A/N: okay sorry for the multiple emails of me updating I kept messing up on it so sorry 

But I hope you enjoy this chapter 


Inuyasha rolled over in Kagome's bed to find that she wasn't there. He yawned and looked over at the clock it was 11:30, he sighed and just lay in bed. About 10 minutes later something started to vibrate on Kagome's bedside table, Inuyasha's ears perked up and he grabbed it. Kouga was calling, Inuyasha rolled his eyes. "Kagome!!" He yelled, in a short amount of time she came running into the room.

"What? Is everything alright?" she asked sitting down on the edge of the bed next to him, he handed her the phone. She sighed and looked at Inuyasha he just stared her in the eyes and sweetly smiled and kissed her cheek and left the room.

Kagome pressed send and put the phone to her ear.

"Hel-Hello." She stuttered.

"Kagome how come you got off last night?" Kouga said frustrated. Kagome sighed and ran her fingers through her hair. She paused for a minute.

"My mom came in and yelled at me. I had to help her with something earlier and I forgot. So she made me get off. Sorry." She lied. There was a light knock at the door and then it opened and Inuyasha walked in she smiled.

"Kagome what can I do to get you back? I will do anything, you can't tell me you didn't feel anything those few days before you left. I want things to be like that again I want you to be mine again and for me to be yours and only yours." Kagome's eyes grew wide, Inuyasha growled as he heard what Kouga said over the phone.

"K-Kouga….I…It's too late. Everything we've been through together as a couple is all in the past. Which is why I can only see you as a friend. I will always love you no matter what, but not in the way you love me." She said quietly, Inuyasha crawled up next to her on the bed and held her, and played with her hair.

"Is this because Inuyasha. Did he say something to you, Kagome he doesn't know what he wants. The guy thinks he loves you but he dated Kikyo for the longest time, if he really loved you like I do he would say something and stop being a sissy about it." Inuyasha growled louder, Kagome tensed up.

"Is what you did any better? Really Kouga you said you loved me and then dumped me for her then you come back and try to get me back. Saying you were stupid and that you love me. How is that seriously any different? Really tell me why, I should choose you over Inuyasha. Because right now the only guy I have strong feelings for right now is him-"

"Seriously Kagome! How can you have feelings for that good for nothing fucking mu-"

Kagome was about to cut him off when Inuyasha grabbed the phone out of her hand, she gasped.

"Kouga if you say one more fucking thing about me, so help me I will kick your sorry ass. Kagome has made her choice, she doesn't want to be hurt by anyone anymore and I am going to take care of that. So if you can't suck this shit up then I suggest you get out of her life forever or I will remove you from it!" he said with a low growl. Kagome just stared at him.

"Who the hell do you think you are her fucking boyfriend!!" Kouga yelled even Kagome heard it and grabbed the phone and jumped off the bed away from Inuyasha who looked at her confused.

"Kouga stop it! Look Inuyasha and I are together okay and I'm sorry but I can only see us as friend and that is all I can ever see. I'm sorry goodbye." She said then ended the call, she walked over to the bed and put her face in her pillow and screamed. Inuyasha flattened his ears, then sighed. She finally stopped and rolled over so that her face was to his chest. She put her hand on his heart and looked up at him. "Inuyasha I'm sorry."

"Kagome there is nothing for you to be sorry for." He said wrapping his arms around her waist. She smiled up at him, "I love you."

"I love you too." He said and then leaned down to kiss her.

"Kagome can you-" Kasuki began to say then stopped immediately when he saw Kagome and Inuyasha kissing on her bed. "What the hell are you doing here!!" He yelled.

Kagome pulled away and looked at her step-dad shocked. "Ka-Kasuki…..I….Inuyasha was just. …Shit!" Kagome said, Inuyasha just looked at Kagome and then to Kasuki.

'Damn I'm in for it now!' He thought to himself.

Akira walked into the room and gasped when she saw her husband standing in the middle of the room hold Kagome by the arm. "Akira did you have any idea that Inuyasha was here practically having sex with your daughter." Kagome laughed, "We were not even close to making out let alone having sex! Seriously get real!" she yelled. His grip on her arm tightened. Inuyasha just sat on the edge of the bed and looked at the floor until Kagome yelped and he looked up at her. "That hurts! Let go!" She screamed as she tried to pull her away from him with tears in her eyes.

"Kasuki Let go of Kagome. I will explain everything to you downstairs. Come on." Her mother said walking in and grabbing his hand. He released Kagome and followed Akira out of the room. A few seconds later her mom came back and gave Kagome sympathetic look then shut the door.

Inuyasha got off of the bed and walked over to Kagome, who was now holding her arm. "Are you okay?' he said taking her hand off her arm to look at it, there was an outline of Kasuki's hand. He growled, she put her hand on his shoulder. He looked at her then hugged her. Kagome's hands went up around his neck and she put her face in his neck.

Akira walked downstairs and saw Kasuki pacing the living room. "What is going on! I am gone for not even two days and you have let Kagome bring the main source of the problem here!" he yelled.

"First off if you ever lay another hand on Kagome like that again I will call the police and you will be gone so fast, you couldn't even believe it! Second Inuyasha is not the problem in this situation." She yelled, He looked at her infuriated. "How can you say that, he is a mistake as far as I am concerned. All I have heard about him has all caused problems for Kagome!"

