A/n:Ha ha ha ha! xD I finally continue! Enjoy. :D

P.S. I know I lost a lot of fans, but please read it and curse me out. It'd make me feel soooo much better. xP

Warning: Crappy writing!

Disclaimer: Me no owny. Me want fluffy-sama. T-T

Chapter 4: Sesshomaru's Room

Rin marveled Sesshomaru's room. Aligning one wall were framed Styrofoam. Pinned to the styrofoam were bugs. Bugs of many variety. There was a whole section dedicated to Butterflies. And Rin couldn't help but admire the beauty of the winged creatures.

"Wow", she breathed, "You're room is so awesome."

"Th-thank you Rin-chan."

Sesshomaru blushed, dropping his bag onto the ground and taking seat at the edge of his bed. He watched as Rin moved from frame to frame and stared intently on the bugs. She seemed so fascinated. It was so cute. Sesshomaru smiled. She was so cute.

Sesshomaru's fingers dug into his mattress as he watched Rin. Resisting the urge to hug and hold her tightly and never let go. No. He can't do that. He's hated enough. What if she thought he was a freak too? And it was only their first time knowing each other.


Rin stared intently at a framed pinned bumble bee. It looked so cute in an ugly way. She frowned. It was the last frame. She stood back up and turned to Sesshomaru, who's eyes were focused on a book. 'Getting It' by Alex Sanchez. She loved that book.

"I love that book", she voiced out, sitting next to Sesshomaru.

Sesshomaru immediately became self aware of how close Rin was. She was sitting right next to him. Her side pressed against his side. He blushed.

"M-me too", he mumbled, book marking the book and closing it gently.

"Let's get started!" Rin chirped, clapping her hands together and smiling at Sesshomaru.


Through the course of one hour. They surfed the Internet and decided to work on a project based on whether or not pesticides are good for plants (1). Sesshomaru's eyes wandered from their science text book, which he was using to look up textbook info on pesticides, and onto Rin. She was on the computer chair, surfing the 'net for any info on plants and pesticides for their project.

He stared at her back and at her hair. It's not like he had a hair fetish or anything. Honest. He doesn't. But he felt an urge to run his fingers through her hair. It looked so silky. He mentally slapped himself. What was he thinking?! He can't think about those things! Those things make him even more a freak! The more he thinks about normal boy things, the more normal he's gonna be!

Maybe he should cut his hair...

Boys' usually don't have long hair. And definitely not long hair that goes past their buttocks. But then again, long hair ran in the family. His mother particularly never liked it when she was still living with them. His mother would try to get his hair cut, but hehated scissors going near his hair in the means of cutting it off. He absolutely hated it. He never knew why. He just did.


She was probably at her new boyfriends pad in the U.S. She had moved out from their household years ago and, even though she loved him dearly, his father got custody of Sesshomaru. Sesshomaru never minded. He just missed his mother. His mother used to live in town before she moved to the U.S. And she'd visit him two times a week. And sometimes she'd try to brainwash him or bribe him to cut his hair. He never liked that. But he had his likes and dislikes.

Like: His long hair.

Dislike: Scissors trying to chop it off.

Scissors are a no no. Sesshomaru self-consciously ran his fingers through his long hair. Running them through until they reached the bottom ends.

"Should I get my hair...cut...?" he mumbled, gulping before saying 'Cut.'

"Of course not!" a voice chirped out.

Sesshomaru looked up and blushed from the fact that Rin heard his question. She must think he's a freak now...No normal guy thinks about getting hair cuts! That's a definite...right?!

"You can never see a guy walking around with long hair! It's absolutely fantastic that you have the guts to!" Rin said, turning the chair around so she could face him, her arms crossed across her chest.

"Really...?" he replied, staring her hair, his face getting redder at her comment.

"Of course! Plus it makes you look so sexy!!" she said without a care in the world.

Rin gave and quick smile and turned back around to continue research.

Did she just call him...sexy...? Sesshomaru blushed a deep red. Completely and utterly embarrassed. But inside, a little kid in him was jumping up and down. Shouting, 'Hurray! Someone thinks Sesshomaru is cute!!!!!!' Sesshomaru lifted the textbook up to cover his red face.

According to Rin's words, was he really, truly sexy?

(1) My 7th grade science project...

A/n:Don't kill me! D: I gave you a nice chapter at least:D One that is detailed. Mmmhmm. -nods to self-