very useful. It was in my seventh lifetime that I had worked back enough control to run away from bondage. I had also gained back some desires, or one anyway: the desire to get away. Over my next few lifetimes I learned more skills and gained back almost all that I was missing without the statue, necklace, or the glass heart.
Now I was pretty much complete, and it was time for a new high school. I walked in class a little late due to signing some papers. The teacher introduced me as Hioshi Kisa. My parents in this lifetime had the name of Souma, which was actually my original name, but I had taken my aunt's husband's name, which is Hioshi. Everyone crowded around, complementing my clothes, hair, and eyes. I wasn't wearing their uniform, since I didn't have one, so I had put on an indigo miniskirt and a white t-shirt in hopes of somewhat blending in with their red uniform. My hair is about shoulder-length and a cross between red and brown. (Kisa had learned to change the color of her hair and eyes at birth to protect her identity. It was another one of those magical tricks she could do.) My eyes were brown, big, and innocent looking, but my manner didn't match.
"Jees, have some respect, I'm a human being that needs a little space here." Suddenly I felt uneasy, looking around. I remembered the feeling from when I have first seen those accursed wings. There! A Niwa. That is probably the problem. Wow, he has cute spiky red hair though, even if he is secretly Dark.
Something else was bothering me, but I didn't have time to think about it because the cute red-haired Niwa kid was running out the door and muttering something about needing to throw up. I felt bad, because instinct told me that he was transforming and that it was because of me. I instantly forgot about that when my eyes lit upon a blue haired, blue eyed boy, who stared right back at me. I could feel all my defenses and self control crashing as just one thought focused all my attention.
/Hikari must die/
Spiffster: Well that's chapter one, see me again in chapter two, where I explain nothing and a Hikari dies…..Just kidding. Review anyways!!!!