"Inuyasha is not a mistake, especially not for Kagome! You don't know him, you are nowhere to judge. Kasuki we took Kagome away from her friends, you had to of thought sooner or later that someone would come to see her." He nodded, "Yes but I did not think it would be him! He has to leave tonight! No now! I want him out of this house." He said firmly.

"If you take Inuyasha away now I will never see my daughter again! Do not take him away from her or her away from me! Please!" Akira said with tears running down her cheeks. "Kagome is my only daughter, ever since she left she has practically hated me, now we are back to our old relationship. I don't want to lose her again."

" So you are suggesting we let him stay! Are you insane!" Akira shook her head. "I want you to let him stay for the rest of the week and then him and Kagome are going back home." "You have seriously lost it. Kagome is here on punishment, she is not just getting off the hook because HE came here."

"Kagome is perfectly fine with her situation now, she was handling it fine without us interfering and will do fine when she gets back home probably even better. I don't care what you say she is going to leave. Kasuki you have to trust her and in time she will trust you also." Kasuki sighed and nodded.

"Kagome." Inuyasha said quietly still holding her. Kagome lifted her head, "Hmm." He looked down at her with sad eyes, he opened his mouth to say something and stopped when Kagome's fingers were pressed up against them. "Don't give me that look. Don't say what I know you're going to say. Please." She said giving him the same sad look from her chocolate brown eyes. He sighed and leaned down and kissed her forehead.

"Inuyasha!!" Kagome's head jerked up when she heard Kasuki call Inuyasha's name. He looked at her confused she shrugged. "Inuyasha, Kasuki and I would like to have a word with you please." Kagome's mother said standing in the door way, he nodded and let go of Kagome. She grabbed his hand, he looked back at her and smiled. She let go and went to her bed and grabbed her phone. After Inuyasha and Akira had left the room she began texting Sango.


Sango was laying on Miroku's chest on the couch, she listened to his even breathing as he slept. Then her back pocket began to vibrate, she sighed and grabbed her phone.

One New TXT Message from Kagome

Sango smiled and opened the message

Kagome- Do you think they would notice if I just left and never came back?

Sango sighed, and her smile dropped. She shifted slowly on Miroku so that he did not wake up. She was now lying on her back and she began to text back.

Sango- Kags what are you talking about?" She texted

Kagome- To make a long story kinda short. Kouga said he loves me and that the girl he dumped me for a long time again was Kikyo. Inuyasha and I are together and my step-dad came home and saw us kissing and now he is going to have to leave.

Sango- WHOA. Okay hold on. Kouga said he loves you! And he dumped you for KIKYO! WTF?!?!?!

Kagome-yeah and now he is trying to get me back, even though Inuyasha is in the picture.

Sango- Well yeah I would assume he would try even harder now. But Inuyasha and you are together, that is so great! I am happy for you.

Kagome-  thanks! Yeah I am happy to. I just don't even want to be here. I know Kasuki is going to send him home and I will be stuck in this shit hole!

Sango- Don't worry Kagome Inuyasha will figure something out so he can see you. I'm sure of it.


Inuyasha followed Akira downstairs until she stopped and turned to look at him. "Inuyasha I don't want you to leave, but Kasuki believes that would be better if we just talked some things over okay?" He nodded then they both went into the living room. Inuyasha looked over at Kasuki and saw how much anger and hatred was in his face and a shiver went through his body. He wasn't used to being scared of someone, but this was the one person who could keep him away from Kagome forever. That definitely scared him.

It was silent for a long time, Inuyasha was the one to break the silence. "Kasuki I know you don't want me here but I will leave by the end of the week. Just please let me be with her for just that long. I will-" Kasuki cut him off. " You will stay here till then, but if you mess up one time with her or make her unhappy, I swear I will send you home so fast you won't have time to say goodbye. You got that!" Inuyasha nodded, "Yes sir!"

Akira looked over to Kasuki as he left the room, " Maybe you and Kagome should go out today. Just to let him cool down for a while." "Okay." Inuyasha said then left the room.

Inuyasha walked up the stairs slowly and when he finally got to Kagome's door, he paused and stared at it. He took a deep breath and then opened the door, Kagome was sitting on her bed and when Inuyasha opened the door, she caught her breath and looked over at him. She stood up and walked over to him. "So when are you leaving?" She asked looking down at her hands, which she was fidgeting with. Inuyasha brought her chin up with his right hand and took her two hands in his left one. "I'm going home at the end of the week. But I don't want to talk about me leaving. Let's go out somewhere." He said grabbing her hand and pulling her out of the room, down the stairs, and out the door.

Kagome and Inuyasha walked for miles and miles, it was around 9 and they had been walking hand in hand the whole time, just chatting. "Kagome I worry about what is going to happen with you and Kikyo when you get back home." Inuyasha said heading over to a bench and sitting down, pulling Kagome with him. "Don't worry, I'll figure something out. That doesn't involve leaving." "Just don't kill her okay." He said putting his arm around her and pulled her closer. Kagome giggled. "I can't make any promises." Inuyasha laughed and kissed the top of her head and just enjoyed his time with her. 'We will figure something out to get her back with me. I will make sure this thing with Kikyo is over so Kagome can go back to her normal life and we can all move on. But for right now I'm just going to enjoy being with Kagome, just to be with her now is all I want in the world. It is perfect.' As Inuyasha finished his thought, cherry blossoms from the above started to float down around them.

Okay well that's it. Sorry it took so long for an update I have been working on another story.

But I want at least 7 reviews before I update for the next chapter so REVIEW PEOPLE!!! Please and thank you!!!

Love you lots 
